MovieChat Forums > The 100 Scariest Movie Moments (2004) Discussion > What's your list of the top 10 scariest ...

What's your list of the top 10 scariest movies ever

10.A Nightmare on Elm Street
"Elm Street" was one of the greatest horror movies ever made, yet, one of the scariest. Freddy Krueger delivers thrills and chills in this exceptional horror flick.

9. Carrie
"Carrie" was a classic academy-award winning Stephen King movie. Not because it was scary, but because it was an outstanding movie. Not only did I find it as an outstanding film, but I also found it as a horrorfest.

8. Wes Craven's New Nightmare
"New Nightmare" was the 7th film in the "Elm Street" series. I found it more shocking, jaw-dropping, and intense than the other "Elm Street" flicks.

7. Final Destination
Even though FD1 wasn't as scary as FD3, it still delivered jaw-dropping intensity that's sure to make you scream during the airplane crash scene. (It seems so real!)

6. Pet Sematary
Most people find this movie as "okay" and "incomplete," but I found it as "terrifying" and "some gruesome goodness."

5. Final Destination 3
I've been haunted by this movie ever since I watched it. It's so scary...I can now barely ride a rollercoaster at all.

4. Misery
It's jaw-dropping, it's freaky, it's based on a true story-ish, it's "Misery." This is another very good Stephen King movie, and it sure delivered a bag of surprises. (Wait till you get to the hobbling scene :P)

3. Halloween
There's rarely a successful horror movie that isn't intense and is still a horrormania, and "Halloween" was one of those movies. It was another one of John Carpenter's astonishing movies, and this time it's sure to freak out viewers.

2. The Shining
THIS STEPHEN KING FLICK WAS SCARY!!!! It delivered some horrifying goodness as well as some famous quotes like "Heeeeere's Johnny!" and "Redrum!"

1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Oh. My. God. THIS CLASSIC HORROR FLICK FREAKED ME OUT. Every time I hear people use "Leather", "Face," and "Chainsaw" in one sentence, I just flip.



10. Walkabout (not supposed to be scary but I get all nutted up when I watch it)

09. Chakushin Ari (Japanese: One Missed Call)

08. Nightmare on Elm Street

07. Candyman

06. The Exorcist

05. Ju-On

04. The Ring

03. Halloween

02. Black Christmas

01. Blair Witch Project


This is really tough, and I could see myself revising this list 100 times before it's complete (and this is not in orcer from first to last):

10) Exorcist: The Heretic
not that good of a movie plot-wise, but will keep you up at night.

9) The Shining
absolutley one of my personal favorites.

8) Wrong Turn
Again, not a great movie, but if you were lost in the adirondacks being chased by murderous hillbillies, you'd crap your pants.

7) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
The sound as Leatherface opens the metal door and cracks that guy in the back of the head always makes me jump.

6) Hellraiser
Pin head is terrifying.

5) The people under the stairs.
god... creepy.

4) Pumpkinhead
this whole twisted plot is horrifying.

3) Carrie
what gets you thinking is that this could actually happen. well... maybe not.

2) Pyscho
has to be on this list

1) castle freak
all the movies in this series are disturbing.

oh man there's so much more!!!
we oughta do a top 100.

I also have to say that Im angry with not seeing " What Lies Beneathe" on the list. I thought the movie was absolutley horrifying. Especially that part where her face turns into the dead girl's face. effing creepy. it was a masterful movie.


heh I forgot about The People Under the Stairs
That guy wearing bondage gear is too freaky


"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" deserves to be in the top 100. Probably the top ten, due to scarring the psyches of untold number of kids back in the early 70's.
To this day, I STILL can't fall asleep with any part of my body hanging over the edge of the bed, for fear of the little guys in the basement are gonna get me. And I'm 40!
I've had the movie on VHS for five years now, but I still can't bring myself to watch it.
Ask anyone who was a kid when they saw it on TV (made-for-TV movie), and ask them what they think. 99.9% of them will tell you it scared the bejeezuz out of them, and they are still scarred by this little movie.


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I saw this thread and the first movie that popped into my head was "that movie from the 70's with the little guys that live in the basement". I was all set to start searching for the title when I saw your post. Excellent call.

I'm a wuss when it comes to horror movies, so I could never come up with a list of 10. The original "Invaders from Mars" scared the hell out of me as a kid, and I still think it is very creepy. The "white corpuscle" in "Fantastic Voyage" terrified me too. I didn't think "The Ring" was very scary when I first saw it, but it stayed with me for several days afterward.

The scariest, or at least creepiest, thing I've ever seen, however, was the documentary about the Donner party that aired on PBS about 10 years ago. I got ZERO sleep that night.


10) blair witch project
9) I was a teenage wearwolf(yeah, I said it!)
8) the ring
7) the blob
6) the blob (recent one)
5) MOther's day
4) Pet semitary
2) the changling
1) Monster under the stairs


hey I forgot "are you in the house alone?'
one from the early 80's, scared the s$@*t out of me!


