MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Leo's finest performance?

Leo's finest performance?

I thought DiCaprio was immense in this movie. I really believed in the character and thought it was his strongest performance to date. Often I think DiCaprio looks like a boy pretending to be a man in many films but I think his performance was sensational in this vehicle. There was a real gravitas and on screen presence. I now understand what people mean when they call him Scorsese's new De Niro. It is perhaps a little ironic that it took Edward Zwick and not Scorsese to open my eyes to his talent! I very much look forward to watching DiCaprio in the future now.




YES! He never really stood out to me before seeing this movie.



I was more impressed by his performance in The Departed, Revolutionary road and The Basketball Diaries, than this one. But yes, he was certainly very good. He usually is.

I've seen him in a few movies that I plainly didn't like, such as The man in the Iron Mask and Gangs of New York, where I also felt his performance was insufficient/miscast, but I can't say I ever saw him playing downright poorly.


Amen to that!

Randal Graves: This job would be great if it wasn't for the *beep* customers.


I think his performance in The Aviator might be the best performance I have ever seen. Up there with De Niro in Raging Bull.


Yeah I would rank this as Leo's best acting performance AND movie. Really looking forward to the next Scorsese/Dicaprio film coming out this fall, too.


I agree. this is probably his best performance - he deserved the oscar
although did you see him in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape? if Bloody Diamonds his best, than that is certainly his second!


I agree, he was great in this. I couldn't believe he got nominated for an Oscar for his performance in The Aviator. I didn't think he was very good in that. I kept seeing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Howard Hughes, not Howard Hughes. In Blood Diamond, all I saw was a mercenary with a strong South African accent. I didn't even know he was in it when I saw the trailers, I thought it was somebody else.

I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.


I think Dicaprio is an actor who hasn't got stuck on one role/mode. He keeps pushing himself further and further and it shows. I has grown and has come a long way.

I must admit I wasn't a big fan before but I truly like what he has done lately. It also helped me to appresiate his earlier works more.



Exactly!!! Baz vs Leo will be highly interesting.

all life starts with death
all death starts with life



I'm not at all impressed with either The departed och Shutter Island. I don't see the amazing everyone seems to see. Shutter Island was a disappointment for me. I mean, it should be really thrilling but I loose interest almost imediatly. Blood Diamond is so above both those two films.

all life starts with death
all death starts with life



Yes, Leo's best movie!


Movies are Art and Art is Personal Interpretation


He is Awesome!! Done and Done.
