problems with the show

I got season one for Christmas and binged watched it. Loved it, bought season two and caught up to season 3.

Here comes spoilers, so don't continue if you have not seen the show.

You can see an obvious writing shift immediately following season 1. Season one had so much heart and realism. Aisha Tyler via season 2 death, was HORRIBLE writing and horrible acting. Which is weird because she did such a GREAT job in season one. I soon realized it wasn't her, it was indeed the writers and here's why.

This show took a dive when they not only replaced Aisha Tyler with constantly HORRIBLE "sidekicks" for Melinda but when they NEVER wrapped the "bad guy" story arc's. Romano for one, laughing man for two, the dog and countless other things never brought back in. Oh and the ghosts under the ground? Yea, never saw them again either.

The whole Jim thing, was the worst TV decision ever made. The CBS people should have said absolutely not. Everyone HATED the storyline and they thought it would be so romantic for him to die and come back to her. Sounds cute on paper, bad for the show, its fan, the story and our favorite characters. They could have given Melinda's husband some of his own plot.

Delia....I get what they were trying to do. Insert the first ghost skeptic. For a bit, that would have been okay. Delia was so unlikeable and a skeptic to the bitter end. It would have been more interesting for her life to change and suddenly realize ghosts do exist.

The time jump, not okay!!!! Her having a kid, not okay. This show worked better when it was Melinda and Jim, with not only the "ghost of the week" story but an overall season arc. It worked better when she wasn't a mom. I don't like when kids are bought into shows, they end up being a burden to the plot. They have to explain where the kid is or be taken with said main character all the time.

The original formula of the show had heart and you could identify with Melinda and her wonderful relationship with her husband. Its too bad because it was a good show early on.


The problem with story arcs is that when you get a bad one it just really drags ruins the overall show. I think they should have just kept it as a different story each week. I don't think anyone was watching for anything amazing anyway.

Delia was a drag of a character and her son was also a pointless character. I also just don't like the actress who played her.

The time skip towards the end was also a mistake.
