MovieChat Forums > 12 oz. Mouse (2005) Discussion > Why is this show still running!?

Why is this show still running!?

I actually stood through two different episodes of this crap, and I'm STILL waiting for the funny part to happen! I just don't see it! All they do is talk in the most lowest, inaudible voices I've ever heard about basically the exact same sentence over and over again, snickering the whole time! Like watching a Jimmy Fallon skit!

I just don't get it. And now they're featuring all seven episodes (the number amazing in itself, I think) tonight! If I wanted to watch someone get drunk and shoot other people, I'd just go to one of the bars down the road!

Maybe it's just me, maybe there's some underlying meaning toward the whole thing. I don't know. I mean, some people like Fallon, some like Family Guy, some actually like the two people on X-Play (don't ask me why).

What are some of your opinions on this?




The question should be, why isn't this show still running. I watch Adult Swim often and have only seen the same episode over and over again.


New episodes are airing in September, I believe.


I hate the new Adult Swim lineups. I wish they'd change it back to how it was a year or two ago. I can't even watch half the crap they have on there now.


I compare 12 Oz. Mouse to one show - rather, a group of shows.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Tom Goes to the Mayor
Perfect Hair Forver
Sealab 2021
Robot Chicken
The Brak Show
Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law

All of which better than mediocre, seven of which better than okay, five of which better than good - and four of which are great.

All of these shows are random, spontanious and wacky, often having no logical plot or plot progression. And what you must realize is this:

Robot Chicken is super popular, Aqua Teen is super popular, Sealab was super popular, and the rest of the good shows were pretty popular. And guess what went through their head - instead of putting more coherent shows like Stroker and Hoop, Venture Brothers or Boondocks, they would rather make a terrible show that they know will do respectably well in ratings, because they know that fools will eat it up, regardless of the simple fact that they barely put in more effort than I (which was no effort).

Stop watching this *beep* show so Adult Swim stops thinking we're into *beep*


"Stop watching this *beep* show so Adult Swim stops thinking we're into *beep*"

actually I like this "*beep*" show so i will continue to watch this "*beep*" show because in my opinion it is a pretty "*beep*"in good show


This show is great. It's different original, makes no sense at all, but has a plot that continues from episode to episode. Each episode adds a piece to an unsolvable puzzle, thus making the show make less and less sense. I don't think this has ever been done in the history of televisionl. The voice actors, the animators, even the writers don't know what the hell is going on. What adds humor to the show are the quotes, usually from Fitz the Shark or the Eyeball thing, but even those are only funny because they dont make sense. GOne are the days when a show could have a ten minute cheaply animated shoot out outside a diner and not be ridiculed for it. A inventive, revolutionary show, all around. Who cares what the animation quality is, its unique.


I think to really enjoy this show, you have to have complete lack of regard for a PLOT (that is meaningful anyway), and i've got NO problem telling you that any kind of maturity level will ruin this for you. I'm a devout Williams Street fan anyway, but thsi was by FAR their best work...

Dont look for fiber here in this show, look for utter amusement that a show THIS crude could make network TV and have a fairly good run with a LARGE fan base...

I am Jacks' complete lack of origionality.


It's still on because it's a good shows and people watch it. instead of going to message boards and complaining, just dont watch it. AS only cares about ratings. They dont care if you like it or not so just stfu and change the channel


I just wanna know when it will be re-running, I need some new eps, quick. Also any news of a season 1 dvd??

"Clark, she's not married, highschool boyfriends are just obstacles."


new eps in sept


To the detractors of the show, I say this -

You're ending your sentences in prepositional phrases. Stop ending your sentences in prepositional phrases.



Oh, yeah, because ratings really matter - especially since Stroker and Hoop got cancelled for doing better than 12 Oz. Mouse.


I think the problem IN SOME CASES is that when people watch this show, a lot of the time, they are so turned off by the style and initial strangeness, that they are completely biased and closed-minded (not trying to make an insult) that the whole time they are thinking "What the hell is this??" instead of actually listening to the show and discovering how funny the dialogue is. The same goes for shows like "Strangers with Candy" everyone's so negatively turned-off from the beginning, they jump to conclusions about the show which keeps them from noticing how often hilarious the show is..
Sorry to make a generalization but most of the people criticizing it on this board are probably those who turned it on and from the beginning sat on their couches saying "WTF??" the entire time, leaving them completely shut off from paying attention and opening their ears a little bit in order to give this funny show a chance.


