the end

if the show must end (i dont want it) how would you want it to end?


With Sam and Dean driving off into the sunset saying, "we've got work to do".


Yeah? i want more a god thing in it. like they are ready and being rewarded. The family back together in heaven. well, something like that. And maybe an explanation why they are so special. Maybe Dean is Adam or Sam is. The first, ore the last. I dont know why, but i really want them in a biblical storyline.


With Sam and Dean driving off into the sunset saying, "we've got work to do".

Sorry to disappoint, but that's the last thing I want to see. As Crowley would say, 'so predictable' you know it's gonna happen. I want to be surprised and it to be really dramatic like this finale. I like the idea of Butch and Sundance style ending where they both jump off a cliff and you don't know if they made it out alive or not. I love those types of endings that keep you guessing. I loved the alternate universe story this season and thought that was different. Being trapped and not being able to escape would be interesting.


You know I would like a kind of happy ending.

The boys trapped in an alternative universe that isn't too different but without evil monsters.

Hell even an LA with a nightclub owned by Lucifer would do.


You know I would like a kind of happy ending.

Fish, I am with you on that one. I think most of us would really want this for the boys. I would hate to see one or either of them killed off. Swan Song ending if they both jumped in the pit would have been too heartbreaking for me to watch.


I was thinking of something along the lines that Dean and Sam sacfricr themselves to make the world better. Like no monsters, demons, ect.


I really liked the way Angel ended.... they were mortally wounded and up against an army of demons, even a dragon. But when Angel said "Come on, we've got work to do" you kind of thought maybe they'd win. There's a chance.

I think the Js would be up for a movie... so we can't have them die in the finale.


They could die, Pond because nothing is ever final on this show. Someone could still bring them back if they were killed off. I didn't like the Angel ending that much, I thought it was a bit corny. But that's just my opinion.


That's very true, Bella. ;)

I really enjoyed that final season of Angel. Actually Angel is my next favourite series after Supernatural. I always feel Angel gets better as it goes along, whereas Supernatural is becoming weaker. This last season was terribly lame and made little sense. But my opinion only. :)


i hated, absolutely hated the ending of Angel. Like you say, such a great season 5, i loved it. But the ending didn't give me any closer at all. OMG, Angel, great times and have all of it on DVD :-)

for a while I even though they are kidding, there is gonna be a next episode. It cant end like this!

What about the powers that should be? what about the wolf the ram an the heart. For me it seems like they where offline like, THAT! no ending.

i'm guessing where all here in the same generation so i want to share what i totally forgot.
CHARMED! Not a big thing but it's a part of the growing up, like smallville.


I'm leaning towards riding off into the sunset. That way I know they would still be "out there" finding and killing the bad.


I always thought of that. The brothers drinking a beer and leaning on baby. Talking about a memory and driving off with Cas down the road.
