MovieChat Forums > It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005) Discussion > Can you name your 3 biggest laughs ever ...

Can you name your 3 biggest laughs ever when watching the show?

I'm sure people have already asked questions like that, but I am a recent fan of the show (I started to watch it last november and now I'm already on season 12)) and there are moments that are still making me laugh everytime I think about them!

Mine are:

3) Charlie singing\creating "Nightman\Dayman" song. (Season 3 Episode 9)

2) The Gang's Revenge "Freedom Dance" (The High School Reunion, Part 2)

1) And the winner is: When Frank gets paranoid about being accused of paedophilia and runs on stage with a painted face looking like the world's biggest paedophile! I thought I won't survive that! ("Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties")

AND Honorable mention: The scene where Charlie keeps asking fat Mac to "give him a chip" making him mad as hell: "THE WORLD DOES NOT PROVIDE YOU CHIPS JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT CHIPS!!!"

What about you?

P.s. English is not my first language so sorry for accidental mistakes.


Tough to narrow it down to 3, but I'd have to go with:

1) Frank coming out of the couch in the Christmas episode
2) The entire conversation about the glory hole
3) Dee throwing the jar of pee out the window

Honorable mention:

-I forgot to tell you, Calvin Coolidge was a good friend of mine
-Dennis, Mac and Charlie all taking their shirts off at the bank to seduce the loan officer
-The lawyer reading the will after Dennis/Dee's mom dies


"Lets go toe to toe with the Bible, bitch."

I also like the episode where Dee tries to break up the waitress and that guy she was going to marry and she invites Charlie and Mac's moms over and Charlie's mom gets drunk and says she needs a ride home and Dee says "I ain't giving you shi! you old bitch!"


1. All Charlie Scenes in "Charlie Kelly - King of Rats".

2. When Frank blows a movie shoot by nibbling the sausages he stored in his breast pocket in "Mac and Charlie write a movie".

3. Charlies blind date in "The waitress gets married".


3) Dennis' "the implication" speech to Mac.

2) Mac, Dennis, and Charlie handing out the penis posters to men.

1) Dennis' "that's how you get off" rant to Dee and Mac about pretending to be that business guy.


You mean the infamous Brian LeFevre.


When Dennis and Dee are following the waitress while wearing honking clown shoes was the funniest.

But for whatever reason, he spared a hamster.


I'm gonna name some of my favs that aren't included already in the previous posts.

- Seeing Dee in black face for Lethal Weapon had me dying laughing. That was so ballsy.

- The filming of the Jihad video to scare the Jewish dude encroaching on their territory.

- This is a subtle one, but after seeing several times the episode where Dennis sinks his range rover in the river trying to catch the boat party, I just find it absolutely hilarious that when the second guy shows up to buy a "starter car" for his daughter, Dennis is out there sleeping on the ground with a blanket against a wall.

- Who got dee pregnant episode when they came to the conclusion that it was Dennis. Priceless.

- Also Frank hanging himself in the bathroom of some potential customers to whom hes trying to sell knives with Dee.


Dee getting hit in the face with a garbage can lid just when starts singing kiss from a rose


So many....

1. Wild card, bitches!
2. Charlie dancing with the McPoyles in his Greenman costume while on acid.
3. Mac and Charlie beating the hell out of those kids who stole their bikes.

Honorable mention: The site of Agent Jack Bauer in the police car with Dennis. That whole Dennis loving that cat really made me laugh for some reason.

Honorable mention 2: When they are wondering who got Dee pregnant and Mac is remembering being in the bathroom talking to Dee and she's actually an ostrich.


1. Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack - "Pepe Silva"
2. The Gang Spies Like U.S. - The whole creampie conversation with Charlie, Dennis and Mac
3. The Gang Buys a Boat - "Because of the implication"

Honorable Mention:
Mac and Charlie Write a Movie - Dennis' full penetration idea
Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass - Rock, Flag & Eagle!

And just recently in Season 13 the biggest laugh for me was when Charlie and Mac beat up the kids at the end of The Gang Gets New Wheels
