MovieChat Forums > The Thick of It (2005) Discussion > If ever a single throw away line deserve...

If ever a single throw away line deserved an award for comic genius...

"If you can get him out of the bath"


"These phones are amazing aren't they? I've got an application here that can throw grenades into people's dreams"


On finding out that the person in the focus group was an actor:

Glenn: We have been abused! We are the victims of abuse!

Just love how he desperately tries to play the victim in a situation that is entirely his own fault.


You are a diamond Glen, not just any form of ancient carbon, the best: a diamond.


Malcolm to Nicola: "You are like one of those all-in-one coffee machines. From bean to cup, you fuqq up!"


Surprisingly, in last night's episode (ep 6), it wasn't lines/quotes by Tucker that made me chortle. It was these two (can't remember which characters said them):

"Christ on a crystal meth binge!"

"It looks like a paedophile's funeral."


I loved Mannion's snap at Stuart

"Shut The *beep* up you prancing *beep*


Two of Jamie's best lines:

(to Ollie) Shut it, "Love Actually!!"

(after being told by Cliff whatsisname "There are shades of grey you know!") "Yeah I know. I'm looking at fuqin fourteen of them right now!!"

Tucker to Ben Swane after his Newsnight ordeal.
"What was all that business with your hands? You looked like a sweaty octopus trying to unhook a bra.!"

from In The Loop.

"Yeah keep saying diorreah! You're supposed to be talking about food parcels, not arse-spraying mayhem.!!"

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority



my favourites in series 4 have to be either referrring to Stuart as the 'Human Smowman', or some of Fergus' outbursts 'I just wanted one solid *beep* to go in one direction, not *beep* Madras EVERYWHERE!'

finally this one had me crying - How do you turn Mister Tickel into Mister Happy? Lithium.


I'm watching the series 1 DVD, one bit just made me laugh out loud:

Hugh: Just grow up, Terri!
Terri: You should be the one who's doing the growing up!
Hugh: I am a f*<king grown-up, thank you!
Terri: You could have fooled me, Hugh!
Hugh: Glenn's son could have fooled you! No offence, Glenn, I'm sorry.

(it's said earlier that Glenn's son went to a special needs school)


Adam to Terry

"you know what puzzles me about you terrie? How you've remained un-murdered"

Or words to those effect

He's as useless as a marzipan dildo


On "Rise of The Nutters" after Ben Swain's Newsnight appearance, in the car afterwards Jamie turns to him

"You don't deserve to live"


Ha! I just posted that one. You beat me to it. By about 15 months.


Some great lines in here.

Julius Nicholson's "Ooh hello, the Golden Girls"

and Malcolm to John Duggan "tw@t features, and I mean that literally" are hilarious as well.



From Ep 1 Series 4
Peter: I hate talking to school kids; they're volatile and stupid and haven't got the vote. Might as well be talking to *beep* geese.

From Rise Of The Nutters:
Jamie: You're the *beep* sh*test James Bond ever! You''re David *beep* Niven!

Someday I'm gonna make a movie then laugh watching people over-analyse it


