MovieChat Forums > Charlotte's Web (2006) Discussion > Has anyone read the book?

Has anyone read the book?

It's really funny because I just finished reading Charlotte's Web (the book). I can't believe they're making a film of it. Well, it was a good read so it could be an okay film!

Has anyone else read it?


Yes, I have read the book. And actually, there was already an animated version of it long before this movie was made.


hey i am doin a book report on this book and now i might not read it at all and just go and see the movie! YAY FOR CUTTING CORNERS!

If u luv Jesus Christ and r 100% proud of it, copy this and make it ur signature! I luv Capt. Jack!


that would be really stupid, it is a classic. read it just to read it whether you are doing a book report or not.

Plus there was an animated movie made a LONG time ago. Do you not know that?

"I not say, get sick nuts Endlessenigma"
-Ozzman Warwick


'that would be really stupid, it is a classic. read it just to read it whether you are doing a book report or not.

Plus there was an animated movie made a LONG time ago. Do you not know that?'

No duh........But I have better things to do than read unlike u maybe.

If u luv Jesus Christ and r 100% proud of it, copy this and make it ur signature! I luv Capt. Jack!



I loved the book and would love to see the movie. But I just can't get over the spider thing - which, as we know, is a pretty big part of the book. When I read it as a child, I had to pretend Charlotte was something else! Darn these phobias!


I read it when I was a kid in school, I thought everyone did.
It was back in like the 2nd grade though.



Judging by your spelling skills, I can't think of anything better for you to do than read. E. B. White is a good place to start.

I have read the book many times, though it's been several years since the last time I read it. I've never been too enthusiastic about the old movie. It strayed too far from the book, the animation was terrible, and the songs grated on my nerves. With the release of the new movie, the old animated movie is being sold cheap as a DVD bundled with the book, so I may pick it up anyway.


Quote: "Judging by your spelling skills, I can't think of anything better for you to do than read. E. B. White is a good place to start."

I've got to hand it to you, that was genuinely funny! Agreed ;)

Stewie for Governor!


I didn't have a problem with the animation when the movie first came out. I grew up without CGI or any sort of special effects. Also, I had seen many Saturday morning cartoons which featured much worse quality animation. That's probably why I'm less picky. However, one thing this movie has going for it is that there was an attempt to make the animals look reasonably realistic, instead of anthromorphizing them. For example, Wilbur actually looked like a pig instead of a person with piggish features. That was a little unusual at the time.


You do realize that the same type of people who write books also write screenplays? Like, say, "Pirates of the Caribbean"?

And that actors - like say, Johnny Depp - actually READ those screenplays before they take the part?

Reading is rarely a waste of time. (Perhaps money, but not time, but that's what the library is for.) If nothing else, by reading something poorly written you learn to appreciate the things that are well written.


crazypirategurl ... i can't help but notice your signature line ... and it brings to mind one question. what would jesus do? read the book for the book report? or cut corners and watch a movie instead?





How sad. You are the future of our country. I like that you quote Jesus but I assume you are too busy to read the Bible. Maybe you are waiting for the movie?


Someday, when you grow up, you will understand the wonder and mental adventure of reading a book. I hope, for your sake, you grow up sooner than later. As for "having better things to do," I'd like to know what these "better" things are, for the sake of an informed arguement.


honestly dear, reading is healthy. I just got back into reading and I missed it. It may seem stupid now, but later you will be thankful that you did so.



imbecile-reading is one of greatest accomplishments humans can do-please dont breed


The single greatest accomplishment (and the only meaningful one) is achieving happiness.
Reading (or almost any other activity involving sitting in a chair alone, like wasting time on a computer, watching TV) is something that gets you away from happiness. Happiness comes from being outside in the world doing work and having relationships with real physical people.
Don't fool yourself.


wow-youre beyond ignorant. Reading which is sharing of ideas is WHY we have advanced and are able to be happy in the first place! Are you still a child?


The book weighs in at a not-so-whopping 192 pages. It's not as if you were assigned "War and Peace" (1,424 pages) or "The Agony and The Ecstasy" (776 pages).

Even more recent books for kids (of all ages) are substantially longer than this: the shortest "Harry Potter" book (Sorceror's Stone) is 320 pages and the longest (Order of the Phoenix} is 870 pages; the two "Eragon" books are 544 and 704 pages respectively.

I would suggest you read "Charlotte's Web", especially as it appears a few things have been changed in the movie to update it from the time it was set (the 1950's). While you're at it, read the other two in the usual E.B. White box set: "Stuart Little" (144 pages) and "The Trumpet of the Swan" (272 pages). All of the books are well worth reading.

