MovieChat Forums > The 11th Hour (2007) Discussion > Global Warming is a myth

Global Warming is a myth

I´m a huge fan of di Caprio as an actor, but, although I am convinced he feels he is doing something good, I don´t feel an actor or an ex vice-president are the people who should be teaching us about a subject they are in no way experts in. Global Warming is a religion, the greatest myth of our generation, and I know that in denying it I will be treated as a Holocaust denier, which would kind of prove my point. I´ll let experts, climatologists and such, to show their evidence, and I would welcome any scientific debate about this.

Start off by watching this:



Where is your empirical evidence that global warming is a myth? There hasn't been ANY released...If you believe anything you read without checking for validity you are an ignorant moron
Even if you had the slightest inclination that this MIGHT not be true ...WHY WOULD YOU RISK IT? The human race has gone to *beep*


Aarya, you're an idiot. It comes across in what you say and how you wrote it. Stick to watching TV please!!


"Hustling jalapeno dips to the apple seeds. Go on... Dismissed. Dismissed!"


I agree that global warming should be argued among scientists that are experienced and experts in that field. And pointing to another documentary that says its a swindle isn't a help. Global warming has become an ideology.The real debate is whether its being caused by natural progression or human causes. And thats the problem. There is too much money coming either way. Oil,coal companies are trying to discredit it and real scientists are being left at the side.

Its just as stupid to say its a myth as it is to say its 100% human caused.The only way to prove its 100% human caused is to build giant carbon factories and pump greenhouse gases into the air. Then you can measure what it does.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


why prove 100% one way or the other? Why not look at the real issue. Natural resources oil and coal are not replenishable. If we keep relying on them we will cause our own demise. It's stupid not to realize this because by the time WE DO we'll be going Oh crap... and it will be too late. Much much too late.
It's sad because it's become this big "political issue" foreign oil boooo. when it should be Oil dependency is the problem. I don't care where it's coming from it's not helping. neither are the lobbyists for that matter.


You're right. We could replace most of what we need with renewable technology in decades. Nuclear power replace coal,hydrogen instead of oil,etc. But the biggest problem is all the things that are made out of oil. Glasses,crayons,plastic,etc. We still haven't figured out ways to deal with that problem.

Foreign oil is a serious short term and long term problem. Our wars,foreign policy,etc are all based around foreign oil in Middle East,Africa,etc.Iraq has the second biggest proven oil reserves after Saudi Arabia. What a coincidence that we invaded them. And now China is trying to invest in Africa,Middle East,South America to grab that oil and other natural resources. Which in decades will end with a big problem between China and US.China and US are biggest oil consumers around and its just been increasing. That can't end good at all. So that in itself is a problem. And if we can use foreign oil rhetoric to get off most oil then it will be worth it.

Its not like US domestic oil can actually last too long with the massive consumption thats occurring.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


I'm sure the Original Poster has realized that his link is to a film which itself was false......

Swindled by swindlers indeed

Any other scientific debates you know of that say Global Warming is a myth?


di Cap isn't telling us about it, he produced a film, in which experts in a wide area of specialties relevant to the films message are telling us about it. Being as how actors get paid a ridiculously large amount of money, they have more resources than the average person, thus putting them in the perfect position to bring these types of issues to the public's awareness, I personally wish more actors and the like would do the same.

Yes, you are equivalent to a holocaust denier, because denying global warming with all it's evidence is equivalent to denying the holocaust at this point.

Even if global warming were a scam, or a fraud, or a hoax, or whatever your claiming it to be, making the changes promoted in the movie, would do nothing but further us as a civilization. We would reduce our dependence of foreign oil, we would drive cars that get better gas millage, we would stop polluting as much, etc... You can't possibly deny the fact that we are bring thousands of animals every year to the brink of extinction due to deforestation, over-fishing, and a number of other problems. Global warming is not the only issue on the table here, by far.


Whether it is a myth a not, if it can get enough followers for a long time enough, it will accepted as true.

Just like christianity, it might have started as a hoax or scam but since it could be believed for nearly 2000 years, it can still carry own although it's a religion that has been proven to be untrustworthy. Due to greed and the amount of money and people involved, those involved will not want to change it.

Global warming, at least makes more sense than christianity but it's still early to judge whether this subject will last.


This really doesnt even have to be a scientific issue. Use common sense and you will arrive at a conclusion that points out there is a problem. Do you really believe that us burning off milli9ons of years of stored energy over the course of several decades will have no impact on the planet? What the *beep* hell is wrong with you? I suppose you believe in God too. He left all this wonderfully abundant gasoline here for us to use. Grow up and think for yourself instead of referencing *beep* articles and little puppet films to tout your own *beep* up OPINIONS.


Thank you for sharing the link have been looking for a doc on this very subject.

They debates the Global Warming theory great but the problem I have with is that the video only debates global warming. At lease in 11 hours they highlighted water and land pollution which I think is more important than global warming. Animals need water to survive so polluting it must stop.


Before Hitler, Eugenics was once embraced by all the institutions in America. Especially those ruling politics and academia. The Global Warming Doomsday crowd will be remembered this way. There are ecological problems to be solved. But the Gore's and DiCaprios have more in common with Ted Kaczynski than Charles Darwin. The truth is none of the documentaries have ever told the truth about the solution required: fewer babies. Especially fewer babies from the likes of people who come to America specifically to drop an "anchor baby". The IQ of those semi-evolved people is destroying our upward mobility faster than anything else.
