MovieChat Forums > Premonition (2007) Discussion > I don't understand ...

I don't understand ...

What was the cause of Linda's week not being in the right order???

Don't take everything so seriously ...


What was the cause of Linda's week not being in the right order???

Bad screenwriting!


What was the cause of Linda's week not being in the right order???

Haha okay :b

Don't take everything so seriously ...


it was not meant to be funny. i agree. bad writing.

You've fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men!


I know it wasn't meant to be funny, but it still is. ;)

Don't take everything so seriously ...


More specifically, the screenwriter was probably trying to come up with a novel way to explore the stages of grief.


I kinda liked the little twist that he died. It kinda showed that we shouldn't try to change the destiny.

And the ending with her getting pregnant wasn't actually in the original script, they just made her pregnant so she had something to fight for, I think :b

Don't take everything so seriously ...


It would have been more interesting if she found out up front that he didn't die on his way to his mistress Claire but on another road.

That would mean that she literally lead him to his death by regaining his love for her.
Generalizing the whole story into the dilemma: living bastard versus dead lover.

Now thát would be quality writing! ;-)


Funny, when I saw the 'East' and 'West' signs, that's exactly what I thought was happening. He takes the opposite road b/c he decides to go home... and then she comes up towards him and sees him die...


She told him to turn around


I understood the way it was written as if when she went to sleep, she in effect was dreaming her premonition. Recall all the things she didn't remember... like how her daughter's face got cut and her Mom demanding to know how that happened as she was being taken away.

That's the logic I find in it although the screenwriters didn't really make it very clear at all.


I think it is not necessary to explain the out of order days. In short movies it is often, that the way of telling a story has a deeper sense and is part of telling the story. In long movies this is seldom, because there is more time to explain things. The title Premonition means when somebody has premonitions. Is it that easy ? The important part of the movie is in one of the first scenes, when she hears his call on the answering machine. The last sentence of the message is: "There is another call. Is it you ?" This means, nothing at all has changed. Her knowledge doesn't help her and more, her knowledge will possible cause all. Self fullfilling premonition. It is an very interesting way to tell this.

The story is told like a puzzle. By the way, the acting of bullock when she is informed by the policeman is brilliant. It is like you get part for part informations about what has happened. She is informed, he is dead and she knows nothing. Than there comes the life insurance, the other woman, the problems and it is created a picture, where you mean you know exactly what happened. And know exactly what to do. And also Linda. It is frustrating, that the knowledge doesn't help. But that tells much. The way is the goal.

I think it is necessary to tell the story in this way to bring the audience in Linda's position.



Very good post, Digital_Data.


Thanks ;-).



I thought it made it kinda confusing IMO. I was trying to figure what goes where and what she was doing.



Come on, it cannot be the worst movie you've ever seen.

But I agree: this is not something you want to pay for in theatres (man was I pissed when I went to "what women want"...)
I saw this film yesterday on television, and it was advertised as a movie "in which a woman still sees her deceased husband"....
I thought "some cheap tv movie" but was surprised to see Sandra Bullock in it...


I think she had a traumatic stress disorder. She had him on the phone when he died, and had to cope with what happened.


Many things don't make sense. As just one example, if she was present at the time and place of the traffic accident, why did she need to be informed by the policeman about the husband's death on the next day? She could been arrested on the spot for causing her husband's death in order to get the insurance money.


Not at all. In the beginning she calls him and that causes the accident, but we don't know where she is. I think she is not on that street. And so she didn't know and even police didn't know, that her call causes the accident.

At the end she understands, that her call causes the accident. Of course she knew more about what happened in the end of the movie, than on the beginning.



The link that I don't understand is the daughters cut face. In her 'dream' she is suspected of causing the daughters face to be cut, but in reality everyone knew that she ran through the glass door. The child wasn't cut in the 'dream' till after the father was killed, yet in reality it was days before ..... like the man said in the film 'BIG'.... "I dont get it"

I finished watching the film so it couldn't be too bad :o)


Was it a dream? But you are right. Dad still alive.


God did. God once killed all the sons of one of his devout servants. It's in the Bible.
