Why The Hate?

The movie is a feel good summer movie. It's not meant to be some critically acclaimed film. It does a good job of keep the audience engaged whether through Kale and Ashley's romance or the killer's actions. I really enjoyed it.


It does a good job of keep the audience engaged whether through Kale and Ashley's romance or the killer's actions.

No it really doesn't. It's very half assed-ly put together and an insult to viewers' intelligence.


No it really doesn't. It's very half assed-ly put together and an insult to viewers' intelligence.
No, it really isn't. It's a good, enjoyable, well made, fun movie.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


What was half assed about it ? And which part insulted the viewers intelligence V


So many actions defy logic. Constantly having characters acting a ridiculous fashion just to further the plot is an unforgivable movie sin. Add to that constant conveniences that extend beyond plausibility when looked at as a whole, you have a shitty movie.


I don't know. I feel like it did what it set out to do: entertain me. Like you said, it's not like this is supposed to be some amazing critically acclaimed movie.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


Definitely see all points. The movie wasn't trying to be more than it was.

But had it wanted to be more serious, a la Rear Window, it would've done better to not go the route of having the lead be a teen. Could've been better with a cop or detective laid up at home in suburbia while recovering from a serious on-the-job injury. Maybe he already has paranoia, or enemies. And would've opened the door for an older, more seasoned and accomplished actor. Not a Shia fan, but not trying to dis him either, just saying, you can't compare him to say, George Clooney


It was the best bad ripoff of "Rear Window" they could possibly make.

God knew he was good and God did look the other way that day.


It isn't a rip off. It's a remake, or reimagining you could say


I'd say mostly because IT'S A TERRIBLE MOVIE!

It's not meant to be some critically acclaimed film.
Well then why are you expecting it to be LOVED? 

It does a good job of keep the audience engaged whether through Kale and Ashley's romance or the killer's actions. I really enjoyed it.
You are easily entertained. But I require a little more THOUGHT, and LOGIC. Movies with stupid people, that have stupid scenes in them are not enjoyable to me, no matter how "engaging" they seem.

Case in point: The idiot, vengeful cop who neglects his responsibilities decides to finally show up at the right time, can hear Kale dropping objects and making a ruckus in the house, but somehow can't hear him calling out for his mother? That makes a lot of sense! 



this is my favorite Shia Labluff film! Ofcourse I first saw it as a child many times so whenever I rewatch it I get nostalgia OVERLOAD


I agree. It’s a perfect snapshot of mid-2000’s youth culture.


wish I could go back to those good old days :)
