MovieChat Forums > The Thick of It (2005) Discussion > If ever a single throw away line deserve...

If ever a single throw away line deserved an award for comic genius...

"If you can get him out of the bath"



Incidentally, I don't know if, strictly speaking, my previous quotes are "throwaway lines".


"I've got to go Terri I've got an egg on"

"You were like a sweaty octopus trying to unhook a bra"

"Haircut? Chemo. Knob" - already been mentioned great line

"It's called...sponge...avengers"

He loves Al Jolson


You know that 90% of all household dust is made of dead human skin? That's what you are, to me.


You could order her a collapsi-chino.


So many great lines, and half of them you miss the first time anyway...

Malcolm trying to organise Hugh's team to cope with the leaking focus group story:

Malcolm: "Alright - Ollie, call Heaney. Terri, get on to her editor. Glenn, book a room. Bodie, Doyle, you go round the back."
[Everyone stares at him]
Malcolm: "At times of stress, I make jokes!"
- Has to be my absolute favourite line - it's the way everyone stares at the Bodie and Doyle joke, even though I'm in tears by that point anyway!

Hugh's 'office warming' pot plant present:
Malcolm: "Did I send that? Christ, she's a great PA isn't she, Sam? She always remembers the little people. Look at the size of that thing, you can ****ing crucify somebody on that!"

Olly at ITN trying to get Hugh's story bumped up:
Jamie: [calling Olly] "Have you sorted yet?"
Olly: "I'm in the middle of-"
Jamie: "Then get off the ****ing phone and ****ing sort it out! ****'s sake!"

Frankie: "Shagging your way to the top, then, is it?"
Olly: "Well, I'm not Scottish, so I got to get there somehow."

Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose? - Mal


peter mannion gets some crackers in series 3

Phil: Have you seen Misery? [talking about unwanted attention from Terri]
Peter: I'm at the *beep* BBC arent I?



Jamie: "Have you seen the final figures for the MOD overspend? They're saying it's up to one, one and a half billion now. Obviously, that's a lot of nurses."
Malcolm: "Or one fantastically enormous robotic one."

Glenn: "Why do I feel like I'm in a support group being run by my own r@pist?"

Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose? - Mal


Olly: "He's not the irreplephant man"

After glen has his massive fit in spinners and losers.


'thats the thing about the evil - their amazing work ethic'




"Morning studmuffin, enjoy your walk on the wild side? How was your dip in the wild blue... pussy?"


"People" sounds communist.

Malcolm. where? in their? why? ...... A social call? Sh**.

REFRESH the page!

Applause monkey!

... and by the way that's an incredible homophobic headline, your massive puff. You got egg in your face Howard, you overeasy piss-bag.


Glen: Where's the Nazi Gold, you Donkey-Shagger?!
Hugh: I'm glad you asked me that.

Phil: I can fill you in, Peter's tearing through her like a viking at a nunnery.


Peter: "You've been watching CSI again haven't you?"
Malcolm: "I've never seen anyone look so *beep* ugly with only one head!"
Malcolm: "I've got a to do list longer than a *beep* Leonard Cohen song"


Malcolm to Nicola :

''See're a f^ck^ng Omnishambles...!''

The Devil's in the detail, my lovelies... !


Julius, (Lord Arnage): "I'm walking on. I'm Ian Botham. I'm walking on for hospice care."

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


"I feel I'm in a therapy group being run by my own rapist."


Malcolm to Ollie - " Feet off the furniture you Oxbridge tw@t, you're not in a punt now!"

Malcolm - "It'll be just like the Shawshank Redemption, only with more tunnelling through *beep* and no redemption".

Malcolm - "I want my own p1ssing veranda".


Malcolm Tucker: "He's as useless as a marzipan dildo." (S1E1)

Ollie: "Phil is basically held together by surface tension." (S3 extras)

The one that still has me spitting my drink on the 4th viewing is from the first special, when Peter Mannion reads out from the comments on his blog, half offended, half genuinely bewildered: "Do you take it up the chutney??" Brilliant delivery.


Referencing the West Wing. Nicola to Oli

"You're not Josh, Oli"


"Is about as secure as a hymen at a North London Comprehensive"


not a single liner, but...
- Morning, morning, morning. What's the story in *beep*
- Reshuffle.
- You win a year's supply of condoms. Which in your case is four.