If nothing else, you might discover that correct grammar and spelling are an integral part of storytelling....


It's a fabulous book, I read it when I was 8 =D I'm now 18 and I still remember it!


I dont really give a care how to spell. yall clearly dont kno wat acronyms r. thts how stupid u guys r.

If u luv Jesus Christ and r 100% proud of it, copy this and make it ur signature! I luv Capt. Jack!


just easier to be a stupid sheep and follow Jebus, huh? and you arent using acronym correctly, you pitiful ignoramus-an acronym is an abbreviation of several words that make a word-like PETA


I dont really give a care how to spell. yall clearly dont kno wat acronyms r. thts how stupid u guys r. And i already knew all about screenplays i still have a life. And better things to do than read a book. Now shut up!

If u luv Jesus Christ and r 100% proud of it, copy this and make it ur signature! I luv Capt. Jack!


Hmm - very adult rebuttal. Guess there's not a whole lot to say to that.

I'm sorry you don't "give a care" how to spell. You'll find people agreeing with you more often if you can be more clearly understood.

Hope you enjoy the movie!


You clearly don't know what acronyms are, since there aren't any in your post...


LMAO! ;)


ooooh I love it! I love watching people trying to set the younger generation straight. I'm 21, but if my younger sister ever said anything as retarded as homegirl's post up there I would knock upside the head. Well done :-) Kudos even. Now i'm going to lie down and get back to my book. "World War Z" by Max Brooks LOL


actually, we DO know what an acronym is ... "a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words". i.e., USA = United States of America.

what you are using, my dear little christian with a horrible attitude, is considered VERY POORLY used cyberspeak, mixed with early elementary spelling and grammar.


I think you lost her at "actually" -- too adult.

Ring the bell, close the book, quench the candle.


I don't mind posts like yours. You make me feel talented.

Worth noting; If education was ignored you wouldn't have any films to watch.

Stewie for Governor!



rsvp is an abbreviation



That's ok little girl, you don't have to read the book. Go right ahead and cheat.

Just so you know, the movie isn't as faithful to the book as you think, so if you mention scenes from the movie that were not in the book, your teacher will know, and you'll be the stupid one.

Oh, and by the way, you're the one who doesn't know what an acronym is.


Au contraire, Crazy Pirate. I think you're confusing acronyms and abbreviations. Nothing wrong with using them when they're called for. But how much more difficult is it to write out the word *you* than to just put the letter *u*?

And please *do* read Charlotte's Web! It was one of my favorites as a child, and you just might enjoy it too if you try reading it. And really, as another poster said, it's not that long, so when you're done with it, you can go out and do those "better things" of which you speak. Even though reading is a pretty darn good thing to do. Never hurts to improve your mind.



I do know what acronyms are, which is why I can tell you that what you write aren't acronyms, they're misspelled words. If you don't care how to spell and are too lazy to do it correctly, that's certainly your business, but don't be offended when people don't take you seriously because of it. You're free to make your own choices in how you live your life, but you're not free from people's opinions of you for how you lead it. How you live your life is an expression of who you are, and you will be judged for it, like it or not. That's just part of life. Get used to it. If you act immaturely, expect to be treated as such.

As someone with the benefit of age, I can assure you that on the contrary, there are few things better to do than read a book. Reading isn't a time out from life, or take away from it. It gives dimension to life through what you take away from it. When you finally realize that what lies in those books you shun is the wisdom of people who have lived life and know what it means, you'll be the happier--and more mature--for it.

As for not wanting to read Charlotte's Web for school, I can tell you that the movie doesn't follow the book, so if you don't read the book, it's very possible you'll be questioned about things you don't learn from the movie. If you're hoping I'll tell you what's different, please continue.


"I dont really give a care how to spell. yall clearly dont kno wat acronyms r. thts how stupid u guys r. And i already knew all about screenplays i still have a life. And better things to do than read a book. Now shut up! "

You are a sad product of today's school system. Dakota Fanning, who is only 12, shows more maturity and intelligence than you seem be showing on this board and you know what? I bet she spells better than you. You seem to be taking great pride in your stupidity and igrnorance. Grow up little girl, grow up.


"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." ~ Walt Disney

I'd bet even Captain Jack Sparrow couldn't argue with Walt on that one! (And we do all love Capt. Jack!) Please, do yourself a favor and read the book. It'll be one of the best experiences of your life. AND believe me, this movie is NO replacement for the book!


This movie is NO replacement for the book, trust me! And you'll be doing yourself a favor if you read it, so go for it!!!!