I suffered through six episodes of this shell of a cartoon. For anything funny, there was 10x as much content that screamed "making money off of stupid fans". Honestly, I do not see how you fans cannot see that 12 Oz. Mouse is a joke cartoon that they spent next to nothing on, a grin ear to ear thinking of all of the people who will waste time with this show, under the logic that it's so random they'll forget to notice the mediocrity.


Zelda man. You just don't get it. These "stupid fans" are fans because 12. oz. mouse is a joke cartoon. Even The writers, animators, and voice actors openly admit that they have no idea what is going on and thats what makes this show great. Every comedic line has a Twilight Zone feel to it because noone knows exactly why its funny. Every episode is a poorly drawn acid trip into the world of the surreal and nonsensical. It's a new way of doing things, and God bless the people who took a chance on a cartoon like this.


omg, it is such a crappy show!! they should take it off the air.


greetings retards who know nothing about cartoons, this show is hilarious.


So the only people who appreciate quality in cartoons are retarded?

That's an awfully retarded statement.

Because, if you haven't realized, this show is a piece of ****. It involves absolutely no humor. There is no talent involved in this show. The art is terrible, they aren't acting, and they're attempting to cash in on the fact that people enjoy subtle humor by creating a show without any humor.


And yet it kicks the crap out of comedy central's Drawn Together, a well animated poorly written pile of dog excrement. I'd take 12 O.Z. Mouse any day over most of the better animated shows we've been overexposed to.


If you don't like it, you don't like it. Me and a few of my friends are really into the show, it had that sort of "Lost" element to it, where there are little things you catch that add up to some sort of quasi-plot. And there is plenty of humor; you can't tell me the part where Fitz is interrogating Rhoda, pulls out the rocket launcher, Rhoda dives out of the way, sees a white flag pops out, stands up and gets shot by the flag, actually an arrow, isn't funny. There's a sort of dark intrigue about the show to, you have to see them in order for that to come through though. If you're expecting a Family Guy clone, well first of all you're stupid, it's its own show, and isn't necessarily for the Family Guy crowd. It's not a stand alone show either, the episodes have a plot that stretches over the series, so if you watch one episode in the middle of the series, I don't want to hear "LOL DIS SHOW SUKZ WHERE IS TEH PLOTZ?????"



I dont even have adult swim. I found this show when looking up ATHF and then watched it on youtube. Then I watched it all again. I'll probably watch it all again.

It's perfect



12 Oz. Mouse is one of the worst shows that has ever been aired on Adult Swim.

There. Is. No. Humor. Being better than Drawn Together is like saying "I haven't done anything as bad as the Holocaust". Wow, want a medal?

The fact of the matters is that people give this show undeserved attention. Quality shows like Stroker and Hoop are dead and gone, all because William Street would rather draw scribbles and drop a few pennies in a jar to pay for it.


The show is unwatchable. I hate this show so much that if Adult swim is on and I happen to be occupied with some other activity and 12 oz mouse comes on, I will stop what im doing just to change the channel when I would normally do nothing and let the tv act as background noise just so my household doesnt reflect the ratings at all. Adult swim has killed so many good shows over the years... To let this piece of garbage take up airtime is a sin.


It's weird because I enjoy this show, but I can't stand ATHF...and that Stroker and Hoof show...


This is a pretty crappy show. You don't make a comedy without comedy. This, perfect hair, and tom goes are all the definition of bad. They might be good if Adult Swim didnt have other comedy shows that were GOOD.


This show, along with Tom Goes to the Mayer, are part of a joke played on the fans of said series.

"Let's make a ridiculously *beep* show. I bet all the geeks who watch [adult swim] religiously will gobble this up and hail it as genius."

At least, that's what I've decided. I'm sure if you smoke enough pot or drink upwards of 10 beers, both shows may seem a bit more entertaining.

Mind you, most of the other shows on Adult Swim I like. However, Space Ghost and Harvey Birdman have been known to have terrible episodes.



i agree. drawn together is so bad. :(


DEATH 2 OZ.MO HATERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Signature must be shorter than 100 characters long


This is one of those special shows. Either you get it or you don't.
We can argue for a month that it's great or it's terrible....doesn't matter.
For those who get it, God bless ya. Those who don't get it (a.k.a. think it sucks), I feel for you all. This is truely one of the best shows on t.v. right now. Don't believe me? Name 1 show thats like this one..........Ok, now how many shows on "network" tv are basically the same thing. My point exactly. 12 oz. Mouse is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen, and if you don't get the humor in it, maybe you should just watch re-runs of Will & Grace and tell yourself your an up-to-date, hip person.


