MovieChat Forums > The Last Kiss (2006) Discussion > Would you have taken him back?

Would you have taken him back?

I would like to know peoples opinions on this...
because I am in a similar situation.
He didn't cheat on me and i'm not pregnant (im 18)
but after three years he broke my heart
left me for a little tramp like Kim and
now he -seems- willing to do anything to fix it...

So if you were "jenna" would you take Michael back?



No I would not take him back. And I am not someone who says cheating can never be forgiven. But in this particular case, I don't think he was really humble enough to do the work it would take to repair the relationship. Not only did he keep lying, but then he basically coerced her into opening that door by melodramatically suffering on her porch. That makes her the bad guy if she just leaves him out in the cold. I HATE emotional blackmailers. He acted like a child from beginning to end. I also think the way he treated the college girl, the one he cheated with, was very douchy. This is not a guy who is ready to treat a woman right.


Even if you want to forgive a guy who cheated on you, it's difficult. The trust has already been broken. Anytime he's out and you can't get a hold of him, you're going to wonder what he's up to. It's unavoidable. You may be able to forgive, but it's impossible to forget.


Nope, I would never have taken him back. I don't understand how you can supposedly love someone and then go behind their back and cheat on them, knowing that eventually they will find out and they will be hurt. Even if they didn't find out I don't know how someone who has cheated could go on holding in such a big secret. It was bad enough that he lied to his pregnant girlfriend and went out with another girl, kissing her several times, he then went back and slept with her! People like that need to set their priorities straight and grow a pair of balls. Argghh, he infuriates me. He made his bed, now he has to sleep in it. If he spends the rest of his life regretting his decision, then so be it.

'nice socks man, nice socks'


No, never, this is the kind of trust that when broken you can never get it back. Especially since she was pregnant and he actually said that "his life was over" because of it. It's the last thing a woman wants to hear when she's pregnant! An unforgivable sentence!


Yeah, I think so. I mean, yeah, he made a mistake, a big mistake. But when you love someone you learn to forgive them. He seemed miserable over what he did and sincere with his apology. I would have taken him back.


I wouldn't take him back. I had a bf that cheated on me and I never talked to him after I found out he was carrying on with someone else. I do know people who don't mind taking their cheating husbands back though. I know a couple that has been married for twenty years, the huband has always been unfaithful and the wife has caught him cheating and she has no problem taking him back. Crazy I know, but some people have no dignity or self esteem.


Surveys suggest that up to 75% of men (and 50% of women) cheat on their marriage at some point. If someone you love makes a mistake, what are the chances you'll find someone new who has a perfectly clean slate? Just something to consider. Obviously some spouses are truly not worth keeping or forgiving.

Anyway the movie made it clear that the woman was partly at fault here. As she bragged to her mother, she felt she knew how to control men and always get them to do what she wanted. Chances are that means she got pregnant sort of on purpose, before he was ready. A man knows when he is being manipulated and played and if she had been more respectful of his feelings, he may not have been so afraid of being trapped in family life before he was ready and he may not have cheated.


No. And if I were him, I would not have pursued her in the first place.


I would take him back under one condition. That would be if he would go for counseling. A new baby can add stress. They need to bring everything out in the opening with a controlled environment (no knife or slamming doors). It is hard to forget, but forgiveness may be possible.


I agree Kariann, I can't see the relationship surviving without counseling.

"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.


I may not be the best person to ask as I believe monogamy, for the most part, is unrealistic, and therefore I’d never trust or even expect a significant other to keep his johnson in his pants around a person who wasn’t me. People invest too much in each other. Expect the world of each other. The less one does this, the happier he’ll be. I truly believe that.
