MovieChat Forums > Space Chimps (2008) Discussion > Review from a parent : 4 out of 10

Review from a parent : 4 out of 10

Space chimps is very very weak in every possible way.

The dialogue are very bad, the character development non existent, the script kinda boring and the animation ok at time, ugly most of the movie.

If you are looking for a review from a parent to bring your young kids (4-7), I would say that they will probably enjoy the movie. My 5 years old son did. We are far away from his eyes on the screen at all time and 'Wall-E' chant at the end of the movie, but I think they will enjoy.

There are chimps, travel in space, some adventure...Young male kids will be amused, especially if they like to see characters hiting walls.

Ok for kids, very very crappy for any other viewers...


You're making the plot seem really simplistic and crappy. Learn to review a film.
No detail whatsoever. Eg. How is the dialogue weak? Many questions to be answered.

My review for your review: 2/10

Your review makes you sound like a kid.

Change the title to:

Review from a kid: 4 out of 10


Judging from your review, I don't think you've seen it.

You add ' they're chimps, go into space, some adventure'

What adventure? SEE, I think you're a troll, you have no idea what the plot it... 'cus you've never laid eyes on this film. You're only criticizing it, without giving any valid statements or examples to your 'points'. What to you mean the animation was good and crappy at times? I though the animation was consistent throughout.

Once again, horrible review. Worst I've seen in a while.


Tell me your review, smart ass


Oh, I just saw in your history that you are insulting everyone who said this movie was crap in other topics.

So, assuming, you want more details :

Characters development : The only developped character is Ham. He is in a circus and thinks chimps space travel is suicide. He is the only developped character. The captain is, well, no clue. He likes to sleep. The female chimp has no personnality, neither motivation. The vilain is, well, bad. Why ? No clue. He is bad because he is sick of being a pale copy of Shrek ?

Script : Definitely the weakess point of the movie. Smells so much like it has been rewritten 12 times. Ham made collapses all the rockets, 5 seconds animation for training then immdiately in space.

Dialogue : Cheesy to the possible. There is one funny line in the movie, the one about David Bowie. The rest is utter crap.

Animations : The chimps are very well rendered. The extraterrestrial are ugly to say the least. But the most obvious are the characters is the background. No definition whatsoever.

Story : Kinda interesting. I liked the depression cloud. But it is so ridiculous when Kilowatts says 'From now on, you'll have to go throughtout the cave of whatever, the cloud of depress, this and this. This is not dialogue, this is a storyboard.

Glad you loved this movie. This is proof that tastes can't be discussed, even the weirdest such as yours.


I think you scared him... no furter trace of him. ;)

I don't want to see it: I feel like I couldn't stop coughing at its crapiness all the duration.

I've seen the trailer BTW, but even there, this movie just felt like the worst technology, money and talent waste I have seen in years, if not the cheesiest, blankiest, more anemic and personnality-less production to ever hit the big screen in the animation category.

Those who dreams by day are cognisant of many things wich escape those who dreams by night -Poe


holy cow dude the guys right youve left like dozens of posts about this movie!
how sad is that. are you the director or something? get a life dude!


The plot is, AT BEST, simplistic and crappy.

Chimps are put into space to pave the way for humans. The inexplicably arrive at a a planet where a bunch of nondescript-CGI characters interact with them (lots of sight gags).


Frankly I would be amazed if anyone could have watched the whole movie...even my 4 year old wanted to leave before it was half over.

In some instances there is a reason to give details on a movie you are reviewing... in others... like there there really isn't any.

Trying to give details and specifics of why the movie was horrible would be like trying to give details and specifics of why a lump of pooh should be avoided. Pointless.

I don't go to kiddie movies because I expect Gone with the Wind, I go because I expect them to hold the interest of my kids. Now I can't say this was the worst movie of all time, because I think its tied with Igor which also failed to keep my kids interest.

I agree with others, if you are defending this waste of film you must have some connection to the movie, the directors mom or something.


I think you went in wanting to hate it. :(


This was a gem of a movie. It was simple and fun. It had my 3 year olds attention from start to finish - now that says something.


dialogue? Character development? WTF? Did you think you were going to see Schindlers List? It's a fricken cartoon. It was fine...



The movie was fine.



Space chimps....animated Meet the spartans.

"You are weak, I am strong, the protocol is obvious."


