MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > i'm surprised that some of events portra...

i'm surprised that some of events portrayed actually happened

just watched this film, very very good!

I looked up the Sierra Leon civil war, RUF, and south African mercenaries involvement depicted in the film, and was shocked those actually happened. the colonel seems to be based on Rodenesian Eeben Barlow and his Executive Outcomes.


These appalling wars continue to this day. For example, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, more than 5.5 million people have died and 500,000 women have been raped since 1998. This war that has been largely funded by the export of coltan -- an ore that is rich in tantalum. Tantalum is used in tantalum capacitors, which are vital components in cell phones and game stations.

Africa has almost limitless natural resources, which ought to make it one of the wealthiest continents on the planet, but somehow it never works out that way.

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*


Africa has almost limitless natural resources, which ought to make it one of the wealthiest continents on the planet, but somehow it never works out that way.

Natural resources bring a lot of attention to your area. If outside forces can come in and profit from them, they will. If your country cant keep them out, it won't be getting any of the benefit.


thanks to european colonization

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


thanks to european colonization
Yes because God knows African tribes lived in perfect peace and harmony beforehand. The first African trade slavers were themselves black Africans.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


Yes because God knows African tribes lived in perfect peace and harmony beforehand. The first African trade slavers were themselves black Africans.

That's NOT true.

And yes- most of Africa WAS in peace before the slave-trade.

But let's pretend it were- that made it OK for Whites to go to Africa, steal people and own the like cattle?

Im pretty sick of hearing that BS as some kind of excuse for the atrocities that happened during slavery.

And that's the double truth, RUTH!


At what point did I say anything about anything making it right? Putting words in people's mouths just makes you a jackass.


Guns, Germs, and Steel.


'Yes because God knows African tribes lived in perfect peace and harmony beforehand. The first African trade slavers were themselves black Africans.'

Spinning the old lie that the white man brought culture and civilisation with no thought of exploitation and introducing weapons for mass slaughter!

It's that man again!!


The African's needs to take some responsibility for their actions as blaming the the white man is getting old.
Britain was colonised by roman empire and invaded many times, the people where often taken as slaves by scandinavian and Irish invaders so by your logic I should be allowed to rape and murder anyone and blame it on incidents that happened long before I was born.

The current problems in africa are not the fault of invasion a century ago and afirca has had billions if not trillions in aid unfortunately most of the people in power only care about themselves. then you have them massacring each other because they have slightly different skin colour but I suppose the white mans to blame for that aswell.


You are aware that it took a lot of centuries for Britain to get it's act together after Rome pulled out?


Are you implying that Britain EVER got its act together?

These are people that eat a food called 'Spotted Dick' that we are talking about here.


hey invented the Industrial revolution , your welcome , now u have to go to work ...


lol they didn't 'invent' the Industrial Revolution! Dumbest thing I've ever heard. I'm embarrassed for you.


Im gonna assume your not just bickering over grammer ,semantics , and my entertaining use of the word "invent" , and are actually questioning the mettle of my statement , and so i will reply thus:

oh yeah? then why is chapter one of this page titled "Britain: Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution" ?


LOL It was closest to civilized during European colonization. Now Africans have been independent for decades, that's when the massacres, rapes, Al Shabab and Boko Haram happened, White Man NATO has to go in and save Africans from their fellow Africans LOL And Africans still haven't abolished slave trade, which had been going for long before White Man got there LOL The best thing for Africa would be total recolonization, eradicate their god awful cultures to make al of Africa like South Africa (before ANC took over


i guess rape and murder and stealing is ''civilized'' to a white supremacist. africa is not independent, it's still controlled by europeans and now china. go back to stormfront you psycho b itch

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


You should watch the making of this film. The writers based the screenplay based on actual events. The actual event was the brainchild. To give it cinematic leverage, a lot was included or excluded. That explains the weight it carries at the Academy. It's a powerful subject of humanity; and just like any World War 2 movie, they wanted the world to see the injustice done to humanity and at what cost diamonds sell in stores. Leo was sporting a Blood Diamond pin throughout the making, promotions, release and awards season to support the war for humanity against blood diamonds. He has many causes, this is one of them.


I looked up the Sierra Leon civil war, RUF, and south African mercenaries involvement depicted in the film, and was shocked those actually happened.

Why would you be shocked? Are you new to planet earth?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Why would you be shocked? Are you new to planet earth?

You are probably new. Rebels usually aren't this stupid, so I was shocked as well to see they really used these tactics. Not shocked to see that they lost, though.


You are probably new. Rebels usually aren't this stupid, so I was shocked as well to see they really used these tactics. Not shocked to see that they lost, though.
You can say that but rebels ARE that stupid as history illustrates.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


You can say that but rebels ARE that stupid as history illustrates.

Yeah|? Ever heard of the USA? It started with Rebels.


I don't know what your point is.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


My point is that rebels aren't usually this stupid, pretty sure I wrote that at some point here.


We've been over this. Rebels ARE that stupid.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Remember the USA part? It started with rebels. This I said to reinforce my point that rebels are usually not this stupid.


That would be the exception. Not the rule.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


No, that is just one example among many. USA is not the only free nation in the americas, you know. The rule would be more like the stupid ones do not succeed like the ones in this movie, so you tend not to hear about em that much.


A few days ago somehow I came across some article about King Leopold II and Congo, and pictures of people without hands...
I didn't know about this before....


I agree it's such a dark movie.


I agree it's some pretty gruesome stuff.
