MovieChat Forums > Superhero Movie (2008) Discussion > Which scene was the funniest to you?

Which scene was the funniest to you?

When the Dragon fly was hanging from the ceiling and tries to hold his pee, but then releases it a little bit and finally starts sprinkling like fire extinguisher. This was funny and also immediately after that when the Hourglass was looking for him in various places but he always managed to get away.

Watch "Zeitgeist - The Movie" - the true shock video


The snail raping Rick....

"Yeah take it all Bitch!"

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


The Tom Cruise scene.
The fart scene with Aunt Lucille.
"Once a month you'll bleed through your vagina!"
Aunt Lucille stuffing the turkey!

I just love this movie, it's so funny! I woke up staring down the barrel of my own damn gun.


every scene with Leslie Nielsen


The scene where he went to the webmd website and it asked him "Have you had Sex?" and he checked yes, "DONT LIE TO ME!!"

The scene with the old lady and dog in the wood chipper lmao!




There were several...Drake Bell's facial expressions really made the whole thing funny for me.
One that stood out, at his Aunt's funeral..."BYE". So simple and stupid, just hilarious.


The scene where the Hourglass and Dragonfly are fighting and the Hourglass pulls out his knives or whatever they were and says they can cut through diamonds, and the Dragonfly replies, "I'm not wearing any diamonds!"

Then he throws them at Dragonfly, he tries to dodge them, but all three end up hitting him.

I laughed for a full 2 mins on that part.


Lou Landers: I've never been married.
Jill Johnson: Fruitcake?
Lou Landers: No. Just haven't met the right woman.

That bit made me laugh and also where he says that he's sh*t himself



Lance we have to go.
I..... shat my pants.



ProfX: "Two girls...BUFFERING...One Cup...BUFFERING...You Know What To Do"


Leslie Nielsen: "I Had Sex With Your Mother JUST Like Your Father DID!"

i always love that one



The gargoyle part, both heroes standing on the same gargoyle xD
