MovieChat Forums > Superhero Movie (2008) Discussion > Which scene was the funniest to you?

Which scene was the funniest to you?

When the Dragon fly was hanging from the ceiling and tries to hold his pee, but then releases it a little bit and finally starts sprinkling like fire extinguisher. This was funny and also immediately after that when the Hourglass was looking for him in various places but he always managed to get away.

Watch "Zeitgeist - The Movie" - the true shock video


Every scene with stephen hawking


Every scene with stephen hawking


The credits -- I thought it was hilarious that it was supposed to be funny.


Keep your eyes on the road!
Okay, if it makes you feel any better!
~ See No Evil, Hear No Evil


The snail with the subtitles made the whole film for me. That was genius.


i laughed my ass off when the classification of the sutdent was stated...

jocks, geeks, emos, frodos!, scarface society, perverts! lol!

This is YOUR LIFE and it is ending one minute at a time!


The Tom Cruise bit! Man that was good!


the tom cruisepart was the only bit in the movie i laughed at didnt like the rest of the movie

tom cuise:i can fly i can fly

anchorman:tom cruise has just been found dead after jumping off a building


I think for me the scene where he first fights The Hourglass and gets those 3 titanium things thrown at him. He jumps all fancy only to be hit by exactly all 3 of those projectiles.


the scene during the credits where they were trying to cover up the chair AHAHHHAAHAHAH oh man


"I'm not wearing any diamonds"

Best line in the movie by far.


Yes, that was the funniest scene in the whole movie. The only one that I really laughed at. And I kept laughing. Because it was extremely humourous to me.


Actually for the the beginning of the funeral made me crack up.

Priest: We are gathered here today to say goodbye to Lucille Adams.
Mourners: Goodbye!


My favorite scene was when Rick (Dragonfly) was showing his uncle he had superpowers and said:

Rick -- Bet you 100 bucks, you can throw all the punches you want and you won't land ONE!

(His uncle punches his friend)
(Rick gives him $100)

Uncle -- Easy money!


scene that makes me laugh the most and never gets old is the dinner scene when she stabs lou and his face turns red lmao


I know this would be weak, but somehow I found all the Internet blogs, ads and the Youtube references hillarious.

Tom cruise, for anyone who actually seen that scientology interview, this one had me on the floor, and there's actually a longer version of it too.

The other one is when he is looking for a car and goes through the list, then gets to a picture of a beat-up completely wrecked piece of junk with the banner saying "Nissan $hitBox"... I couldn't stop laughing.


The only funny things in the movie was every scene with Leslie Nielsen.
The rest of the movie was just crap.

- GTA IV, WKTT Talk Radio


I gave this film 2 out of 10. One mark for the snail and his 'Hold him down boys...' line. That gang rape was so wrong, but so funny.

One mark for a half decent super-villain. His weakness being the source of his super power was so good it seemed out of place in a crap film.

Don't get a cat, all it'll do is plot your death.


I agree[With your first line]
And after the snails gets to him "Take it, bitch!"
I laughed so hard.

Also all the Hawking jokes

Last Movies Seen:
Dark Knight[10/10]

What does not kill you, makes you stranger!


only funny scene in the whole movie is the last one where he's flying then gets killed by the helicopter.

thats the ONLY thing in the whole film I actually laughed at.
the rest was sheer crap


When you hear the fighting next door.

"You heard that?"

I got my eye on you!


The fart scene with Marion Ross laying on the couch asleep and the two sitting there trying to talk.

"Scented candle?"
"Thank you"

I laughed so hard at that scene my stomach hurt for the rest of the movie.


the 2nd ending when that bomb went under hawkings chair ans he said mother F UCKER And the fart part with the aunt i pissed my pants and the docter daid i made here my space page under crazy $hit machine that was clasic
I went to Xavier's Scholl for the Non-Asian Gifted


"I'm not wearing any diamonds."

"I made her a myspace page under 'Crazy sh!t machine.'"

Uncle Albert: With great power comes--
Rick: Great responsibility?
Uncle Albert: Actually, I was gonna say bitches, but if you want to remain a virgin...

Mrs. X: You want to know the secret to being a superhero?
Rick: Yes.
Mrs. X: Come closer.
[smacks Rick in the head]
Mrs. X: Make a costume, sh!thead!

Objectively, I'd say I'm very smart, although it has nothing to do with my ass.--Bones
