MovieChat Forums > Suburban Mayhem (2006) Discussion > WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL???


What is wrong with you people???? Seriously??!!!

You see a film that is a bit "grungy" and possibly "avant garde" but you people don't know jack!!! Let's face it; this film was a sad and sorry excuse on the directors part just to see a highly sexed up teenage girl on screen. Don't you deny it Mr Goldman, and don't any of you bleedin' heart morons try to defend him!

The truth is, that this film is a pile of crap and none of you people have any balls to admit it! Sure enough, it's winning all the awards and praise... but look at what else you morons decide to make! And when there is something of decent quality, you people slander it because you're all too stupid to understand what this business is all about!

People go to movies to escape and relax! You know why? Because people's lives suck (YES, EVEN YOURS). Your lives suck because you have to face things like work, ruined relationships, failure, family issues!!! And Mr Paul (I'm-so-arty-and-clever) Goldman comes along and what does he decide to film??? Huh???


Why the hell do we want to see that? We live it every god damned day (no offence to any absurdists out there). I mean do you have rocks in your head, Goldman?!

It's about time you as the audience stop sucking up to these so called artistic moron filmmakers and take a stand! Get off your asses and stop liking stuff because it's "riske" and different"!! It is not different, it is not riske and it is definetely not cinema!!

You wanna know why the Australian film industry is bust??? This film is the perfect f#@$%^g example!!!

And one more thing; sure this film may express our culture and be a good example of Australian suburban life. But I ask you, why the hell do we as Australians want to know about our own everyday culture??? It's not as if we've forgotten it!!! We live it for Christ's sake!!!! And as for Americans...they don't care.... they have Texas and school shootings...their culture is far more interesting compared to ours, they really don't want to see this crap!!!

So in future, (and I hope Paul Goldman is reading this), refrain from making this crap and try to put your efforts into something that doesn't make me wish I was being reamed with the business end of a shovel instead of watching!

Kind regards, John on-the-verge-of-homicide Citizen!!!


the_only_true_yazman ... you're a w a n k e r
