MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Having re-watched seasons 1-7 in NuWho

Having re-watched seasons 1-7 in NuWho

I now place Matt and David as co-favorites.
I believe that having gone back and watched all of classic, gave me a much greater understanding of"the Doctor" and his different faces.
The segment of 10, with Rose remains a fave, not so much w/ Martha or Donna, not that I didn't like them, or the shows written with them, but the plot lines with Rose, stood out for me.
As did Amy and Rory, their entire run, of course including River Song remains my all time favorite., I also totally liked the "Impossible girl" Clara and how that was written.
11's demise was one of the best of all regenerations.
Re Watching the War Doctor episodes also was brilliant! Once again, I could really see where 12 regenerates, they come up with a whoa, my regenerations are used up, I have to re use one, and David re-appears.
Well, I still need to re watch Peter, I hope I like him better than the first time around.


I thought 1-4 were much stronger rewatching them recently. 5 was as good as I remembered then the wheels really came off on A Good Man Goes To War. Ts like Moffat thought oh well the fans will accept anything it doesn't need continuity or respect for the past, they'll lap it up whatever it is. Capaldi's entire run was disappointing. The moon is an egg. Embarrassing.


Ts like Moffat thought oh well the fans will accept anything it doesn't need continuity or respect for the past, they'll lap it up whatever it is.
In what way is continuity of the past effected?

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.



So many ways. The Doctor couldn't previously just hop back in time when he becomes a part of events (Parting of the Ways), he couldn't just change things without massive consequences (Father's Day).

Moffat is an insult to continuity. Just as you're an insult to spelling.


I thought 1-4 were much stronger rewatching them recently. 5 was as good as I remembered then the wheels really came off on A Good Man Goes To War. Ts like Moffat thought oh well the fans will accept anything it doesn't need continuity or respect for the past, they'll lap it up whatever it is. Capaldi's entire run was disappointing. The moon is an egg. Embarrassing.

I agree with most of that, but I do think series 7 was a bit of a return to form after 6. I liked 7, it was more like Classic Who in a way. Yes the story arc was mince (though I still like Name of the Doctor, Its plot is gibberish but what the hell its such fun I don't care)

Still I liked the way the S7 episodes were more self contained and the settings were more varied, less soap opera pish and Matt and Jenna's chemistry was brilliant. You can tell they really liked each other in real life.

IMO S7 is the last hurrah for New Who before it really all went to absolute sh!t in Capaldi's time.

Capaldi's had two above average stories, Into the Dalek and Heaven Sent, and even then there's a lot of stupid sh!t in that story too. That's it however in 2 years for me whilst the rest of his era contains some of the worst stories ever made.


>> 5 was as good as I remembered then the wheels really came off on A Good Man Goes To War. Ts like Moffat thought oh well the fans will accept anything it doesn't need continuity or respect for the past, they'll lap it up whatever it is.

Still I liked the way the S7 episodes were more self contained and the settings were more varied, less soap opera pish and Matt and Jenna's chemistry was brilliant. You can tell they really liked each other in real life.

IMO S7 is the last hurrah for New Who before it really all went to absolute sh!t in Capaldi's time.

Capaldi's had two above average stories, Into the Dalek and Heaven Sent, and even then there's a lot of stupid sh!t in that story too. That's it however in 2 years for me whilst the rest of his era contains some of the worst stories ever made.

Capaldi's entire run was disappointing. The moon is an egg. Embarrassing.

Agree 100%. "A Good Man Goes to War" is when the show started to suck, and was the beginning of the end for the Moffat era. Jenny Flint and the "Paternoster Gang" ("WE'RE GAY!! WE'RE GAY!!! WE'RE GAY!!!! DID WE MENTION WE'RE GAY? By the way being gay is no big deal these days..." Oh and also WE'RE GAY!!!!) were just a trial run for "Bill Potts", the worst companion on Who history.

I feel really bad for Capaldi, who had the misfortune of inheriting the role when the show was churning out absolutely the WORST material in its history. You made a good point that even the handful of "good" episodes he had were still very flawed. Season 8 and 9 were a chore to sit thru, now "Series 10" is utterly unwatchable tripe.


The moon being an egg was nowhere near as embarrassing as Fart Monsters trying to start World War III or tiny 'cute' creatures made of fat takin g over the world.


I thought David was the one for me, but Matt won my heart and soul!❤️


>>> I also totally liked the "Impossible girl" Clara and how that was written. <<<

Shhh. The Moffat apologists/BBC shills don't like to be reminded of that. The "official" BBC talking point now is that people HATED Clara and couldn't wait for her to be replaced with an ugly lesbian with a man's name, so the show is sooooo much better now. In their revisionist history, audiences were hoping and praying Amy Pond was replaced with an ugly SJW character whose only purpose on the show is tell everyone she's a lesbian every episode. We're supposed to believe fans were devastated when we got "The Impossible Girl" instead.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we can remember the good ol' days of the Moffat era, BEFORE Moffat lost his mind:

