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Supernatural synopsis reveals new details regarding Rowena’s return

As revealed in the official synopsis for Episode 12, Rowena returns to the scene after Dean falls victim to the magic of two sister witches, Jamie and Jennie Plum (played by guest stars Jordan Clair Robbins and Elise Gatien). It turns out that the sisters managed to get their hands on a “powerful book of spells” which was in the Winchesters’ possession; a book we’re going to safely assumed will turn out to be the Book of the Damned.

After the book is stolen, the Winchester brothers begin their quest to get it back, which leads them to an unexpected ally in the form[/b] of Rowena, who “intervenes to assist them.”

Now that the “why” portion of the equation has been revealed, we’ll be here anxiously waiting to figure out who exactly Rowena returns from the dead – something we assume won’t be addressed until the episode.

I am ecstatic SHE'S Back!!!

In the form of QUOTE above. Is it REALLY her? Or a monster in the form of her maybe???

[b]Supernatural Blog:
With NEW Writers


I don't really like when shows kill off characters only to bring them back in some form. It just means death has no meaning, i know this is Supernatural and stuff like this always happens but I am not looking forward to her return.


Normally I agree that it's annoying when characters are constantly killed off only to return, because it cheapens the deaths. But that cheapening death ship has sailed and sunk a long time ago on this show. No one watching the show cares about "death" anymore.

However, WRT Rowena, she damn well needs to come back because her off screen demise was tasteless and tacky and overall a cheap stunt that was the result of the bad blood between the showrunners and Mark Sheppard at the end. Ruth became collateral damage and that wasn't fair.

So I want her to come back and stick around. She's a good character and Ruth is a doll.


I'm with you on that one PA. It was horrible how they'd written her out and the first time wasn't much better. Ruth deserves better than this. I hope to god they don't kill her off once again for the third time and they keep her this time. I am really happy she's back. I just wish Crowley was too. I still am none the wiser as to what the reason was behind why Mark left. He was here one minute, and gone the next. I do miss him.


I didn't knew that Mark and the showrunners had beef with each other at the end. Is that why they gave him that lame death also?


I would highly think so, he did have words with Jim Michaels on Twitter I think saying don't lead the fans into thinking there might be a way back, or similar. So Jim seemed to be offering a life line, and I think reading between the lines Mark wasn't taking any of it. Its really sad, he's been a show regular for ages, and gets such a poor send off. It was gallant in some ways, but to cheat death once so soon before then that double blow, was so cruel. At least he put Lucifer back even though, it, meant taking his own life in the bargain.


I saw that "conversation" - wasn't that after the finale aired?

I miss Crowley, but I felt his death was showing the brothers he was on their side, or at least his send off was attempting to help them.

About Rowena, her death, I thought, was very strange. Mainly because we didn't see it. But like you said, is it really her?


I heavily miss Crowley too, I knew I would if he ever left the show. My admiration for him is so strong and how he acts has always amazed me, he's so very talented. I think as you say he was attempting in his own way to save the boys by putting Lucifer away permanently. That was to me extreme bravery and gallant of him. Crowley has always had some soft spot for Sam and Dean in different ways. That's what I loved about this storytelling that he went out of his way to save them and let them live. He is very much a dark horse, as he's a villain one minute and good guy the next, you never know which way he will go.

The show has done this before with deaths that we haven't seen it, remember Cain!? It sometimes doesn't mean anything but one day might mean actually something. I like to keep my options open, that Rowena is coming back that like last time she did save herself being clever and putting a spell in her to be able to come back. I am hoping it will be along similar lines, otherwise, I think she will be some monster who's been taken over. It's all up in the air at the moment, and my head sometimes runs away with me. But, I love to let it. That's why I've always loved this show.


If they are going to bring anyone back I’d love to see Cain. Or Benny.
