MovieChat Forums > The Last Kiss (2006) Discussion > Would you have taken him back?

Would you have taken him back?

I would like to know peoples opinions on this...
because I am in a similar situation.
He didn't cheat on me and i'm not pregnant (im 18)
but after three years he broke my heart
left me for a little tramp like Kim and
now he -seems- willing to do anything to fix it...

So if you were "jenna" would you take Michael back?


No way! He screwed up once and when discovered he immediately turns around and makes it worse. If he truly did love her, he should have been more understanding of her initial reaction and done everything he could to regain her trust but instead he goes out and screws the other girl. He was a total jerk! Anyone who would do that to a pregnant girlfriend whom he plans to wed some day will probably do it again at some point down the road and can't be trusted. He's lacking in the morals department with very little self control. With a pregnant girlfriend he's more concerned about himself than her. Btw...I'm a guy but have no sympathy for anyone unfaithful in a relationship whether guy or gal.


The question is why would he want her to? She's a completely spoiled, self-centered jerk who would make his life miserable.


The guy in the movie? I don't think I'd take him back, because I didn't see him as mature enough by the end of the movie. I resented his insistence that Jenna take him back. He kept moving into her personal space and putting his hands on her when obviously she couldn't stand being anywhere near him. To me that says he's still all about himself and what he wants, and I wouldn't trust him to care about what I want, or to respect the boundaries that I set.

If your guy is different, if he's more respectful of your space after he hurt you, then perhaps you two have a chance.
