MovieChat Forums > 12 oz. Mouse (2005) Discussion > Why is this show still running!?

Why is this show still running!?

I actually stood through two different episodes of this crap, and I'm STILL waiting for the funny part to happen! I just don't see it! All they do is talk in the most lowest, inaudible voices I've ever heard about basically the exact same sentence over and over again, snickering the whole time! Like watching a Jimmy Fallon skit!

I just don't get it. And now they're featuring all seven episodes (the number amazing in itself, I think) tonight! If I wanted to watch someone get drunk and shoot other people, I'd just go to one of the bars down the road!

Maybe it's just me, maybe there's some underlying meaning toward the whole thing. I don't know. I mean, some people like Fallon, some like Family Guy, some actually like the two people on X-Play (don't ask me why).

What are some of your opinions on this?


"Maybe it's just me, maybe there's some underlying meaning toward the whole thing."

that's EXACTLY it. you, in fact, missed the whole point of the show when seriously it's right there in your face. you're just blind and stupid. you probably hate david lynch too. retard.


12 oz mouse's bad animation is a part of what makes it so funny, besides how the lines are delivered.

this show almost reminds me of how mitch hedberg told his jokes, he was funny cause of how he said them.
i'd like to think of it as a tribute to him.

why won't people get that,its not only the joke, its how its said, that really counts.


mitch hedburg had plenty of substance to his jokes.. sure they probably wouldnt have worked with anyone else, and i agree that his delivery was essential to the audiences reception of the jokes, but i think its more appropriate to compare 12oz mouse to comics like jerry lewis or andy dick.. for their being so transparent in their cheapness (not talking about the animation) and their appeal to the most easily persuaded of us.

If you dont think you could write this show all by yourself, with very little effort, then you deserve to be subjected to this.


i didn't mean that mitch hedburgs jokes didn't have substance.
some of them were simple one liners. wouldn't have been as funny if not said by him.
& this show isn't transparent and cheap.


Wow, I just wrote this one night long ago and forgot all about it. I can't even remember this show anymore, it's been so long.

If con is the opposite of pro, wouldn't congress be the opposite of progress?



This sig has something you wish you thought of first, now you can't use it cuz I used it already.



If con is the opposite of pro, wouldn't congress be the opposite of progress?




Wow I read about three valid points on all these posts.....
*sighs at society*


It's cheap to make (they can hire meth heads to create the animation) and I think the writing is some outlet for some psych ward patient.
