MovieChat Forums > Superhero Movie (2008) Discussion > Which scene was the funniest to you?

Which scene was the funniest to you?

When the Dragon fly was hanging from the ceiling and tries to hold his pee, but then releases it a little bit and finally starts sprinkling like fire extinguisher. This was funny and also immediately after that when the Hourglass was looking for him in various places but he always managed to get away.

Watch "Zeitgeist - The Movie" - the true shock video


The parts I laughed at the most was the Tom Cruise scene, the line "I'm not wearing any diamonds" and when they're at the dinner table making up excuses for their injuries.."I, uh.. my crack pipe broke.."



Every scene with Leslie Nielsen


mentioned already at another similar thread:
-you're an ingrate and a whore, just like you're mother! who's that? my mother.
-prof x added you as a friend in facebook
-prof x switching from riding the toilet to other stuff.



I'M NOT WEARING ANY DIAMONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god LMAO, and Hourglass makes that priceless face and throws the blades. Dragonfly jumps into a strange position to avoid the blades, only to be pierced perfectly by every single one...

When that bird that Rick set on fire flies directly at Lance Landers lmao

Thanksgiving dinner--making up excuses!!!!!!!!!

This movie was so funny.


that Youtube video..
"Tom Cruise is dead."
when Dragonfly's hands got stuck to a lady's boobs and her shirt ripped off XD
the fart scene and when DF was peeing from the ceiling

..there's too many to list ;D


Mos memorable laugh for me was when his uncle (Leslie Nielsen) got shot & is on the floor & he comes over to him & says something to the affect of "your kneeing my balls"! Only Leslie can deliver a line like that so straight.

Also when Robert Hays was telling his son about the ring & the ring accidentally goes down his throat mid-speech....friggin' HILARIOUS!

Superhero Movie: 5/10
Fool's Gold: 5/10
Clerks II: 8/10


The Institute:
Professor X: Here at the institute we have kids who can walk through walls.
*Girl walks through wall*
Professor X: We also have kids here who think they can walk through walls.
*Girl try to walk through the wall*
Not exact dialogue but as close as I can remember.

You are not prepared. Illidan Stormrage


When the villan smashes the hour glass and gets a peice in his eye. My face hurt from laughing so much.


the "all by myself" scene when the red and blue air blow balloon thingies started humping i can't stop laughing

u got rick roll'd


I cryed with laughter when he pushes the granny out of the way of the truck, only to find he pushed her into that machine thing lmao, nd the cat was just dangaling there lmao


The testing out of superpowers...

"It's easier than it looks"
[after his uncle stabs and punches his friend]
"I don't think so..."

Do you like having sex? Then DON'T buy a Nintendo!


The scene where Prof. Xavier contacted Rick and the screen keep buffering and then he added Rick on his Facebook friends list.


I like when jill and rick are trying to talk and his aunt keeps farting and then I also like the part where he is on the ceiling trying to hold his pee in.
