MovieChat Forums > Charlotte's Web (2006) Discussion > Has anyone read the book?

Has anyone read the book?

It's really funny because I just finished reading Charlotte's Web (the book). I can't believe they're making a film of it. Well, it was a good read so it could be an okay film!

Has anyone else read it?


Don't buy a FUJITSU television!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If people (even young students) watch a little less TV and spend less time on the internet or playing video games, they can find time to read... even if that ammounts to just a half hour every day. Do your homework and cut down on some things like this and ta-da... a little time to read each day. :)

Trust me, it's worth it. A book is ALWAYS better than the movie based on it.

no thx. now i will not come back to the Charlottes web board (thx to some ppl) so you all can stop bothering me.

I luv Jesus and I luv Captain Jack!


all right look im srry...Can we all just be friends now and get past this. plz.

I luv Jesus and I luv Captain Jack!



thank you.

I luv Jesus and I luv Captain Jack!


I always feel like a traitor in the few instances I have to say this, but I actually liked the movie better than the book. In it, Wilbur always came off as a little whiny (but understandably so, since cry-if-a-leaf-falls-Fern raised him.) Charlotte was more stern and seemed to snip at him too often.

And the animated version is on some level of its own, but always a classic.

Every time you read this signature, an orphaned puppy gets fed into a meat grinder.



shut up. this is the last time i go on this board. At least i know im the bigger person by knowing i was right but apologizing anyway...

Power to the Crazy!!! GO PIRATES!


o, that remark was only said to the above person not to anyone who will accept my apology.

Power to the Crazy!!! GO PIRATES!


I just find this so horribly, incredibly sad. :(

I love to read, have always loved to read. My 20-month old daughter has a ton of books and is "trying" to read by following the text along with her finger (like I do when I read to her) and baby-talking.

I have read the book, more than once, when I was a kid. I never had to read it for a book report, but I think the teachers who DO make it required reading are awesome! Hehe. (try writing a book report on Hawthorne's works. Now THAT is boring. To me, anyway! hee!)

I'm sorry you have such a terrible time reading. I wish you more time and understanding in this activity. When you can read/write well, you'll be amazed at what you can do. Making informed choices in our lives is one of the SINGLE best things you can do for yourself. Reading is just a cornerstone of that!

You have nothing to be sorry for. I do have to say that if you decide to watch the movie and not read the book, be very careful of what you put in your report. As someone else said, the teacher will know if there are differences. Good luck!

"I'm scared of a lot of things; dogs, Dutchmen, the gathering darkness..."
-Abe Simpson


i was just joking about watching the movie instead u ppl seriously need to have a sense of humour, i never said i DONT read i just said i dont have alot of time to read. So now everyone needs to stop bothering me. Its none of anyones business, oh and Merry Christmas everyone!

Power to the Crazy!!! GO PIRATES! i love Jesus!


seriousley, who hasnt read the book?


Merry Christmas! Apology accepted.
I was in Junior High when I read my first book (for fun). It was The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks, and I haven't put books down since. Hammering the Pirate over the head with the goods and nessecity of reading will not make her understand the bennifits, but more likely push her away. Today is a sad state when Shakespear is no longer required reading for English Majors and Cyberspeak has made it's way into Resume's so I understand the lashback; you've said your peace, reading forces the mind to work (Imagination and thought) which keeps your wits nimble (i.e. like any muscle the more you work it, the stronger it gets) - I only hope that someday she finds the enjoyment of reading a good book like so many of us here have. (I can't sleep without reading first)

Haven't seen the movie and haven't read the book but am now seriously thinking of picking up the book and peeping the movie when it hits DVD.




