This movie had so much potential...

I thought this movie had the chance to break the mold of a Lifetime Original Movie, but sadly I was mistaken. Jamie Gertz totally butchered this role by being way too over the top and all, "Oh you poor thing, you're life has been so tough but YOU. ARE. NO. LONGER. A. VICTIM." They really glossed it over and didn't delve in to the deeper issues and I was left not being able to take it seriously, which was disappointing, because it dealt with a subject that has so much meat to it, but the writers only took the stereotypes of kids growing up in the projects and melding them together. I just think this movie, made under different circumstances and by different people, really could have been something.

So if you care to find me, look to the western sky...


i think this movie was amazing. especially for a tv movie. and i think jamie gertz did an amazing job, especially since shes usually a comedian and this was a really serious movie. but everyone has their own opinion. thats just mine.

"when you told me that you loved me,
were those just words??"


i totally agree with you bobcat_708



Totally agree.

I had a pizza for lunch just before watching The Marilyn Gambrell Story in my hotel room and it had less cheese on it than this movie.

Jamie Gertz was a cool 80's babe (Crossroads, Lost Boys) but is a lousy actress.


I so agree. This movie is NOT good. Worst line - "Your future is so bright, I almost have to wear sunglasses."



the problem of this movie is that it brings up a lot of issues without actually talking about them. kinda like a debate and switch.


I've been in several programs like No More Victims, back when I was a kid, mostly involuntarily, and sometimes the group leaders act like her, and nobody likes that, because you feel patronized. The group leaders that I did like were the firm ones who talked like you were on the same level as them, instead of some pitiable child.

Cigarettes, Robitussin. Will I ever get to Heaven? It's not looking good now.


I think it overlooked a lot of the sociopolitical issues because they were too deep to go into. So they boiled it down to ghetto stereotypes and every white savior teacher cliche they could find.


Jamie Gertz isn't/wasn't a good actress. So some of the scenes were more cringe than they needed to be. She is gorgeous though. The movie was ok aside from some of the over the top performances.
