MovieChat Forums > The 11th Hour (2007) Discussion > Global Warming is a myth

Global Warming is a myth

I´m a huge fan of di Caprio as an actor, but, although I am convinced he feels he is doing something good, I don´t feel an actor or an ex vice-president are the people who should be teaching us about a subject they are in no way experts in. Global Warming is a religion, the greatest myth of our generation, and I know that in denying it I will be treated as a Holocaust denier, which would kind of prove my point. I´ll let experts, climatologists and such, to show their evidence, and I would welcome any scientific debate about this.

Start off by watching this:



You're wrong. The majority of scientists all agree that humans have an effect on global warming. We are burning fossil fuels that have been stored in the earth for millions of years, such a quick release is always going to have an impact.

Instead of watching nonsense documentaries like that, go read some books and do some studying kid.


amen brother. you are absolutely 100% correct. global warming is a HOAX on the grandest scale.

there is NO such thing as man made global warming. the very notion is idiotic. the entire movement is nothing more than another scam, using environmental fear as a means of taking more control and consolidating more power on an international level in order to implement Agenda 21. don't know what agenda 21 is you say? then you've got some serious researching to do:

all this combined with the power of a global carbon tax, which essentially, would give any global governing body complete control over all aspects of society, micro managing our everyday lives in order to ensure we don´t harm the earth. hence the installation of smart meters in our home and kitchen appliances that will monitor your energy usage and turn it off when they deem appropriate.

this has NOTHING to do with saving the earth. it's about a powerful group of control freak elites who believe that the earth and its resources belong to them and that each and every one of us are trespassing on their land. it is a modern feudal system just like what existed during the days of kings and queens. we are nothing more than serfs in their eyes.

the more things change, the more they stay the same. instead of sword or a gun to your head however today they operate via multiple international organizations, foundations, corporations and NGOs, which allow them to fly under the radar of most laws and regulations. they use debt and money as a weapon. these are the new weapons of financial mass destruction. look around you. what do you think is happening to the world right now with the gangsters of wall street?

use your head folks. the fact that our climate has managed to remain stable for so long, THAT is the anomoly, not the other way around. the planet is 20 billion years old, the climate is going to change. stop listening to bought and paid for junk scientists that are nothing more than employees working towards pushing an agenda. it's the same formula that is used by drug companies that only publish studies that back the "benefits" of their drugs - studies which they pay for. come on!!

the very fact that they would switch their main propaganda term from global warming to climate change is evidence that their lies are no longer working. this is why they have to keep making up new lies.

i love how they completely disregard the influence of the sun on the earth´s climate - nevermind the fact that it is the number one overwhelming driving force and influence on our climate.

man could not affect the temperature of the planet even if he tried.

again, use logic, think critically and do not buy into the fear mongering propaganda. nobody is saying that we shouldn´t take care of our planet. like so many other movements however, there is always more than meets the eye. there will always be those groups and organizations that present to you one thing, with the idea of implementing something completely different.

sorry, but this is the world we live in today unfortunately - a world full of corrupt, scumbag thug cheaters and liars and they occupy every level of our government both national and international, just like a mafia.

i can remember growing up, it was all about the rain forest. commercials on tv, fear mongering propaganda everywhere....we must save the rain forest! oh no! it´s the doom of the planet. they´re cutting it all down! guess what, we´re still here.

the movement doesn´t stop there however. it continues on like a shape shifter. they simply choose another angle with which to instill fear, using their influence and control of the media, politics and international institutions as the engines of that fear.

back in the day we used to have to fear the communists and today it's the terrorists. the dept. of homeland security would have you believe there's a terrorist hiding under every rock. come on guys!!

stop believing and giving any energy to their lies. turn off your tv for a bit and start listening and reading Alex Jones:


This thread is bad.


Some people simply enjoy conspiracy theories much more than educating themselves, what can you do? The wisest thing to do is probably not to get into such silly discussions, because normally such people ignore all facts and arguments and choose to stick to the theory of a "global hoax". They enjoy seeing other people trying to convince them and failing. I say, let them believe is whatever they want. When they are ready to face the reality, they will go looking for the truth themselves. As long as they aren't the majority, it's all right.


What is a joke is that he ignores the impact of animal agriculture-the greatest destructive force humans employ to *beep* up the planet. The makers of Cowspiracy talk about this-they even asked Al Gore why he avoided animal agriculture in his documentary and he basically said: people like they're meat and dairy too much.

But water is finite, so people will be hearing a lot more about it. Right now China imports water to feed nonhuman animals--because its own water is so polluted.

Ironically, in Plato's Republic he had Socrates talking about the destructive nature of animal agriculture--Leonardo da Vinci was vegan (or vegetarian by the old def), Percy Shelley, husband to the author of Frankenstein also detailed the destructive nature of animal agriculture.
No surprised HG Wells described a vegetarian future and Gene Roddenberry included it in Star Trek through Spock and in the NG. "We no longer enslave animals for food purposes." as Riker said in one episode.


the film mentioned here is one-sided, misleading and wrong.


Yeah, we just break record temperatures every year, but it's not really happening.
