MovieChat Forums > Knocked Up (2007) Discussion > Hiegl that this movie was sexist

Hiegl that this movie was sexist

Cause her character was the opposite of Rogen and his crew


I bet she didn't think the large paycheck she received for it wasn't sexist!


It *is* a sexist movie.

Allison was forced to have a baby with a homely, useless man she didn't love, and ended up having to include this feckless loser as part of her life forever. He basically exploited her.

We talk so much about rape with respect to inability to give concent due to intoxication these days. Well, what the FUCK do you call what Rogen's character did to Allison in this film?!? 🤷‍♂️

She should have had an abortion. Also, this film has 1980s Revenge of the Nerds/Animal House/Porky's "scruffy undesirable inadequate loser makes out with beautiful blonde WASP woman, and scores one for the 'team'" vibes, which is something I thought we had graduated from by 2007. But I do suspect Harvey (as in Weinstein) thoroughly approved...


By that logic Rogen was also drunk and couldn’t consent, so didn’t she rape him, and take advantage of him? He is more of a victim since he would be forced to be a parent, since he has no say in the abortion.

But seriously no. They both got drunk on their own volition, no one drugged anyone else. They both have to be accountable for the own actions. No one needs to go to jail, because someone sobered up and regretted their poor decisions.


No man is forced to be a parent. Many men walk away from any potential responsibilities.

That said, I don't know why they didn't both agree that abortion was the best course of action. I can only imagine that Rogen's character was using the pregnancy to get close to a woman he'd never otherwise have a shot with in a million years.

And the law now recognises that a woman doesn't have to be intentionally drugged in order to be unable to give consent. She could be drunk and intoxicated of her own volition, but if a man takes advantage of her, that's still rape.


"That said, I don't know why they didn't both agree that abortion was the best course of action."

Oh dear. Those of us who have carried a child knows that there's a human life inside us. For some of us abortion could never be an option regardless of how conception happened.

No man is forced to be a parent that is true but men are forced to pay for the child something that Ben would be forced to do. If he doesn't than he will always be hounded by the law.


You're against abortion, but you also think men shouldn't be hounded for child support. Well, sorry, but men should maybe think before having sex without protection.

And good for you if you don't believe in abortion for yourself, but not everyone shares your belief about where sentient/viable life begins.


Whoa I didn't say men shouldn't pay child support! I only said they can't be forced to be a parent but they are responsible for paying and should be.


I think we're both on agreement on this point. There's no getting out of paying for child support, and nor should there be. But, as you agree, Ben isn't compelled to raise the child.