I saw that too commandeer austin. I gotta hand it to this thread for delivery. From the initial review to the review of the review, accusations of the op who is bashing the movie being the director, and someone's comment ending simply with "Stinkfist!". Don't get me wrong tool is interesting to say the least but signatures like that seem a little out of place in a film forum. Good day


i just took my two girls today and god it was awful i fell asleep and my older told me to wake up , my little one hated she wanted to leave.


are the dialog that bad of the really?


"The dialogue are very bad", what the hell kind of sentence is that. Dialog is singular so you would use "is" not "are".

The rest of your post continues with the same garbage... here let me rewrite it for you.

"Space Chimps" is very weak in every possible way.

The dialogue is very bad. Also, the character development is non existent, the script is kinda boring. The animation alright at times, but ugly most of the movie.

I would say that young kids (ages 4 to 7) will get the most out of this movie. My 5 years old son enjoyed it. "Wall-E" was a much better movie. It held my sons attention throughout, and even applauded at the end. But I think they will still enjoy "Space Chimps".

There are chimps, space travel, and adventure... Young male kids will be amused, especially if they like to see characters hitting walls.

This movie is Ok for kids, but very crappy for any other viewers...

Sorry I have no idea what you meant by this line: "We are far away from his eyes on the screen at all time and 'Wall-E' chant at the end of the movie, but I think they will enjoy.". So I just guessed.


If I can affect one parent then it's all worth it...


I mean, look at the world around you. Look at the filth. Do you want your child to become part of this ADD-stricken society? Live by this rule: If it's not good enough for you, it's not good enough for your child.



YEAH! Everyone should take their kids to see 'Wall-E' instead!!!!! And when they ask to see another movie.... TAKE THEM TO SEE 'WALL-E' AGAIN.

†Daintier, Smarter, Better Dressed†


My son (7) watched this movie and found it funny, although I'm sure he didn´t understand the half of the jokes.
But it's ok because it`s not really a movie for kids, it's more for teenagers or adults like me. This movie was great, funny, maybe not quite perfect than a pixar or dreamsworks movie (for the effects), but this was a very good untertaining.


To this post:

"Characters development : The only developped character is Ham. He is in a circus and thinks chimps space travel is suicide. He is the only developped character. The captain is, well, no clue. He likes to sleep. The female chimp has no personnality, neither motivation. The vilain is, well, bad. Why ? No clue. He is bad because he is sick of being a pale copy of Shrek?"

Wow do you ever try to read wayyyy too much into an animation film, what did you want? A storyline so complex and riveting that your child would fall asleep? Seriously, get a grip. As for the characters, I can tell you the personality of each of the characters. Ham is narcisstic, adventurous, vain and insecure. Luna is professional, by the book, introverted and cautious. Titan is full of dry humor (of which you obvioulsy cannot appreciate), wit, sarcasm, he is also by the book, takes leadership seriously, and plays the macho man type role, he is somewhat conceited in his capacity as a 'captain'.

"Script : Definitely the weakess point of the movie. Smells so much like it has been rewritten 12 times. Ham made collapses all the rockets, 5 seconds animation for training then immdiately in space."

Again did you miss that this is an animation film? Let's get into the script because kids can really grasp the big words and dialouges. Kids want to hear things like that 'storyboard' you described. They think ooooh ahhhhh, it's perfect for them. And really, you want to complain about script when you write sentences like..."Ham made collapses all the rockets,..." wow I don't think you really have the aptitude to be judging anyone else.

"Dialogue : Cheesy to the possible. There is one funny line in the movie, the one about David Bowie. The rest is utter crap."

Again you obvioulsy have no appreciation for dry wit or sarcastic humor. I personally found this movie extremely amusing. And I have two kids 6 and 5 and they are watching it for the third time as we speak.

"Animations : The chimps are very well rendered. The extraterrestrial are ugly to say the least. But the most obvious are the characters is the background. No definition whatsoever."

Oh I'm sorry, do you want the ET's to have a fashion show or dress like Bratz to please you? Give me a break, they are just kids ET's. Wow take the stick out, it sounds like its getting uncomfortable. But since you like to complain about technique and animation, how about you go to Dreamworks and get on the computer and animate this movie and we can all tear you apart. Sounds fun huh?

"Story : Kinda interesting. I liked the depression cloud. But it is so ridiculous when Kilowatts says 'From now on, you'll have to go throughtout the cave of whatever, the cloud of depress, this and this. This is not dialogue, this is a storyboard."

