The things that sucked about it

BAD ACTING! so terrible.

The language, finnish is annoying to listen to.

But the story line and effects kicked ass.


Finnish is a difficult language but you can learn it if you want to. I think it's quite difficult for people who speak English, Swedish, German etc.. Try learning this: "in my Nissan" (the car) is in Finnish "Nissanissani".

I have to comment on the movie; it was incredible! I loved every minute of it. And I do agree with those who said that the bad acting is part of the humor. I also think that they speak Finnish sort of in a "funny" way. It's a bit over the top.

See you in another life, brother.


(My comments refer to the version with the Star Trek/Babylon V ships, not the newer one which I haven't seen, and which probably sucks)

I thought it was pretty good, up until the unnecessary homophobia near the end.

Still, for me it remains the best feature-length Star Trek fan film, slightly better than Operation Beta Shield, and Borg War.


"I thought it was pretty good, up until the unnecessary homophobia near the end. "

Wait, what?

I wrote the damn thing (well, me and the other blokes) and I should know pretty much everything about it... But where was there homophobia?