I Agree Totally. I Am A HUGE reader and whenever we get an assignment where we have to read a book I practically shout with joy. The Charlottes Web Book Was an amzing read and im a boy (im not saying that no boys would agree with me) I think the casting was awful.Surely to god they could have found a better Fern than Dakota Fanning, I mean come on!!Julia Roberts? she was okay. Oprah Winfery?Should stay on her show but the rest Fantastic!! If anyone disagrres with me plzzzzzz dont start a riot like that other one lol

I you read and watch the book and movie, in your book report you could compare the movie to the book and write about the book alone. You would probably get good mark for extra "put-in"

Hola Everybody

The BozStar


nobody's going to hate you for dislikng the casting. hating reading is a much bigger matter.

All Knowledge Is Worth Having


Although anything serious on this post has long departed, perhaps we need something to ATTRACT us to reading. For me, it was my aunt's hardcover first edition of E.B.White's "Charlotte's web" that she lent my sister and me to read when we were 9 and 10 (I'm the younger one). That made me WANT to read the book. and over the years I've been attracted to books with unusual art or layouts on the covers, etc. That sometimes draws people into reading.

He died of exposure.
Not a pretty picture, Emily.


bloody fantastic movie and even better book

Life Sucks

reply claim you have too much homework to do things like read, and yet the simple book you've neen assigned is Charlotte's Web? ...what grade are you in?

All Knowledge Is Worth Having


I read Charlotte's web in Grade 1 I think. I just read it recently and it was just as good, which was unexpected because reading it when you're 6 is very different from reading it when you're 12.


I read Charlotte's Web a lot when I was younger but I can't remember it in good detail now. I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie this week though!! I'm hoping to read Charlotte's Web again before I go see the movie, just to refresh my memory a bit.

And really, there's really nothing wrong with seeing a movie before reading the book it's based on. I hadn't read the Harry Potter books before I saw the first movie (though I did immediately afterwards because I got hooked instantly lol and now I'm a HUGE fan.) And I also have not read the Eragon books, but I'd like to see the movie. Same thing happened with the Lemony Snicket movie. I hadn't read the books before I saw the film, but now I have read the entire series. If anything I think a lot of people get inspired to read the books just by seeing the films they're based on, or at least that's happened to me in many instances.


Movies based off of books are generally more enjoyable for those who haven't read the books prior to seeing the movie. The problem is that quite a few people feel that they've seen the movie, they don't need to read the book. If people don't mind missing out on a whole lot, that's fine. It's just a shame....

Head's up about Eragon, though: Read the book or else you will miss out on most of the storyline.


I read the book about 12 times between 4-5th grade, I loved it that much. And recently read it again so when I went to see the movie I got a refresher. Still is my favorite book of all time.


I'm 11, a very avid reader and I adore Charlotte's Web. It's wierd though because although I ADORE Dakpta Faning, I think she's an amazing actress and everything I think she was so so not right for the part of Fern. But everything else was good. I teared up when Charlotte died.. but it was a fairly happy ending.

The little boy who did the voice of Wilbur is very talented! Our teacher first read us Charlotte's Web in grade 3 and I was hooked. I read it at least once every few months, just because I love it so much.


I had the book set of Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, and The Trumpet of the Swan. I reread them until they fell apart. I always read the book first, and then see the movie. BTW, I've never seen a movie that was better than the book. It never looks the way I envision it. I'm taking my niece to see this tomorrow so I hope it's good.


Growing up it ws one of my three favorite books and I read it 23 times. I've always considered it far superior to (the same author's) Stuart Little.

“And I must have a cricket bat!”


This one lost its way almost as soon as the (wonderful) introductory credits were over. My full review's posted in the film's comments.


Yes, I've read Charlotte's Web and Trumpet of the Swan. They're both INCREDIBLE books. I haven't read Stuart Little yet though. I should read it soon.


I read the book at school when I was about seven. I remember liking it at the time but I've since completely forgotten the whole plot other than there was a spider, a runt pig and a little girl.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


My mom bought it for me at 12. I really cherished that book as a kid.


Read by the author himself. My granddaughter (age 5) does not read well yet, but loves the IPOD audio book version.


I had read this book before
