Suicide scenes in movies...

Any recommendations on movies with scenes that graphically depicts suicide? Besides this, all I can think of is the scene of Rules of Attraction...


'A short film about love' by kieslowski, it's been over ten years since I've seen it so I can't remember just how graphic the suicide is, but I remember that film having a big impact on me

oh, and groundhog day, of course, even though it's a comedy :)

Buffalo '66 has a pretty cool suicide scene too, he shoots himself in the head and then everything freezes, the camera turns to the other side where you see his brains coming out :)


This movie reminds me SO much like a show that was on for a short running two seasons and then made a movie.

go watch the tv show "Dead Like Me" by Bryan Fuller. its about an 18 year old girl who dies walking down the street on her lunch break, first day on the job, by a flaming toilet seat from a space station that blew up. No joke. Such a great show. Its about a bunch of Grim Reapers-- SO GOOD. Favourite Episode: "Reapercussions"

Also by Bryan Fuller-- "Pushing Daisies" about a piemaker named Ned- who can bring people back to life by touching them, a P.I. named Emerson Cod who's a big black guy that loves money, and a dead girl named Chuck who the piemaker brought back to life and now he can't touch her (they we're childhood sweethearts) ...the show is about the three of them talking to people who we're murdered and finding their killers for money. Favourite Episode: "The Fun in Funeral"

If i find more, I'll tell ya.


A lot of good ones have been mentioned already...I know a few more.

Better Off Dead has several comedic suicide attempts in it.

Star Trek II has an altruistic suicide.

Man on Fire, though already mentioned, actually has an earlier, and more poignant suicide attempt than the exchange of life for life at the end.

Office Space has a comedic attempt at suicide.

The Happening has several very disturbing suicides, mostly in the first few minutes.

In The Man Who Would Be King, a man charges into an oncoming mob out for his blood.

Bug has a pretty memorable suicide scene.

In Aliens, two soldiers explode a grenade held in their dying hands.

Sunshine Cleaning has a pretty grisly suicide.

The ending of Ghost World can be interpreted as a suicide, although Terry Zwigoff has insisted it is not.

and that's just from the movies I own.

EDIT: And how could I forget - Obi Wan Kenobi.

"You are a riddle wrapped in an enigma drizzled in delicious bullsh!t."


"Leaving Las Vegas" is one long hard suicide. And probably one of the best ever. At a very desperate time I tried that, however VERY half-assed.


Suicide Club :)


I'm curious about something. Who is responsible for deleting posts from talkbacks such as this, and why do you think so many of them are deleted? You see that fairly often, but never have I seen so many posted from a single thread as this one, which stands to reason, I guess, considering the controversial nature of the topic.


It's not a movie, and not a graphic depiction, but there was a documentary on British TV a few years ago called 'Death of a Schoolfriend' presented by a British politician called Michael Portillo. As the title suggests, a classmate of his committed suicide, and the documentary tracks down his family and other classmates, and explores how it affects the people left behind.

He overdosed on a Saturday evening and died the next day - what brought it home to me is that the Saturday in question is the day I was born, so bar a few hours he's been dead for my entire lifespan. I found myself wishing he'd sought help (although it soon becomes clear that he was depressed and depression wasn't as well understood in the late sixties as it is now) so he could have grown up and seen that life can be worth living.


One I haven't seen mentioned is Ken Park. Kid at the beginning of the movie shoots himself in the head at a skate park.


Can't be bothered to read through 3 pages of mostly deleted material.

Anyways, Detachment and I Melt with you


I looked through and did not see this one mentioned:

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". You hear it and see the aftermath.

Another Brad Dourif one, kind of, where he does some harmful things to himself, and what he does can be attributed to his eventual death, is "Wise Blood," but it's hard to find.

There's an attempted suicide in "Heat".


'Never Weaken' and 'Haunted Spooks'
Harold Lloyd repeatedly tries and fails to kill himself in various ways. Some good ol' black humour. (Trivia: 'Haunted Spooks' began filming before he lost half of his right hand - rare footage there.)

The Apartment (1960).
One of my favourite films, although I rarely watch it. I find it comforting that, no matter how screwed up you get, there can still be a person who knows all your 'baggage' and still love you like that.

I think this has turned into a really good thread - it's got us talking about a very serious and important subject that probably 99 percent of people want to shove under the carpet. According to the WHO, it won't be long until depression is a bigger problem globally than heart disease, and perhaps the biggest.
