MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Doctor Who ratings drop to their lowest ...

Doctor Who ratings drop to their lowest EVER! MILLIONS of Whoivans tune OUT this season!

The latest news articles prove the BBC is getting killed by the continuing Doctor Who boycott, as millions of Whovians tune OUT in droves. Here are some exerts:

Saturday cable ratings: ‘Doctor Who’ Season 10 premiere down considerably vs. Season 9
The 10th season of the show premiered on BBC America Saturday to 921,000 viewers and a 0.3 rating among adults 18-49...well below the Season 9 premiere way back in September 2015, which drew 2 million viewers and 0.9 in the 18-49 demographic. Spinoff series “Class” debuted outside the Top 25 originals with a 0.2 and 535,000 viewers.
Anti-capitalism episode 'Oxygen' draws lowest ratings in nuWho history!
Official figures released by the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board or BARB, give Doctor Who - Oxygen an official rating of 5.27 million viewers.
The rating includes all those who recorded the programme and watched it within 7 days.
Doctor Who has now plummeted way down to only the 26th most watched programme for the week. The final rating is the lowest the series has achieved since Survival aired in 1989.
Broadcast and reception
The episode was watched by 3.57 million overnight.[6] The episode received 5.27 million views overall, the lowest consolidated figures of the revived era the show.


So, in conclusion, all you smug defenders of "Series 10" who mocked my boycott and gloated about how much "better" Bill is than Clara and how the show has "greatly improved" from last year, it seems that MILLIONS of loyal fans are taking the opposite position and staying away from the franchise in DROVES.

Karma at its best.


My, how times change. A month or two ago, I publicly called for a BOYCOTT of the Doctor Who franchise on this board, saying Doctor Who fans must TUNE OUT the show until at least 2018, when Moffat is gone and they start again from scratch.

My brave efforts to promote an international BOYCOTT of the program were met with ridicule on this board. Moffat apologists and BBC shills laughed it off as some kind of delusional one man crusade against an iconic BBC program. They made snide remarks on here like "Oh yeah, I'm sure the writers are thinking 'hey rememeber that one guy on the internet who hated the last season, let's try to please him".

Unfortunately for you Moffat apologists/BBC shrills, my call for a BOYCOTT was not a lone voice crying out in the wilderness. MILLIONS joined me and refused to watch "Series 10" out of disgust for "Bill" and how Moffat has destroyed any crediblity left for Doctor Who. In fact, in the United States ALONE, over 1.1 MILLION Doctor Who fans who eagerly watched last year's season premiere joined in the BOYCOTT of THIS season's premiere episode. Look at the data for yourself: the numbers do NOT lie. Even worse, a recent turd offered up by Moffat and his henchmen has the dishonor of being the LOWEST rated episode since the program was revived in 2005, and it just keeps going downhill from there.


Who da man??

I reckon people waiting for volume 10 just started playing with their fidget spinners and found them to be a distraction that was too addictive.

And then there is the online viewing aspect which people can do in their own time consistently every week freeing up their Saturday nights.


If you dislike this season so much, perhaps you could do us all a favor and stop posting here until it's over. Otherwise, you're just trolling.


>> If you dislike this season so much, perhaps you could do us all a favor and stop posting here until it's over. <<

Sorry, last time I checked, this is a discussion board for the current incarnation of the franchise, where ALL feedback, good and bad, is welcomed. If you only want to hear one sided praise for the show, you should be writing BBC press releases instead.

Doctor Who fans have a right to speak out when the BBC ruins our favorite sci-fi show. It's the only way things are going to get better.


The difference is you aren't actually interested in discussing the show. You're just trolling about how much you don't like it - while misrepresenting anyone who calls you out for this as wanting "one sided praise." And no, no one at the BBC is paying attention or cares about what you have to say, so your posts will in no way contribute to it getting better.


