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The Telegraph: The sex-mad shrink who invented Wonder Woman

A few articles in the last few days on this topic, plus a movie:

This week sees the big-screen, live-action debut of Wonder Woman, 76 years after her first comic-book appearance. Over eight decades, the lasso-toting superhero has fought alien bees and a villain called The Crimson Centipede, but few of her adventures can compare to the unlikely story of William Moulton Marston, the man who created her. The inventor of an early lie-detector, Marston lived a secret life with his wife, a live-in lover and a second girlfriend with a taste for bondage – and all four of them contributed to his famous Amazonian creation.

A student of Marston’s while he taught at Tufts University, Byrne was the daughter of hunger striking feminist Ethel Byrne. She joined Marston, Holloway, Huntley and others in a near-cult of female sexual power. Notes from their group, quoted in Harvard historian Jill Lepore’s The Secret History Of Wonder Woman, suggested that women “expose their bodies and use various legitimate methods of the Love Sphere to create in males submission to them”. This, apparently, would one day lead to a utopia of peace and equality; in the meantime it led to “love binding”.


Has anyone ever read if the women in his life had homosexual relations with each other, or were they strictly heterosexual partners with him?


Regardless, it seems like everyone was able to cohabitate peacefully in the same household. A whole lotta love under that roof.


Yeah, if I knew feminism meant I could bring home a couple side chicks and my wife would have to agree to let them live with us, I would've been on board a long time ago.
