Favourite Movie Line??

I love all of the lines when they're talking about Lesher raping them. I think it is soo hilarious!

Did Lesher rape you too?-School For Scoundrels



i loved the little random bits like after jon heder's been talkin to david cross and can't get out of that little room coz the door locks automatically.

"sorry doesn't make it manilla" was hilarious too.

Abstract noun: something you can think of, but can't touch. for example: my dad's new car.


haha who've seen School of Scoundrels?

* be dangerous, it's cool
* no compliments ever
* always get the girl alone
* where you are, the place is lame
* relate to her
* lie, lie, lie some more lie


My favourite lines were from Ian:

-look at me, i'm awesome!

-I'm dating two DIFFERENT asian chicks.


i laughed heaps at the part at the tennis caught when roger pretends he's meeting dr. p for the 1st time.
Roger- hey is that your dad?
hahaha hilarious



"She works as an Australian?!"

It's made from bits of real panther, so you know it's good...


"is this your dad?"


Yo homie, how would you like to die?!

No. How would YOU like to die?


*bitch slaps him*

Lmao, Classic!

"Wake-y Wake-y...Eggs and Bake-y"
-Budd, Kill Bill Vol. 2



There are 2 types of people in this world:
Those who run s**t, and those who eat s**t.


Anybody else wanna read their gun?

ColossOkami91's dad says his favorite movie is either The Grinch (2000) or Shawshank Redemption.


This was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. They overdid alot of jokes, especially with the rape. It's not even funny... at all.

Also... I can kill you with my brain


I don't remember that line...


"I don't remember that line... "



ok...it's not a line per say, but i almost fainted from laughter during the elevator scene....where the pretend cops pepper spray him.....then they start feeling it and they are screaming.....then the scene changes to the lobby where people downstairs hear the screams, then they come out.....omg that was the best part LOL hahahaha


Loonie describing his ex-girlfriend, with huge teeths that made her look like a squirrel...and that´s the description of Jon Heder LOL


"Were you hit by a ricochet? Little ticket man, blink twice if you can hear me."

