MovieChat Forums > Hostel (2006) Discussion > I FIND THE MAIN CONCEPT TO BE BORDERLINE...


Maybe it is just me, but I have a hard time believing that people would pay $5,000-25,000 (in 2005 nonetheless) just so that they can torture somebody who they don´t even know (or barely know) to death. I just have a hard time believing that there are a significant number of people who would do this, to such an extent that it could support a thriving business. I mean that is the price of a car for Pete´s sake. Also, even if a business like this could survive or thrive I can´t imagine that it would last that long before it was busted by law enforcement. Of course maybe in Slovakia law enforcement is very corrupt and can be bribed. After being in Slovakia´s sister country the Czech Republic in 1999 I could definitely believe that.

Does anybody else think that the main concept for this film is pretty unrealistic?


Probably, but I don't have a problem believing that such a place could exist in a very corrupt country.



Not really. Just look at all the crazy, awful stuff you hear about the Deep Web or the demented stuff you hear about happening in the darker social circles in big cities... Sick people who get their kicks doing terrible things definitely exist, and those people are willing to pay a pretty penny to get what they're looking for. (What may be a huge investment for you and I is just pocket change for others.)

Sure, the idea of it being such a huge "business" that's as easily "discoverable" as is portrayed in this film requires a bit of suspension-of-disbelief, but it's not that big a deal that it takes me out of the movie. (Just remember, this movie isn't really portraying a "realistic" view of Slovakia or such "businesses"... it's firmly bordering into "fantasy" that's loosely inspired by real ideas, so I don't have a problem with the film feeling too realistic. It's melodrama. It doesn't have to feel 100% real.)

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


It's fiction barely based on true events. You watch it for the horror, not realism. And in my peesonal opinion, Hostel part 1 and 2 succeded where the whole Saw franchise failed.


Its called "Suspension of disbelief"

With all horror films, you have to forgot about reality and think that anything is possible


I agree with you, it would be possible in a very lower scale and not such a big business, ultimately human nature (even a very sick one) have to talk and brag about what they did, that's all part of the fun reliving the moment by talking about it.
The prostitute involved will eventually talk due to drug or remorse or the system will crumble because people are greedy and want more money. Also advertising for such a thing must be pretty hard.
So in my opinion is not a business that could be done in such a big scale.
Alternatively there are mafia, gangster and sicarios in general that you could pay to kidnap someone and you can kill it yourself from the comfort of your own town, would be more economical and secretly then a big organisation as the people involved are considerably less.




just like psychos find normal people stupid.
of course there is a subcultural of tortures. Just look at the s&m clubs or abusive pornography, or snuff films. You gotta start somewhere and once you get the power like many of these leaders do they can indulge their sick fantasies into reality. Just look at the pedo's in the world booth proven or not and then come to me there isn't sickos in the world into this kind of stuff.
