MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Was Peter Capaldi the worst Doctor ever?

Was Peter Capaldi the worst Doctor ever?

Personally speaking, I don't think so. That role just happens to belong to Sylvester McCoy, not that I blame him, I blame the scripts and direction during his tenure. Sadly for McCoy he was really starting to grow on me before the show was put on "hiatus"

Anyway getting back on topic, Is Peter Capaldi the worse Doctor ever?

I would say yes he and no, yes he is the worse Doctor of the new series that is.
And I this is a shame because I have been a fan of Capaldi for over 20 years and was excited when he was announced as the 12th Doctor.

Unfortunately his Doctor has been giving terrible scripts and direction.

Many fans and casual viewers that I know have given up watching the show.

While I don't consider Capaldi the worse Doctor ever, I do consider him my least favorite Doctor of the new series.

I don't blame Capaldi for this, I blame Moffat.

But the general public and the average viewer tend to blame the actor which is unfortunate.

I would love to see what Capaldi is like under the direction of a good show runner but I can understand why the BBC may want to recast The Doctor if the rumors about a shakeup are true.

IMHO Capaldi has the potential to be the best Doctor ever, it's just a shame that Moffat has ruined that potential. Let's hope that Moffat can fix that spoiled potential in his final season next year.

What do ye all think?


By far the best new who Doctor for me. Before him it was eccleston but not this much. The only new Doctor I don't mind watching when in a bad story just for his performance. I know many new fans don't prefer this type of Doctor but they'll get a different one in a few years. Hopefully not too soon.


For the irregular adjective "bad" the comparative is "worse" and the superlative is "(the) worst".

No I don't think he's the worst of the five New Who incarnations. I personally think David Tennant was the worst. Other people will have other opinions. And that's fine.

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


My least favourite Doctors are John Pertwee and David Tennant.

I found the 10th Doctor quite melodramatic and over the top, written as far too human and brooding-it felt like they were pandering to casual viewers and teenagers by writing him as more of a generically flawed hero figure and 'oh so tragic wo is me' mopey ladies man, it was supposed to be accessible but it just annoyed me.

I missed the anger and sarcasm of the 9th Doctor, Tennant had a tendency to over act as times and the 10th Doctor was kinda full of himself, blustery and arrogant but unlike 6 and 12 didn't have a sufficiently interesting or alien personality to make up for it, I found the love story between him and pretty much every female character he ran into forced and cheesy rather than touching, and the writing practically beat you over the head with the 'woe is me I'm such a brooding tragic figure please love me', at times Tennant's Doctor feels like's he's strolled in from a different show and written by community.

Tennant's Doctor WAS my favourite Doctor growing up as he was the most accessible of the New Who Doctors, but in the years since his episodes first aired I've watched more and more of the classic series and started reading the books/listening to audios and as such his Doctor feels less authentic and in keeping with the usual character-paradoxically it was the more accessible, human 10th DR that got me interested in Who, and it was the wider series that made me loose interest in his personality..

Pertwee's Doctor I just found kinda...boring, he was arrogant, chauvinistic and vaguely misogynistic and I felt most of his storylines were overlong and repetitive.


vaguely misogynistic

So he "vaguely" despised women? I never really got that from his relationship with Liz, Jo or Sarah.

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


I just felt his era felt kinda sexist and dated, more so than the 60's stories because the serials were less experimental.


I find it astonishing how quick people are to use the m-word. It is an extreme description, and arguably an accusation, yet people are using it by default, almost as if they haven't stopped to ask themselves whether it is the right word.

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


Welcome to modern feminism.


Welcome to the age of Orwellian "Progressive" Liberalism


Welcome to the age of right wing hyper-overreaction to simple tentative statements of opinion.
1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Mac


Welcome to the age of right wing hyper-overreaction to simple tentative statements of opinion.

Overreaction? When someone's "tentative" opinion is that someone hates or despises women, based on no evidence?

I wouldn't mind so much if this sort of condemnation-by-default was restricted to fictional characters...

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


Here are Thonybacon's two statements

Pertwee's Doctor I just found kinda...boring, he was arrogant, chauvinistic and vaguely misogynistic and I felt most of his storylines were overlong and repetitive.

I just felt his era felt kinda sexist and dated, more so than the 60's stories because the serials were less experimental.

So Thornybacon has used the words

1) "I" - as in him personally
2) "vaguely" and "kinda" i.e not definite.

Nowhere did Thornybacon use the words "ban" "erase" or "do not watch" - all of which would be implied by the term 'Orwellian"

I don't agree that Pertwee's Doctor was misogynistic but if someone is saying that expressing a personal opinion on a fictional character as Kthullu X is 'Orwellian' then, yes I do think that is an overreaction.
1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Mac


"Orwellian" is about holding the "correct" opinion even when you know, from looking at the evidence or following the logic, that it's wrong. "Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four."

The novelist Jodi Picoult was on Breakfast (a BBC TV programme watched by 1.5 million viewers) a few minutes ago declaring - straight-faced and unchallenged - that simply having white skin means you are racist. Two plus two equals five.

When making a serious judgement about a person, you just don't say "vaguely" or "kinda". You either have a reason for making that judgement, or you don't say anything. I'm not unduly worried about Thornybacon's post because he is talking about a fictional character, but I do see this word thrown around a lot to refer to real people, individually and collectively. It's a nasty little label that sticks surprisingly easily.