Hahaha, I agree.
I remember watching the first episode of this, I don't have Adult Swim (basic cable in Canada...yeah...) but I heard about this show on the 'net and just had to see it, so I d/led a was awesome! First episode has a really absurd sense of humor with some really violent was just interesting. I had to see more, now I'm a pretty big fan, and I'm looking very forward to the DVD.
Now, I've seen around ten episodes of me, I cannot laugh out loud to it. Not saying the show is "bad", I just don't enjoy it as much...I'd rather see a Perfect Hair Forever movie than an ATHF movie...
Squidbillies CAN be quite funny...
I think Matt Maiellaro has made a TRUE work of art with 12 Oz Mouse. It's my favorite show by him.
(On a totally random note, when will we see a PHF DVD?)


Davis, you *beep* pretentious idiot. There is nothing humorous about this show. Just because people don't agree with the notion that lack of quality humor, animation, plot, or acting is what makes this show great does not automatically declare anyone with taste as those who also enjoy Will & Grace.

I watch independent *beep* like movies and television shows, and I wish this *beep* was independent from reality. It is not on the quality of independent films or shows, it is of the quality of a five year old's *beep* flip book. The only half-decent shows AS has come up with lately are Moral Orel and Frisky Dingo - because they actually put a percentile of effort into making them exist.

Seriously, you *beep* pseudo-intellectual *beep* would applaud if AS took a dump and splattered it on your television (AKA: Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job). Get some *beep* taste and stop assisting in the degradation of television.


every time i see a post about this show in which someone likes it they immediately compare it to "everything else on tv" and they say matt maiellaro is a "true" artist. i never hear anyone talking about the show like a fan would. it seems like nobody has fun watching the show, they're too busy trying to "get it" or trying to explaining to each other whats so funny. what im seeing is that whatever this "everything else on tv" is, its alienating a large population and they see this show (that they could possibly make themselves) and they feel like their being represented.

they want so badly to believe that someone could make a living putting something so sloppy on tv because they are getting messages that they have to change who they are to compete in the world so they dumb down they're taste so they can settle on the first relatable idea they see on tv, no matter how sensational it is, no matter how transparent the agenda of the creators is.


Who took a dump on you're eggs man? Hell you can not like a show but to be obsessed about hating one show is something completely different. TV and pop culture are crap these days yes, but you obviously have a bone to pick with AS since you hate 12 Oz. Mouse and lots of other AS shows. What happened, you write a show and submit it to AS and they returned it saying your write like a retarded 2 year old addicted to meth?

Just because you think you're *beep* don't stink doesn't mean you are the be all and end all of TV, grow up some before going on a rant about something you shouldn't give a *beep* about if you we're mature.


Dude, you have a real devotion to the show and that's great, but it's a little bit late, dude, i don't think whoever you were talking too is going to come back and see that post.

This sig has something you wish you thought of first, now you can't use it cuz I used it already.


Are you serious i had to watch the 1st episode 5 times just to understand what was going on because i was laughing to hard it's probably one of the funniest shows ever made
But in order to like it you have to like (stupid humor) as i call it
what next your gonna say you don't like aqua teen


"But in order to like it you have to like (stupid humor) as i call it"

"Stupid" humor is how I see it as well. There's really nothing to get about this show. It's just flat out stupid humor. Either you are going to laugh at the absurdity or you aren't. I think it's funny.


I like a lot of shows, but this is one of the worst shows in history, I hope the people who made this show got fired.


Ya, you either have to be a dumbass or a genious to like this show. If your a dumbass everything is funny because theres just a bunch of stupid humour every damn second. But if your very smart you can understand whats ACTUALLY going on. There is a HUGE storyline in this show and most people are too stupid to realize this. They just bith about the drawings and non-family guy humour. Well first of all the drawings are SUPPOSED to be that way, it adds to the retarded humour of the show, and if you think the artists can't make good drawings then look at some of the scenes in the later episodes or just look at some other Adult Swim shows. The drawing are like that for a reason. And as for it being non-family guy, your dumb if you want it to be. Look at the Simpsons, it used to be good, but now their trying to copy everything from Family Guy and some other cartoons and its sucks now. Seriously, you just have to be stupid or smart (with a stupid sense of humour). And in my opinion a stupid sense of humour is always some of the funniest humour, and for you Family Guy idiots, they use stupid humour ALL the time. They pretty much invented that type of humour.


Its a unique humor. You obviously don't share. doesnt mean u have to bash it. Adam Sessler and Morgan web are OK. their writers must suck. but man morgans a hottie