See above

"Glad you loved this movie. This is proof that tastes can't be discussed, even the weirdest such as yours"

It must be hard to live in such a judgemental bubble such as yours. So anyone with a different sense of humor than yours is weird? And here I was feeling sorry for you for being so anal and not appreciating sarcastic humor, some of the funniest things are dry wit, but you surely put me in my place, thank you for that. I will make sure to tweak my tastes to suit yours so I'm not weird. I thought differences were just differences not weirdness, I was mistaken. I will do my part to make this world as generic as possible.

Those who say it can not be done should not interrupt those doing it...


I couldnt make it through this movie. I got it for my 3 year old and when he told me he didnt want to watch it anymore, I was happy to turn it off.

I know it is an animation movie and it is not meant to be "ground-breaking" but entertaining would have been nice.

The OP has been attacked and criticized for not liking this movie, but I think she hit the nail on the head with her review. She is entitled to her own opinion and this movie did SUCK! I find it funny how defensive some people are of this movie. I got a good laugh reading these posts. Thanks!


I'm kinda surprised to be reading all this stuff about such a harmless movie. I have to admit I love animated movies, but I tend to overlook these ones, you know, the ones that are meant for like toddlers but are more understood by their parents.

I gave it a 7. It's nothing special, but there's a goofy/silly quality to it that had me kind of smiling the whole way, and it wasn't because me and my friend had smoked a joint and shared a bottle of wine. If a movie sucks, there goes your high, but Space Chimps had us smiling the whole time.

Titan and Kilowatt were our favorites.

I think this movie wins because it has a dry sense of humor, but we no longer live in a time where dry is valued.


"The dialog are very bad"

"Don't Panic Room, I'm not going to William Hurt you." -Gene Shalit


Animation films can be charming, intelligent and, if well-made, will appeal to people of all ages. This film clearly does not. This is typical Hollywood trash next to what companies like Pixar and Studio Ghibli are churning out. Hell, even Dreamworks has improved a great deal lately - Kung Fu Panda and How To Train Your Dragon are leagues ahead of this tripe. You may make the argument that this film is for kids, but so is a film like Ponyo, and kids and adults alike will find that film much more watchable than this.

Seph82 may have the worst English I have seen a person use, but he (she?) does have a point. The art design is bland, with the animation focussing on the chimps and humans to the exclusion of detail of all else - Maglor is the very definition of bland, and the lack of processing on the cave monster makes it look like it was cut and pasted into the scene. The studio clearly hasn't improved with the sequel - the dog looks like it was rendered by someone at college learning to render 3D for the first time... and failing. They could animate humans and a chimp, but not a dog? It's even more evident with the first film as the aliens really suffer from a lack of any real detail.

The script is terrible, and the dialogue truly bad. Ham is just annoying all the time, he never switches off - I kept waiting for him to shut up and grow a little, but he never did. The Depression Cloud was funny, but as soon as they were ejected out of it, he was back in what the writers clearly assume is "funny mode". Luna was drab and dreary - I can see what they were trying to do with her, but it didn't work. She may as well not have been there. I'm a big fan of Patrick Warburton, but he didn't have much to do - apparently the writers thought it would be hilarious if Titan kept falling asleep, something they went even further with in the sequel.

The film is just badly made - there was no need to animate this in CG, but if it were drawn in traditional 2D animation the kids wouldn't be interested in seeing it in the cinema, and half the people defending it wouldn't be. The studio doesn't seem to have the money to get some decent rendering machines - my flat-mate has a quad-core pc dedicated to rendering with the free Daz 3D program, and he can render characters and scenes far more detailed than anything in these films - it's as if they were rendering everything on an ancient set of Pentium 3-based pc's. Everything in the film is as circular as possible so that they can get away with as little detail as they can.

The only good thing about this film - and it's sequel - are the voices. Scratch that - I did like the bit in the sequel about the hamsters/gerbils/whatever they were on Mars. I'd give both of these films a score of 2/10. My reasoning?

1. The cast was great and did a solid job on the voice-acting.
2. They're not TERRIBLE films, but there's absolutely no reason to watch them.

If you want to enjoy a film with your kids, look elsewhere. Get them acquainted with Hayao Miyazaki's work, let them be charmed by films made in traditional 2D animation rather than have them be dazzled by trailers of films like these, that have absolutely no reason at all to be CGI. My final verdict?




It was a wonderful movie, and I enjoyed this with my kids. And my kids enjoyed the movie. I gave high ratings....