All I am saying is, if you want to use the word, save it for people who actually do hate and despise women.

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


Stop using words you don't understand.
The point of the word Orwellian is a strict contradiction of the real world to change your way of thinking like in 1984.
If I say "The sky is green and now you have to say the sky is green"
That's Orwellian.
If I say "I think that the sky is green"
That's not Orwellian that's an opinion. A stupid opinion but still an opinion.

The word Orwellian is about exerting power to change the way you think. Not just having an opinion you don't agree with.


Thinking the sky is green even though you know it's not but you've been told to think it - that's Orwellian.

Believing someone is a misogynist even though you have no clear evidence that they are but you've had the idea drummed into you is pretty much the same thing.

Let me know when I use a word I don't understand.

This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned


Who says she's been told to think Jon Pertwee's era is misogynist? Now you're just getting things out of no where.

Again back to the sky being green that person might just be colour blind and has never been corrected it doesn't mean they've had it "drummed" into them.


Who says she's been told to think Jon Pertwee's era is misogynist?

Because if it were not so she would be able to state why she thinks so, rather than just express a vague feeling.

Again, a misogynist hates and despises women. If someone gets that from Pertwee's Doctor or era, then they are getting things out of nowhere.

Again back to the sky being green that person might just be colour blind and has never been corrected it doesn't mean they've had it "drummed" into them.

a) That's not how colour blindness works.
b) You said the opinion was stupid.
c) I'm bored of this.

This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned


10 got by on the writing and charm with the ladies. 11 was the most balanced with better writing. 12 had the most potential, but the writing and decaying characterization were a problem for him.

I would like to see 12 regenerate in a mass scream of anger, rage and pain that represented his doctor.


I would like to see 12 regenerate in a mass scream of anger, rage and pain that represented his doctor.

That will never happen if the regeneration is in a Christmas special!

Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who


Are you kidding? If you say you like chicken breasts because you prefer white meat, around a "progressive", they'll call you a racist and a chauvinist!


I got 99 problems and a ham-fisted bun vendor ain't one.

Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic


Capaldi's certainly been let down by some arguably poor scripts - and at a far greater degree/pseudo 'failure' rate than his Nu Who predecessors though this shouldn't reflect badly upon him as an actor or his otherwise stellar performances of course.

It's a shame really as he (and we) deserve far better and unless Season 10 is a storming return to the form previously attained in Nu Who, Capaldi's Doctor (and indeed his legacy) might end up being under-appreciated by both fandom and audiences generally.

Fingers crossed for Season 10 then!


I still say Davison is the worst Doctor ever. The first of what I'd call the irredentist Doctors, for whom a complete character and creative heyday seems to constantly elude them because the show is looking back too much.

But Capaldi is up there.

A lot of fans seemed to want him to be the great white hope for the series, and saw in him what they wanted to see.

I tried to see it in him, but aside from a few isolated moments in Deep Breath, Mummy on the Orient Express, The Zygon Incursion and Heaven Sent I just didn't feel a Doctorish quality to him.

Many liken him to being Colin's Doctor 'done right', but personally with Colin I at least sensed a strength of will to him that made him the Doctor. Not so with Capaldi. He just seems to be some apathetic armchair Hitler for whom being the Doctor is some chore he can barely be bothered with.

I think perhaps it was the moments where the writing played up to his Malcolm Tucker persona or had him mid-life crisis-ing that really disconnected me from him. Right from Robots of Sherwood where everything he did in his sudden rivalry with Robin, just seemed so scripted and forced. From thenon I just couldn't make myself take him seriously as much as I wanted and tried to.

So a lot of it is the writing, making him utterly unappealing as a character and ineffective as a hero. But some of it I think is the performance. It doesn't help that his second story was a remake of Dalek, which made the comparisons with Eccleston's more raw screen presence inevitable. But the fact is, Eccleston's performance seemed to take nothing for granted. Capaldi's seems to take everything for granted that the audience is going to find his Doctor compelling and interesting and so he doesn't seem to ever 'fight' for it.

Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic


More likely you'll find it the opposite. There is a huge number of fans that find him an expectional Doctor let down only by poor scripts and Moffat's fatigue. (for me it's the golden era both cause of the Doctor and storywise)

I can easily nitpick the same for 10's forced love plots of the week like in Girl in the Fireplace, not to mention his romance with rose that puts his doctor way out of thr character but I won't let this to compromise him completley because he was a great Doctor and certainly in my top5.


I think he's the BEST NuWho Doctor and the third best ever Doctor. He a million times better than Tennant, at least.


Tennant is not only a billion times better than Capaldi but his sidekick Martha Jones is also infinitely better and a more capable actor than Capaldi too.


Tennant's a good actor but the wrote him terribly. Capaldi is an absolutely stellar actor - in my opinion, probably the best actor to ever portray the Doctor.


Tennant's a good actor but the wrote him terribly. Capaldi is an absolutely stellar actor - in my opinion, probably the best actor to ever portray the Doctor.

Don't be stupid. poor cow lol.



Tennant's Doctor is about as far as you can get from the Character as played by Hartnell through Mcoy, and everything RTD tried to do with 10, Big Finish and BBC books did much better with the 8th Doctor.


It's funny how people he has terrible scripts when he's been. Involved in some of the best and most loved episodes in a very long time


