MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > How do we all feel about Mick Davies as ...

How do we all feel about Mick Davies as a character?

I quite like him and he's growing on me.

Or do you feel he needs redeeming and needs to act on his own actions? Is he a bit impulsive, and doesn't think before he acts? Or do you feel he's really good at his job and the writers should carry on the way they are with him?

Would love to know your thoughts on Mick and how you rate him?


He's growing on me, too, Bella. They're writing him with layers, not one-dimensional like Lady Twit. I'm also wanting to see what's going to happen with Ketch the murderer (who could be sleeping with Mommy Dearest). Now THAT will shake things up. :)


who could be sleeping with Mommy Dearest). Now THAT will shake things up.
Now there's a thought, that would set the cat amongst the Pigeons....
I like the layers they are peeling back with him too, I find him interesting and a character with depth, he has killed, but it's registering that he has. I like the actor too he's gentle on the eyes!


"that would set the cat amongst the Pigeons.... "



I like Mick. I hope they're keeping him for awhile.
I thought he was going to die last nights episode or turn in a werewolf. But then I forgot he wasn't bitten LOL. Glad he's still alive :D


I just don't know how they can get past killing the soldiers. That doesn't seem redeemable to me. Or at least it shouldn't be no matter how charming he seems to be now.
It's too bad though because I do like the actor and the character.


IF killing the soldiers gets brought up again, I'm guessing that the blame for that will go on the higher ups above Mick's head.


I really used to like him in Being Erica.


As I said in the latest episode rating thread, Mick is the one new addition that annoys me the least. I'm fine with him sticking around, if we must have him. I just wish, as with everyone else, it wasn't at the Winchester brothers expense. Mick and all the BMoL, as well as Mommy Dearest, are making the guys look like rubes, and definitely not heroes.


I am okay with him just about, as I absolutely hate hate the BMOL story line he is just about bearable as part of that. It does worry me that both actors are very vocal on twitter etc to the point that I think they are going to be more part of the Supernatural story than just this season, but here I go again ranting about them!! Actually I am British and I don't find his accent (and I am a Londoner) as objectionable as many seem to do - maybe I need hearing aids!


I like Mick but really like Ketch. Much more intriguing!!!!!

What I'm NOT excited about? The older woman who is apparently in charge over Ketch ...

Naomi with an accent and wings... I honestly had flashbacks. So not good!

If that is Ketch with Mary doing the horizontal mambo - I'm thinking there is a good chance that she is using him and is playing the long game. She's the ultimate mole. I'm wondering if at some point she heard something that she couldn't ignore about the "Old Men" and is trying to learn all she can. Of course she's probably figuring on taking them on all by her lonesome cause she's JUST * THAT * GOOD. Pfffftttt!


I actually like him too and could see him sticking around as a kind of Q or Frank/Bobby/Charlie information guy. As long as he was a support character and not the bestest hunter to ever hunt. Overkill is a major problem right now. If they did it right they could have a Castile type turn and he could be a great asset to the show.


I see him as a Castiel 2.0. Questioning his mission and beginning to see and believe in the Winchesters. I like his character right now.



I like your comparison.


This story line has really annoyed me with the Men of Letters Vee. All Sam's hard work in getting Dean to see that it's not ALL BLACK with Monsters. There are shades of grey in between that they really need to understand and look at. ALL MONSTERS are not BAD. They have learnt to adapt and change and as I said they are NOT killing or maiming anyone. So why have the British lot gone behind their backs and killed poor Magda who didn't deserve to die? Sam got Dean to see they have the right to live, and not be shot on sight because hunters think they are EVIL when there clearly not. I loved Sam for his way of thinking that he is still smart in learning to understand the monster/human who couldn't help being turned into a monster, like a werewolf for example. They let Kate Live too, Leonore and many others. So what is the BMoL's problem that they have to kill even those army soldiers, why?


Bella but they have shot Sam in the foot and it really gets to me, because the men of letters are up front with regard to how they work.

But the writers have him sign up after finding out the men of letters are out to kill all vampires but he questions with the werewolves? Are we supposed to buy him getting the alpha overrides his knowledge of vamps that could control themselves being targeted? Lenore was the vamp who showed Sam that it wasn't black and white.


Yeah, it's sort of contradicting him, that they've over-written canon on Sam's original premise. Fishpan I get what you're meaning and had to read your words a couple of times before I got your text. I can see why you're annoyed. And yes the BMoL are up front, and the boys do know where they stand with them. But they are still clearly not happy. Dean, in particular, was bothered about joining in at the start.


Yeah I know I have problems expressing myself, sorry about that.

And I get they are over writing Sam's stance but it pushes me away from caring about Sam. With Dean he at least more consistent over the men of letters, but in practical terms I can't see any difference between Gordon and the men of letters and they have Sam signing up after he is told they are eradicating a group wholesale he knows that have individuals that can control themselves.

