MovieChat Forums > Gay Sex in the 70s (2005) Discussion > A Depressing, Worthless Film

A Depressing, Worthless Film

This film is nothing more than interviews with old men from the 70's that had no lives and brag about their sleeping around and around...the film has absolutely no purpose whatsoever other than to display why and how AIDS became the epidemic that it did.

I hope that young people that stumble on this train wreck view it as something NOT to do! And I really hope that straight people know that this film depicts only a SMALL percentage of gay men and their pathetic sexual lifestyles.


Your comments speak for themselves. It's obvious that you have no interest in history; but it is also obvious that you are self-loathing. I assume you are gay. If not, I assume you are afraid you are gay. Whatever ... history is history. I don't know any gay man ... young or old ... who believes that what happened in our community in the 70's was especially wise. Have you ever been told that one of the great advantages of becoming familiar with history is to prevent similar things from happening in the future? I guess that went over your head somehow.

I'll let you get back now to whatever it is you do.


Sorry to tell you but this film has VERY LITTLE to do with gay history! This movie is about a tiny fraction of promiscuous men who had NO lives, and their irresponsibility led to a huge AIDS epidemic in this country. I just hope that straight people don't rent this and think all gay people are this STUPID.
What is really disgusting is how these guys appear to miss all the "fun" they had, and ignore the MILLIONS who have died of AIDS since the 1970's!!


Once again, I am not defending these practices. You say you are over 40. Well, that could mean that by the time you knew anything about anything, AIDS was already on the scene. By then, we ALL knew the score. You are incorrect when you say that it was a tiny fraction. It was almost everyone ... to one degree or another. That's why it's history.

Check out all the depictions of life in the 70's. You will find they all look dated.

I'm really not trying to offend you; but you are somehow wound up tight about something.


Wrong. It was NOT "almost everyone." You just ASSume that because YOU and your friends behaved like this, that "everyone" was just like you. You are dead wrong.


I will let someone else continue this debate. I think I've written quite enough to call attention to your real issues.

Have a good evening ... and a stiff drink.


I agree, it's like debating with a rock. You need to open up your mind.



It's you that needs your mind opening. You come across as angry, bitter and shrewish (drop all those suggests you're bordering on hysteria). The film is a fascinating document of gay men's history... whether you approve or not. Many gay men are interested in all aspects of their history - not just the sanitised parts you would allow us to see.


I'm not surprised someone like you would LIKE this. This movie shows all the crud that made life miserable for gay people now.


I failed to realize when I posted these that robbchadwick IS one of these gay sex-starved freaks that was the root cause of AIDS in the 80's. Keep any further comments to yourself Robb, you are not the type of person I would ever associate with, and I'm willing to bet you are obviously gay when you go out in public.


Thank you for your comment.

You need not fear. I would never associate with anyone who does not understand the value of history or anyone who does not understand the evolution the gay community has undergone. You also give us a clear insight into what your problem really is when you say that "gay sex-starved freaks ... was the root cause of AIDS in the 80's." Have you not heard that AIDS is caused by a virus? It can be a deadly virus to be sure; however it is not nearly as deadly or destructive as self-loathing. People live with HIV without a lot of difficulty most of the time these days. Those who hate themselves and their own kind hardly have a life at all.

By the way, I don't give much thought to whether I am "obviously gay" or not. Most people tell me I'm not; but I really don't care about that one way or the other. I do strive to be obviously happy and proud; and that is why I enjoy a wide circle of friends who know how to conduct an intelligent conversation, which I really should get back to now if you don't mind.


Dude, you are just WEIRD. I don't "hate myself" and I find it hilarious you use the SAME argument every time when people say things you don't agree with. I haven't figured out if you're just not too bright, or maybe a little off mentally, or perhaps it's a little of both! I really don't care to hear your comments, they make very little sense, because you say the SAME thing every time: " are obviously self-loathing"....where did you pick up that deep line anyway?


I bet you have a small cock. Every guy I know who has ever railed against gay men having sex on the brain has a small cock. Gay men have them once and then forget about them. I think that is YOU. You're bitter and this is how it comes out.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


Dude you are WEIRD!!


If someone has a different opinion, obviously they're self-hating!
If someone has a different opinion, obviously they have a small cock!




This forum is to discuss the film, those who love or hate it. I hate it. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a troll. Incidentally you should have written "may be" instead of "maybe."



What a strange topic to make a movie about.
