MovieChat Forums > Wild Hogs (2007) Discussion > This movie is completely awful.

This movie is completely awful.

I don't know why it has a 6.3 rating. It should be atleast lower than 4.5. This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

"A hungry mob is an angry mob." - Bob Marley


I have to agree. I like all the actors and had high hopes (especially Martin, love him). I don't think I laughed once. Maybe once.


I absolutely agree. I love Ray Liotta, and like the rest of the cast, so I had high hopes for this movie. We've been riding bikes for more than 30 years, and this movie was NOT the one we've been waiting for. One long scatological commentary with a few dumb gay/klutz gags thrown in.

The only time we laughed was at the short with Ty Pennington after the credits. That was the best part of the whole film.


by - imbubbasmom on Sun Sep 9 2007 09:09:04

The only time we laughed was at the short with Ty Pennington after the credits. That was the best part of the whole film.

By far the funniest part. Watching Kevin Durands reaction to "The Reveal" almost made it worth watching this movie. I think when you bring this much talent to a project you risk the chance of diluting the story line. The movie could never figure who it was about. Anyways, not the worst movie I've ever seen but quite possibly the most disappointing.


funny, but definitely not worth a repeat viewing


Agreed. This is the worst movie I've seen in 2007. I only laughed once.
Not wait, let me correct myself. Epic movie was worse, I didn't laugh once.


Destroy all Humans,

How odd! I just watched this movie and was going to come on here and post exactly the same thing.

Other than Epic Movie, Wild Hogs is the worst thing I've seen in 2007. I just didn't find it funny at all. It makes me wonder why so many people love it. One of my friends at work recommended it to me. I'm going to kick his @ss on Monday. Haha.


Great minds think alike! :-)

My parents (who are in their early 60s) recommended this to me (I'm in my early 30s). I wonder if it's an age thing?

Awful movie.


Lord I agree, I got halfway through and I just couldn't stand it anymore, it's full of every stupid, idiotic, lame brained joke from White Chicks and Little Man and all the other idiotic movies.

When there's SCAT humor less than THREE minutes in, it's a bad freaking sign, and it shows you they didn't even TRY to be humorous outside of the eight-year-old-boy spectrum.

I just have one thing to say though "Why Ray Liotta?! Why?!".


20 minutes was my limit. Almost completely humor-free.


I gave it a 2. I enjoyed giving it a two, more than I enjoyed watching it.


This movie is a waste of life. I want my two hours back. The movie soars to new levels of cliches and lameness. All of the actors in this film were phoning it in. Not one genuinely funny bit in this entire sad excuse for a comedy. Tim Allen and John Travolta have floppy man tits and should not be allowed bare chested on screen. Everyone involved in this film should hang their head in shame. People who enjoy this kind of film revel in mediocrity.


^ AGREED cj. This movie made me want to punch a baby.


I lol at that. A bad movie. If a 2 gave you joy would a rating of 1 doubled

BTW I gave it a very generous 5.


This movie did have explosions though ;)


No- I saw this movie on a plane-- no money wasted here, and I truly had nothing better to do. Considering the "talent" in the movie, it could have easily been excellent. It was typical Hollywood crap.


Gee whoever started this thread is completely full of SHI*


Yeah, Yeah, complainers are on their 16s or 17s, women do not like them, internet is a escape.


I totally agree. This movie really sucked. I thought they could have made it better somehow. But it definitaly wasn't the best movie I've ever seen... far from it actually.

"Heros are made by ever soldier's desire to return home and live in peace."



you are also a little out of control, it wasn't that bad.

it was corny and slap-stickish and very PG-ish, they could have made this better. I do not like Tim Allen at all, but I love Travolta and Macy and they couldn't even save this. it wasn't the worse thing I have ever seen, but pretty bad.


f u c k this movie

hey whats wrong with tim allen???



I paid money for this movie and I have the right to come here and bash the s*** out of this movie >.>


Maybe you have to be a middle aged man to halfway enjoy this. I wasted over an hour and a half watching this piece of crap.


Good GRIEF, the movie wasn't really that bad. I can't believe how many people have crapped all over this movie. CALM DOWN! I've seen FAR WORSE than this movie. Notting Hill, anyone?

"I'm saving myself until marriage and I'll use force if necessary."

