MovieChat Forums > House M.D. (2004) Discussion > Why would House only tell Foreman he was...

Why would House only tell Foreman he was alive?



He was screwing with him by putting his badge there, but it wasn't proof of life. House could have easily put the badge there prior to him going off to the abandoned building simply because he was being an ass and knew he was out of job... The better question is if he didn't do it prior to going off to the building where he faked his death, why would he risk the whole skeme by going back to the hospital where everyone working there knew him and he would almost certainly been seen?


I always thought that out of the entire run of the show, Foreman was the only Dr. that House had any respect for outside of Wilson. House planned to fake his death in the building and left a very subtle hint beforehand to Foreman knowing he would keep it to himself. Like you said, it wasn't proof of life but House counted on Foreman to figure out it's meaning.


Because House was a very unrealistic show.


True. A documentary it is not.


Are there any shows that really are realistic? Honestly if you make a show about anyone in the most exciting career it is still going to be boring as hell if it is realistic. The typical weekly show about a SWAT team or firefighters is always crammed full of action when in reality most of those folks aren't doing shit most of the time they are working. They may be doing paper work or sitting outside a courtroom waiting to be called to give 10 minutes of testimony. Or just waiting playing cards in a fire station waiting for that once in a blue moon fire, or pissing away time driving to some old person's house where the person has fallen and can't get up.

I don't think anyone really expects shows to be truly realistic, it would be about as entertaining as watching paint dry.