The difference is you aren't actually interested in discussing the show. You're just trolling about how much you don't like it -

Untrue. To go with your example, I think Twilight is worthless crap and I've never watched a single one of those movies. If I wanted to troll, I'd go on their message boards and tell the Twihards how much their sparkly vampires suck. But I don't, and I have no interest in harassing the Twihards or disrupting their boards, because I am NOT a fan of their franchise and DO NOT care about discussing it and listening to them defend their garbage.
By contrast, I AM a longtime viewer of Doctor Who and stuck with nuWho for a decade (2007-2017), including sitting thru Calpadi's first two seasons, hoping in vain it would get better. It didn't. It got worse and worse, and "Bill" was the last straw, so I am tuning out this year. This doesn't mean I've given up on the show at all. As a die-hard Whovian I HOPE to come back after they purge "Bill" and start over from scratch without Moffat, and I'm praying Chris Chibnall and the BBC will repair the current death spiral of the franchise and save the show. I have a vested interest in seeing Doctor Who get back on the right path. I will be more to happy to discuss nuWho in detail and what they've done right in the past, and what they're doing wrong now.
If that makes me a "troll", by your definition, then X-Men fans who go on boards like X-Men Origins: Wolverine to post extremely negative threads about the movie and talk about how much they think it sucked and ruined the X-Men universe are "trolls" too. Now, as a disclaimer, I'm actually someone who LIKED X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but I wouldn't claim a fellow X-Men fan who utterly loathes that version of the X-Men cinematic universe a "troll". They are free to bash it as much as they want, if they think it conflicted with their vision of how X-Men should be on film.



And no, no one at the BBC is paying attention or cares about what you have to say, so your posts will in no way contribute to it getting better.

Untrue. You can deny it all you want, but you better believe the BBC is reading the reactions of fans on the internet to the current dung they are serving up, and they are sweating bullets over the plummeting ratings and negative backlash against garbage like "Oxygen" and "The Lie of the Land" They are desperate to stop the bleeding and all the stunts Steven Moffat has tried this season has only made it worse for them. Thanks to the reaction of long time fans like me turning against the show, they are certain to make "Bill" a one season anomley and the latest "rumours" is that they are even planning to get rid of her BEFORE the Christmas special, in the hopes of boosting ratings and getting back disgruntled viewers. If that is true, I will be delighted, and you can thank fans like myself for pushing the BBC to speed up the great Doctor Who rehabilitation of 2018.


Whether or not you're a "fan" is irrelevant. By your own admission you're not watching the show, thus you have nothing new to say, nothing new to add other than "this sucks!" Your dislike is duly noted, but incredibly tiresome. You're a troll whether or not you believe you are. PS: The BBC still does not care what you think, and you're putting incredible self-importance on yourself by thinking that they do. I want to discuss the show - good or bad - with people who are actually engaged in the current story line. And that's not you.


Well from what I can see Oxygen was well received. Everyone should make their own decisions. If you're basing your decisions on numbers what's the point. Everyone keeps telling me how good the tv comedy friends was, but I never really got into it, it wasn't my kind of thing. My point is ratings don't mean much, some amazing films and series don't get the viewers but then become cult.


>> Well from what I can see Oxygen was well received. <<<

Unfortunately for you, claiming it was "well received" doesn't it true.


I didn't say it did. My point is if you look for negative reviews you will find negative reviews to back your opinion and it's the same if you look for positive. I don't see the point in basing opinions on other peoples opinions. If I'm correct you've not watched any of this series, so how do you know how bad it is - the only things you will have heard are from other people, reviews etc.


I've seen every episode and this season is awful. I'm still watching it, but the BBC has given me no confidence that any show runner they hire would be anything but a leftist, PC asshat who's out of touch with the zeitgeist, who treats the Doctor as a god (bad) rather than a curious investigator prone to bouts of heroism and practical problem solving (good), and who panders to the fringes of gay/transgendered activism while largely ignoring or attacking the other 97% of the population. As a Doctor Who fan since I was a kid in the early 1980s, I'm hoping they cancel the show before they completely destroy its legacy.


I don't know this series has been better than most of new who's seasons. I did prefer most of last series though - thought having mainly two parters worked well in it's favour as it allowed the stories room to breathe. I do think the show has started to go stale though. Not sure if it's Moffat or the show in general. I mean there's a lot of stuff Moffat does that I prefer over RTD but I do feel there's a spark gone and maybe it needs a break. I remember when series 5 came out, my favourite new who series, the show felt brand new, refreshed and it was great change, with moffat injecting some missing magic into the show. Maybe his successor can do something similar. The show is about change and I do think Moffat has probably stayed on too long.