I love the book and I love the animated film!! As corny as it may sound I cry every time I see/read the animated movie/book.


duh and who hasnt read the book (A.K.A. Charlottes Web)

Will " i go in and chop down anyone in my way"
Jack " i like it. Simple. easy to remember"


yes! had to read it in 5th grade


Just made a post about taking a grade 5 class to see the pre-screening today because they won a Charlotte's Web contest. They made a claymation trailer of Charlotte's Web and did the script, shooting, voice over and editing all by themselves. Of course they all read the book.

At the end of the movie, I asked what they thought. Most of them thought it was good but not as good as the book. Of course they couldn't say exactly why they felt that way. I guess everyone has a different vision in their head when they read the book and the movie can never quite live up to it. They did say they thought Templeton isn't as cool, and Fern (Dakota Fanning) wasn't quite right. The spider spinning web in CG impressed them though.

No student cried but one of the teachers needed tissues badly. :)

For those that are reading the book or already read it, our website for discussing school reading program books is just being launched and Charlotte's Web is one of the main titles. Feel free to discuss the book here


I read the book WAY back in elementary school with my class and enjoyed it somewhat, but as for the movie I'm curious and skeptical about that Dakota girl. Does she scream in this movie? Because if head is going to explode in irritating rage.



AMEN! I love Dakota! She is very talented.


"I'm so tired of people hating Dakota because of her role in "War of the Worlds". Don't you people realize that all the screaming she did wasn't HER choice, she was doing what the SCRIPT told her to do. Blame the annoyance of the screams (which didn't bug me much by the way) on the writers and Spielberg and NOT Dakota."---

Scander3, I agree. Besides, when you're a little girl and your town is being invaded by aliens on tripods your natural tendency would be to scream.


Charlotte's Web was one of my favourite books as a child & the original animated film was the first I ever owned on video. It's terrific! I'm frightened of spiders though, so while I can cope with a cartoon spider, a real/CGI one doesn't appeal. The original has been played many times & I still cry! Excellent voicework & joyful songs. Simple, delightful artwork. I prefer that to the modern CGI films like Shrek. It doesn't need a remake. By all means, see the new one, but check out the original (& best!) The Sheep Pig was also a childhood favourite & that meant I was disappointed by Babe. There were some sweet moments in there, but it departed too much from the original work. They even changed the title! I hated the addition of a horrid family & the fact that Babe bit a sheep. Plus many other quibbles. The book is always best, but sometimes it can produce a good film too. But I wish they wouldn't make unnecessary changes. Read the book first.



I agree! I'm in my 20's now and it's *still* one of my favorite books ever!

Has it turned anyone off bacon?


A more apt thread would be "Has anyone not read the book?"


Somebody could do a book about all the references to the novel. Madeline L'Engle's _Meet the Austins_ features a young girl who gives up eating meat "because of Wilbur", and in one of the Wayside School books a student cries at the end of the story. A reviewer said that the Babe books and movies could also be considered tributes.


I've seen the cartoon countless times, read the book for the first time this year, saw the new movie, and loved all three.

Formerly rose-lisa

My name's Andy

Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men?


The Sheep Pig was also a childhood favourite & that meant I was disappointed by Babe... I hated the addition of a horrid family & the fact that Babe bit a sheep. Plus many other quibbles. He didn't bite a sheep. He was thought to have bitten a sheep, when in fact a pack of wild dogs had done that. It was just for some added tension in the plot.



I got the message that it's a funny coincidence that they happened to read the book for the first time without knowing that the movie was about to come out.


"It's my favorite children's book (even above Harry Potter and Beverly Cleary's books)."

Interesting bit of info for everyone....did you know that E.B.White did not know whether to publish CW for adults or children? And that it is considered one of the most beautifully written books in literature? It is one of my favorite books as well!


I loved the book


I've read the book, and I loved this movie!

Ben Grimm forever!


y do ppl keep bothering me bout tht. I wasnt talking to anyone but endlessenigma None of the kids i know (counting me) can even find time to read with all the homework we have to do. SO STOP BOTHERING ME AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

I luv Jesus and I luv Captain Jack!



I agree unequivically. As a future teacher (of high school English and history) I am preparing for the challenge of instilling great reading habits and life-long learning attitudes in my pupils. Sadly, the average student is too preoccupied with their social lives or the next episode of the O.C. to take what I have to say with any seriousness.

I make time to read every day, even if it's only ten minutes before I drift off to sleep. I've never regretted putting off watching TV for indulging in a book, or staying up a little later than I should to get another chapter or two read. It seems to me that it's just a matter of skewed priorities for the youth of today.


I absolutely love watching people encouraging others to read! Its great :-) it warms me up. Keep up the good work..and if i type another note such as this one I will have a book thrown at me lol


probably doesn't have time to read a book cause she's on a street corner....