Minor spoilers in some of them.

10) The Grudge
Although not a very good movie, it scared the crap out of me for a good month.

9) It

One of my favorite movies off all time. Not very scary if you watch it during the day or with the lights on, but horrifying if you watch it at night by yourself.

7) When A Stranger Calls [original]
It still amazes me how a movie can be so much worse when they copy a plot.

6) Jaws
Still won't go in the ocean.

5) Nightmare on Elm St.
The bloody bed scene still gets me.

4) Hills Have Eyes (2005)
Never saw the original [but I want to]and the scene where the baby is stolen + all the dummys everywhere freaks me out.

3) The Ring, The Ring 2, Ringu, and Ringu 2
If you watch all these movies for the first time. And you watch right after each other, you'll be in need of some new underwear.

Still check my closet for the guy in the closet under the sheet, and the horseman in the closet.

1) The Sandlot 2

It was so bad, it scared the *beep* out of me. lol. jk.

The real #1) Halloween
Michaek Myer's mask is more creepy then anyting.

House- Plus a bullet wound in the head.
Cameron- He was shot?
House- No, someone threw it at him.


1. Halloween
2. Evil Dead
3. Rawhead Rex
4. Dawn of the dead
5. Nightmare on elm street
6. Dead Alive
7. Demons
8. Re-animator
9. Phantasm
10. Hitcher

I'm here to do 2 things. Kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum!


< 9) It

While I generally do NOT agree with that>:|, I have to say that ol' Pennywise (whether or not he IS "It") SCARES THE SH!T OUTTA ME!!!!!!!!! Oh, by the way, if you've ever seen Killjoy 1 or 2, know this: IMO, Killjoy could kick It's @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting back on topic here, I think Poltergeist shoulda been higher on the list; that scene with the clown CREEPS ME OUT, and I didn't even watch the WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just knowing that he was going for that kid...*shivers* Because of that, I have to look under my bed EVERY NIGHT just to make sure he's not there, And I'm 21!!!!!!!!!!!



..."we coulda had a good life together! *beep* real good life!"


11.Black Christmas- "Just like getting a wart removed!"

10. Carrie- When she killed the mother and THE HAND!!!!!!!!!!

9. When A Stranger Calls- "Have you cecked the children" His shadow comes down the stairs.

8. Friday the 13th- The knife through the bed, through the guys neck!

7. Scream- "can you handle that, Blondie?!?"

6. I still know what you did Last Summer.....- Hook through the coffesional.

5. Prom Night- A man with and axe is just creepy.

4. Burnt Offerings- A house is ALIVE! SCARRRRRYYYYY!

3. Nightmare on Elm Street- Not so scary until you fall asleep. Freddy= Death.

2. Halloween- Micheal came home and that scares the crap out of me.

1. The Shining- All work and no play makes Jack, the creepiest man ever, a dull boy.

"How are things down under? Blossoming I hope!" Sebastian- Cruel Intentions


1. The Exorcist
2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
3. Halloween
4. Psycho (1960)
5. A Nightmare On Elm Street
6. The Shining
7. Poltergiest
8. The Silence Of The Lambs
9. Scream
10. Carrie


10.The Devils Rejects
9.John Carpenter's The Fog
8.The Shining
6.Day of the Dead
5.Return of the Living Dead
4.Dawn of the Dead 78
3.Evil Dead/Evil Dead II
1.Texas Chainsaw Massacre 74


No order:

1) The Descent

2) Blair Witch Project

3) Nosferatu

4) The Evil Dead

5) Ringu

6) From Justin to Kelly

7) Les Diaboliques

8) Last House on the Left

9) The Vanishing

10) Horror House of Dr. Rasanoff


I don't have 10, I have 4...

4. Saw (the whole mentality of it all)

3. The Audition

2. Cannibal Holocaust

1. A Clockwork Orange


from justin to kelly..


10. Suspiria
Good god, blood squirting close up from a stabbed heart! Creepy and weird!

9. Freaks
There is nothing scarier than circus freaks getting their revenge... crawling around in the rain...UGH!

8. Open Water
The hopelessness that became more and more apparent as the movie progressed

7. Trilogy of Terror
Damn, that doll still scares me

6. Helter Skelter
Saw it when it first came on TV...I had nightmares for months

5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Terrifying with almost no gore!

4. Last House on the Left
So disturbing I can never watch it again

3. Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer

2. The Ring
Hadn't had that feeling since my #1 pick...

1. The Shining
The whole damn thing. The music, the imagery. Had me filled with dread even during the nonscary parts


6.Blair Witch
3.The Shining
2.Texas Chainsaw massacre(03 and 74)
1.Halloween(michael myers is really scary)
