MovieChat Forums > Suburban Mayhem (2006) Discussion > WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL???


What is wrong with you people???? Seriously??!!!

You see a film that is a bit "grungy" and possibly "avant garde" but you people don't know jack!!! Let's face it; this film was a sad and sorry excuse on the directors part just to see a highly sexed up teenage girl on screen. Don't you deny it Mr Goldman, and don't any of you bleedin' heart morons try to defend him!

The truth is, that this film is a pile of crap and none of you people have any balls to admit it! Sure enough, it's winning all the awards and praise... but look at what else you morons decide to make! And when there is something of decent quality, you people slander it because you're all too stupid to understand what this business is all about!

People go to movies to escape and relax! You know why? Because people's lives suck (YES, EVEN YOURS). Your lives suck because you have to face things like work, ruined relationships, failure, family issues!!! And Mr Paul (I'm-so-arty-and-clever) Goldman comes along and what does he decide to film??? Huh???


Why the hell do we want to see that? We live it every god damned day (no offence to any absurdists out there). I mean do you have rocks in your head, Goldman?!

It's about time you as the audience stop sucking up to these so called artistic moron filmmakers and take a stand! Get off your asses and stop liking stuff because it's "riske" and different"!! It is not different, it is not riske and it is definetely not cinema!!

You wanna know why the Australian film industry is bust??? This film is the perfect f#@$%^g example!!!

And one more thing; sure this film may express our culture and be a good example of Australian suburban life. But I ask you, why the hell do we as Australians want to know about our own everyday culture??? It's not as if we've forgotten it!!! We live it for Christ's sake!!!! And as for Americans...they don't care.... they have Texas and school shootings...their culture is far more interesting compared to ours, they really don't want to see this crap!!!

So in future, (and I hope Paul Goldman is reading this), refrain from making this crap and try to put your efforts into something that doesn't make me wish I was being reamed with the business end of a shovel instead of watching!

Kind regards, John on-the-verge-of-homicide Citizen!!!


You sound like a rival director pissed off that your movie didn't win any awards.

For shame...for shame...


"People go to movies to escape and relax! You know why? Because people's lives suck (YES, EVEN YOURS). Your lives suck because you have to face things like work, ruined relationships, failure, family issues!!! And Mr Paul (I'm-so-arty-and-clever) Goldman comes along and what does he decide to film??? Huh???"

I think what you need is some kind of therapy of maybe a priest. Watching movies is not what you should be looking for and it's not going to help you. I'm sorry your life sucks, but please don't say "people" whaen you mean "I" or "me" or "myself".

Great acting from almost everybody and the direction and cutting is good too, straight to the point and not abusing videoclip style camera effects that ruins so many films lately.


I have to agree, I didn't like the movie. I agree the acting and direction was fine, but to me the film was an excuse for a group of people to show people screwing, taking drugs, and thieving, and glorifying it the whole way. The good, honest men in the film are portrayed as the enemy.

I'm not trying to be a troll... If anyone wants to have a decent discussion to counter what I just stated, I'm more than open to it.

Last film I saw:
Music and Lyrics * * *


I don't think that the good, honest people were portrayed as the enemy in this film. Kat was deffinately the 'bad guy' in this.

The movie in no way glorified any of her actions. Everyone around her could see she was bad news - Lydia, her dad, the police-officer, the neighbour. Even Rusty and Kenny (at some point) knew that she wasn't a good person and that her actions were reprehensible.

The "screwing, taking drugs, and thieving" was a huge part of who Kat is, and at no point during my viewing did I get the impression that the filmakers were gloryfing it. Quite the opposite. It painted her as a rather sad and unattractive person.

I thought the movie was really good, and while I do see some parallels to my 'suburban experince' I have never in my life met a character like Kat. Deffinate escapism for me.

Who discovered we could get milk from cows and what did he think he was doing at the time?


Whoever it is that started this thread did so by creating a new user ID it seems - this proves that the weak individual that shot their mouth off was slightly scared of being exposed as a fraud if other comments they made were seen. Good job you idiot. Maybe you should get a back bone and support you arguments with something the resembles a good insight than running away like a eunuch.


I didnt read the whole first post but from what I've read I like it (the post) <3


man u r a nutjob, chill out, VARIETY is what people want, not your shockingly narrow minded opinion on what constitutes a movie, a movie can be about ANYTHING, it doesnt have to be mindless violence or complete fantasy you cheese monkey, so its about auzzies and your an auzzie, seems like yr offended by its honesty of something, get over yourself.. :p


(and I hope Paul Goldman is reading this),


hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha im sure a successful director is reading your waste of time narrow minded bulldust. Get a life and support Australian cinema instead of crying about it.


yazman, you surely got shown that's for sure.

film is about personal choice and personal opinion.
don't go sterotyping what "everyone" on imdb believes, cause as you can see, this is what happens

like a few have already stated before i, like many others, don't go to see movies to relax. sure maybe i see a few movies to relax as i know they're going to be average, but on the most part i go to see a film to be inspired. to learn something. to laugh. to cry. etc etc blah blah blah.

also, i haven't seen your rebuttle yet.
please, entertain us.


I watched some other aussie movies recently including sommersault and little fish and they went no where!!! There was no dramatic tension etc. but suburban mayhem was awesome and totally captivating. Each to their own opionion etc. but i have to say i really loved this movie.
