When did you cry?

I was just wondering when/if anybody else was crying at some time during this movie. I always cry when watching a sad movie, but I felt like I waited forever to cry on this. There was moment after moment when I started thinking "Alright, now I'm gonna cry", but I never did, until that other guy held that cermon about Germans being evil and take the sword of God and strike them down. It's the only time I've ever cursed a priest. I just hated the way he manipulate religion like that, not to heal and bring love, as it is meant to, but to spread hate between people who had discovered that they are not so different after all, and to make some people into evil beings because of where they were born and what language they were speaking. He represented everything that's wrong about religious leaders (not that all of them are like this, far from it, but those who uses their influence for all the wrong reasons instead of bringing people together)

(I realise I haven't made myself to clear in this post, but I had to get it out)

Norwegian for "Oh, cock!" is "Åh, kuk!"


Spoiler alert!

Many moments made me tear up in this movie. But if I had to pick a single scene that hit the hardest, it would be when they find out Ponchel had been shot. In the opening battle scene, we see men getting mowed down by machine gun fire and artillery by the hundreds and we think nothing of it, because to the audience, they're just nameless soldiers. But later on, after having learned their names, seeing pictures of their wives, celebrated Christmas together, etc., we feel the impact of even just one man's death.
