MovieChat Forums > The Fog (2005) Discussion > A Positive Review -- AMAZING!

A Positive Review -- AMAZING!

I don't understand the negative reviews of this film, not even a little bit. I'm not a John Carpenter aficionado but I did like his original version of "The Fog." It was slow and it wasn't gory, but it had great locations (Point Reyers/Bodega Bay, California) and a palpable eerie MOOD. This remake is an updating of the story 25 years later. Unless your an uber-fan of Adrienne Barbeau or Jamie Lee Curtis, this film is on par with the original and even superior in some ways. Here are some highlights (and a few negatives):

- The fog is arguably more menacing. In fact, the F/X in general are all-around superior, in particular the various leprous ghosts that appear in the fog. I love the visual where the fog forms a creepy face.

- The story isn't fast-paced by any means, but it's not as slow as the original.

- The eerie ambiance is still there even though lovers of the original say it isn't. There are a few jump scares, like the original, but neither film was meant to be uber-scary or gory, they're haunting mood pieces.

- The scenic locations are at least as good as well. It was filmed on Bowen Island and Cowhichan Bay (Vancouver Island), British Columbia, both not far from Vancouver.

- The picturesque and mysterious visuals are awe-inspiring.

- The score is on a par with the original with the exception of the end-credits piece, which was absolutely stellar in Carpenter's film (a variation of this piece appears only once in the proper film).

- The historic events of the leper ship colony are different than the original and are actually depicted in flashback, unlike the original where they're conveyed by word via an old journal. The changes in the backstory make for some spectacular visuals (e.g. the burning clipper ship, etc.)

- The brief zombie scene is scarier and just all-around better done.

- This is purely a matter of taste, but curvy Maggie Grace is superior to Adrienne Barbeau and Jamie Lee Curtis, at least as far as the filmmakers highlighting her curvy beauty (and I don't mean nudity 'cuz there isn't any).

On the downside, Selma Blair is so over-the-top hip as the DJ it's actually annoying, but this is a minor criticism; she's fine otherwise. Speaking of excessive, some of the death scenes are so overdone they'll strike some people as more funny than creepy, e.g. Aunt Connie.

BOTTOM LINE: If you're in the mood for a fast-paced slasher gorefest, you won't like this movie. If you're anal about Carpenter's original film, you won't like this remake. If, however, you're in the mood for a well-done, atmospheric, spooky and aesthetically pleasing mystery/horror picture, this 2005 version of "The Fog" will likely trip your trigger.



Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. Good comments! I usually brace myself for a verbal lashing when I receive a reply on this thread so it's always nice to get a positive one, or even a semi-positive one. 

For further commentary on the film see my post from November 18, 2014, above. I was responding to someone's points and I had just given both versions a fresh re-watching. Some new insights occurred to me concerning both films.

My 150 (or so) favorite movies:



Did not see the original but liked this movie. Loved the actors Selma Blair and Maggie Grace.




