Suicide scenes in movies...

Any recommendations on movies with scenes that graphically depicts suicide? Besides this, all I can think of is the scene of Rules of Attraction...


There are lots of good ones listed in previous comments, but I didn't notice anyone mentioning The Bridge -

It's a documentary about actual suicides by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, and it's pretty intense. They film a few of the actual jumps...

Btw, expressive_child, it's good to see that you're still with us even though you started this thread over a year ago. I was a little worried reading through some of these messages, but hopefully you're past the worst of your depression...

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes



Thanks man. I am sometimes surprised myself that I am still here, and not dying in some decrepit back alley of drug overdose or whatever...

I always knew that things could have been a lot worst than now. Honestly, my troubles and depression is far from over. But then again, I realize now that I am a lot stronger.

There are times I feel like I can't hold out much longer, but then I always tell myself not to stop believing in hope, to never quit the fight till I can fight no more.

I will check out The Bridge for sure! Thanks! ^_^



Thanks dude... Yeah, I do find it helpful watching movies about suicide or dark movies that's melancholic by nature. I don't know how selfish suicide is actually, because there are times I find it unfair for ordinary people to say that because they never have to deal with that kind of suffering like we do... Maybe it is selfish in a sense that we will leave our loved ones with lots of grief. But for me, I really don't know why would people even care...

Growing up with abusive parents has made me an animal today, instead of another bright and successful young man like many out there. For 20 years, I have been abused physically and psychologically by them. Though I am living on my own now, but the things they have done to me before can never leave me. Though they seems to feel sorry for what they did, I simply cannot stomach the idea of forgiving them and assume nothing did happened in the past.

They visit me at my workplace sometimes, telling me how much they are sorry and how much they miss me. But none of their tender words can move me anymore, and what I can't take most is that they refused to acknowledge what they have done, they simply want me to believe it was an 'accident' and I should just forget it. Thing is, I know too well that the troubles I faced today is all because of them. And I know, I am not just pointing fingers.

They are not suffering now for what they have done to me, neither is my big bro who used and made me a fool for him. I am the one who is suffering, because of what they did to me. And I somehow blame myself, for not being strong enough to stand on my own and disallow them from making me feel like a loser.

I used to see this doctor and I was given pills too, but it never really worked. People who say that they care about me abandons me eventually, and from then on I know I am on my own. I feel stronger now, and I feel reborn. Flashbacks and nightmares continue to haunt me till this day, and I know I am never really gonna get through for a long long time... Yea, the way I see it, I should have died long ago yet my dignity and strength gained from all these suffering has kept me alive today.

But I have accepted the fact that this is my life, and I was meant to fight... There are times I feel like life has taken all the good things away from me, directly or indirectly. Yea, I guess I am just a man with nothing left but my dignity. Guess you are right, volunteering maybe in an orphanage or something might be therapeutical. I am trying to find time now, though work occupies most of my time.

Take care man, and I wish you all the best.... ^_^


Not sure what movies I can reccommend but sounds like you had a tough time as a kid. I think it would be a good idea to read Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl which tells a story of how he found meaning through the worst kind of suffering (the holocaust) but also how every type of suffering is unique and can have just as bad of an impact.



Count how many times you use I there. You made a topic on a movie board about yourself. You also try to blame all your problems and faults on anything thats happened to you. Newsflash, only I control what I do and the same thing goes for ANYONE reading this.

If you want to watch depressing movies fine. I understand that I like them too. I also know about attracting pity, as said before by anyone.. everyone has problems. You might not ever get over them but you can sure keep on living, as you have done for well over 2 years now. So don't say you can't.

People who commit suicide aren't self-centered asides for the most extremes of cases. People like you and me are way to self centered to even accomplish it. Hench why we watch movies about it. Frankly, dying is supposed to hurt. Pain warns of of oncoming death/injury and suggest to us to stop doing whatever your doing.

Then again, life is full of events that bring not only physical pain but emotional pain too. So either way, you WILL feel pain again.. The question is, will you ever feel happy again? With suicide.. that's a resounding "no."


There is a scene in Everything Is Illuminated.



Whiny emos. Go with the original ending to FATAL ATTRACTION. The last episode of the HBO series ROME. Most of what I can come up with is implied or non-graphic.


*beep* I forgot. Just about every scene in the middle hour of GROUNDHOG DAY. Nearly the entire cast of THE HOURS. DEAD POETS SOCIETY.


Royal Tenenbaums!


try Suicide Club


Um... 'What Dreams May Come'?

Oh, yes, speaking of movies I've seen recently, definitely, 'The Mist'. The new 'Romeo and Juliet', of course. Almost any zombie movie has people who would rather die than 'become one of them'. 'Wanted' has probably the most unrealistic suicide scene I've ever seen. 'The Prestige' is pretty out-there too.

And how about 'Dead Like Me', the movie. In fact, watch the series first, since it is a prequel. It's mostly accidental deaths instead of suicides, but there's one in the movie. That series has got good special effects, and plenty of dark humor.

If you like that, you might also like the show 'Dexter', though that's not about suicides either.

Hey, why are both '28 days' and '28 days later' tagged with 'suicide' at listal dot com? That's weird. They're not even remotely related. xD


There is a beautiful collection of "gothic art" with that theme that I'm aware of, but not so much movies. Try just doing a search with keywords. You'll find more that way.

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


2:37 has a pretty nasty suicide scene at the end. OOPS spoiler


What about Shawshank Redemption - the warden blow his brains out. Oh yeah Boogie Nights - little Bill on NYE after he kills his wife and her lover. I always loved the look that William Macy does before putting the gun in his mouth. He kinda does a quick smile and then BANG.