I know that may seem I am killing discussion but it is a writing fail in my head


I don't know, right now I think Mick could go either way.

He wants more time in the field but he's a bit of a coward in a way Cas never was.


I always liked Mick... and Ketch. It's just the general BMOL plot I don't like :)


Don't like Ketch. Because I believe that there's going to be a showdown between him and Dean.


I think they'll be a showdown too. I just enjoy the actor and his performance and I think he pulls off the skeevy, dark and unemotional villain with a side of posh well.

I won't be sad when he dies but I'm not throwing rocks at the TV when he comes on is what I mean :DD


Point made! I just want to see him die horribly. Obviously just my opinion.


"I just want to see him die horribly. Obviously just my opinion."

He probably will lol.


I kind of like Ketch in the sense there is no pretence about him. It has been a long time since we've had a character with no outside agenda.

I just hope his death is memorable


Couldn't agree more.


Me too Vee, I like both characters but as Denese said I think Ketch has something up his sleeve planned and that may come out in the finale, that the boys have to end them both, or just Ketch. He is shady and involved with Mary deeply. Who's to say they are not having a fling? That would pee off Dean. But the organisation does have something on I bet that we yet don't know about. I think the organisation is rubbing fans up the wrong way. Which is all part of the drama to get the boys onside for a big showdown as Denese said above. I can see that happening....


Something tells me Dean won't be surprised Mary's having a fling with Dean. He wasn't surprised she was working with the BMOL. He sees her for who she is.


Yeah but Sam doesn't so maybe that will be the person who kind of takes the biggest hump.

Or even the lack of reaction will be the thing that gets to her, because really as Dean said she's an adult she can do what she wants even if he doesn't like it.


"Yeah but Sam doesn't so maybe that will be the person who kind of takes the biggest hump."

Sam's reactions when it comes to anything BMOL-related are inconsistent, contradictory and plain nonsensical this season. Based on the way he's drinking he Kool-Aid, he shouldn't have a problem with Mary sleeping with Ketch but who knows?


I'm still not warming up to Mick or any of the other BMoL. They are the bad guys and they are not to be trusted. It took 7+ seasons for me to accept Crowley as the Winchesters' enemy-turned-ally. It will take more than a handful of episodes to change my mind about Mick. (I felt the same way about Cole)


I think Cole is harmless in comparison to the others. Cole was just on a mission to get Dean because he killed his father. I think once he realised the situation he was okay with it all and backed off. He isn't a bad guy, just out for revenge which I totally got. Cole had an agenda but he worked through it. Mick is just misguided and I am beginning to feel this. Whereas Ketch I feel is the one to watch. Mick is just taking orders from Ketch and following them through. Crowley said he always has an agenda that helps him get what he wants. I think he doesn't see the Winchester's as a threat any longer and is willing to be their ally instead of a man out to get them. Crowley has grown, and he's mellowing and coming round to Moose and Squirrel. Even I suspect deep down calling them friends. He is beginning to realize they are good to have around and he finds them useful.

They are all very different characters with hidden agenda's but the Winchesters have managed to turn them all around in their own ways. I love the boys for that. Persuading bad guys to work alongside them and not on the path of evil!


"I think Cole is harmless in comparison to the others.... Cole had an agenda but he worked through it."

I didn't mean to imply that I thought Cole (or even Mick for that matter) was evil like Crowley. I just mean the turn around in attitude deserves more development/explanation. It took Sam 2 seasons to convince Dean that not every monster deserved to die. It took Dean 5 seasons (and the Mark of Cain) to accept that he and Crowley might be able to work together. Even Castiel, who was secretly rooting for the Winchesters to stop the Apocalypse, needed one and a half seasons to fully be on board Team Free Will. Cole thought Dean killed his father in cold blood. Then he thought Dean was a demon. I think it should have taken more than 3 episodes for him to "work through it" and want to be BFF's.

Mick may have learned a hard lesson about what it's like to kill and how it feels to try to save/cure a "monster", but it will take more time, experience, maybe even backstory before I buy that he's a changed man. I don't know what his relationship/role is with the BMoL. He could be a legacy, too... the grandson of one of the "Old Men." If I don't know where his loyalties lie, how am I suppose to believe he's on Sam and Dean's side now?

"They are all very different characters with hidden agenda's but the Winchesters have managed to turn them all around in their own ways. I love the boys for that. "

That's a really great way of looking at it, Bella. I hope you're right about Mick.


I hope you're right about Mick.

I often listen to my gut, and my gut tells me that I think he's on the level. He's learning to bat properly and with time I think he will swap and think more like the boys. He just needs a bit of guidance, and the boys are doing a superb job in that field. I think it's 'Ketch' as I said before is the one we really need to watch. 'Mick just takes orders', he can change tiny, tiny steps and he will be okay, I am sure. I can even see him as he is now working alongside Sam and Dean. I really like him, and hope the writers redeem him somehow.
