Israel fight Nazis

Glad to see that Israel is saving the earth form Nazi scum. We need now in 2016/2017 to invade Iran using American soldiers to save the world once again.

Real Americans Protect Israel


No she isn't, and I'll explain why:

1.) The story takes place near the end of WWI, meaning the conflict that took place in Europe during 1914 and 1918. You can tell by the clothes, the culture in London, the Trench Warfare going on, and the type of armor both sides were wearing.

2.) While the Germans were the bad guys in this war and the next one after it, the Nazi Party didn't exist in this era. Hitler actually did a little bit of trench fighting during this time, but he was still young and hadn't quite come up with his world domination ideas just yet. So what you're actually looking at, are an older generation of Germans (the parents and grandparents of future Nazis) that were motivated to fight for another reason than just to conquer the world and get back at everyone. Nobody questioned their nationalism either.

3.) Wonder Woman was not fighting for country, let alone Israel. Modern Israel didn't exist during WWI, and any knowledge she had of that place would be severely outdated, just info from the ancient Greek times. Diana was fighting to save innocent villagers caught in the crossfire during that one battle, and she wasn't going to let a bunch of asshole Germans throwing bombs stop her.
