MovieChat Forums > Hard Candy (2006) Discussion > this board is full of pedos

this board is full of pedos

yea there are so many butthurt pedos here.
get over urselfs. jeff was a sick pedo and so r u


This is just my Opinion(s) only, but: There are probably only a Few Literal pedophiles posting here. Quite a few more pedophile Sympathizers. But Mostly & Mainly; A Vast amount of CONFUSED Posters here. Confused about this films' plot/themes/ect. Confused about the definition of words & Many other things. I see Some who "get" this film, as in the plot & points of this film..but Several of this movies' questions/ect, simply Cannot Ever be answered. Many questions/ect can be & are, but some are purposefully ambiguous, because that's just how this script/film Is.

I understand this movie stirring up So Much confusion, debate, & such; I feel that's Exactly what the filmmakers Intended. That's one main reason even several people who don't even like the film, still finished it & probably didn't view watching it (once at least..) as a total "waste of time," from reading many of the posts. I think DEBATE; a healthy discussion of varying Opinions, in a Mature fashion, is a Great thing to do here with this movie (and any other movie or work of art..), & once again in My Opinion; was the filmmakers Itention. But an ARGUMENT; where people just post, often ignorant/childish/ect. opinions & statements (like the OP of this thread for example..) back & forth; but NO real proper discussion. That typically leads to Nobody thinking deeper about the subject (in this case, a Very "tricky" film..) in a way that makes you Think, makes you see things you never thought of, & just All the things Art is Meant to emotionally do to it's audience/listener/viewer/ect.

Arguing is typically only mindless emotions/opinions, usually set in Stone, where people Refuse to see Any other view or ideas, other than their Own. Which in Some cases is alright if that opinion is something that is (viewed by 99.9% of people) as a Fact, than opinion about a piece of art. Like pedophilia in this Current society is viewed by virtually most all humans, who are not a pedophile themself; as a vile & totally Unacceptable thing. A fact, at least a fact to myself & most everyone. Now a film/piece of art (that you may like or dislike; still is art; it's the viewers' Opinion if said art is good/bad/ect..) is still just art. I realize this specific film is going to bring up all kinds of heavy emotional response; but Why not Discuss and/or Debate this piece of art & our differing Opinions about it; rather than ignorantly Argue about it?

Just my thoughts & opinions; that's all.

~ @deadpopstar

-disappear here-


I wish you could upvote here. You are one of the very few sane ones.


This whole board needs to be burned down. Absolutely disgusting.


Definitely stay away from the message boards for young actors because it's shocking that there are so many adults posting the stuff. I mean, we know there are a lot out there in the world, but having it in you face and "witnessing" it is rage inducing. Granted you don't know if it's and adult or child, but viewing their post history can sometimes give you an age range. I went after one a couple years ago that was in his 20's and reported him (after I went off on him in the message boards) because the stuff he was posting on all these child actor boards was mind blowing.

I'm erasing you and I'm happy!



Well, you're here... so......


That's not true ; I'm not butt hurt.


So glad you wrote that! Way too many peoplle sympathizing with the guy -- just cuz he's the victim and it hurts their ego I guess


