Page 47 AND NT 3

Page 47 is obviously about Area 51! Riley says something about Area 51, Roswell happened in 1947, and at the end of the movie, the President asks Ben about discussing page 47, and Ben says, "that would be LIFE-ALTERING, Sir." Which might mean, time travel or aliens, but most-likely aliens because of all the other clues. It also might be a whole bundle of a lot of things all together. Who knows? That's just my take on it.


man it sucks that NT3 isn't coming out until 2011. I want it to come out in 2009!!! lol.

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I'm wondering, does the number 47 have anything to do with what is written on that page? For all we know it's just the number on the page... I don't think the person/s who rote the book put everything in in numerical order... If that were the case, wouldn't AREA 51 be on page 51?

Of course, it's a movie, and in movies they love to throw in those weird connections, so who knows. It could just as easily be about the bigfoot as about the Dutchman's goldmine...

Actually, that second one would be quite interesting...


OK, just a thought, but if you watch Ben has to page past page 47 to get to the info about the missing plank. It is placed in between pages for 1880 and 1924. After he takes the pic of the pic in the book he has to page SEVERAL pages backwards (pre-1880) to get to page 47. My guess (and it is purely a guess) is that the next movie will take place sometime between 1800-1880. Possibly still in the Civil War time period. Keep in mind the President mentions Lincoln as being his favorite President also. Like I said, this is just a thought and something I observed while watching this movie several times.


We got the Statue of Liberty in 1886 so it's around the same time. Maybe there's some treasure under it, or it'll take them to France and solve some puzzle in the Louvre?


I don't know, they've all ready done the Revolutionary period and the Civil War period. I think if they went too "modern" the movie might not have the same feel. Maybe they'll do something involving the Old West/Gold Rush era, possibly a Lost Dutchman mine scenario or something to do with Spanish gold? Eh, who knows. I just hope it retains the same sense of realistic history and is not some fantasy thing like Atlantis.


i relaly hope its not about aliens, because then it wouldnt really be about history and treasures. it would be indiana jones 4.


The third movie will star Jim Carrey as Fingerling Gates who is obsessed with the number 47. The whole crew will travel with Fingerling to New Zealand where they will find a former Lincoln intern's dress that carries Lincoln DNA. Then they all travel to Area 51 where they clone Lincoln and ask him to run for the presidency against Obama in 2012. Lincoln wins the presidency, but then resigns to become a Las Vegas headliner. I know, I know... It sounds kooky, but it will be directed by Luc Besson so we should have nothing to worry about. Also, Carrey's character will speak in ebonics the whole movie, which will be subtitled.


i like the ideas of Roanoke (the whole Croatoan mystery) would be kinda cool.. The fact that that lost colony was ever found, it would be cool if they had found something there and were trying to go to croatoan to find a treasure but never made it. it would give Ben Gates a chance to explore the native american history a bit.

just a thought


My take as to what is on pg 47 relies on whether Ben had to go forward or backword in the book to see the page. Considering that the book has about what 40ish president's worth of secrets in it I'm assuming this would be a time period between the revolution and 1870s when the plank was discovered in the desk. So anything post civil war would be out.

Plus Ben is an American Revolution to Civil War historian, and so is his father. The mother is a pre-colony native historian, so if they are all to return it would have to be another mystery within that time-frame, and also involve the free masons, another theme.

The president also a architect would find interesting buildings and things of that nature.

Maybe a lost spanish vessel that had tons of myan gold on it, that was found by someone then hidden in the foothills after the revolutionary war.


Nation Treasure 3: The Search for More Money...kidding. But what if it's behind the assasination of JFK, which leads to a giant conspiracy with Cuba and Russia trying to obtain some type of treasure in the US...


Check out. Calvin Coolidge found the plank. He was presindet in the early 20s. The stoy would probably be about the Gold Rush or the War of 1812 because page 47 is probably closer to the beginning of the book. In order to be life altering though it would have to be something way out there like maybe treason conducted by a big time president. This could also deal with the constitution or Articles of Confederation which haven't been mentioned. My guess is that it will surround the War of 1812 and maybe the president's curse that the native american's put on us.


It's Big Whoop.


Section 7. Megatron. Nuff said.

the old witwicky man found it in the early 1900's... could well be page 47.

On a serious note......

Its not going to be area 57, riley exclaimed " area 57!" well before 47 pages were turned!

I would put my money on Atlantis, sure its not an American treasure.... but to be honest gates has been all over the world treasure hunting.... just in the end he finds it on american soil. Time for a change!

Ps. Maybe page 47 states that the Vernians are correct and Gates journeys to the centre of the earth!!!!

America was not discovered by Americans - shame on them.


Mate, its Area 51 not 57




