12 years on...

...and the passage of time only marks this out more as the blatant utter rubbish it is. I believe that Winterbottom is a bisexual, and in my opinion he made this 'film' merely to fulfil a megalomaniac fantasy of watching two hot young actors (to him) have real sex on camera. I bet he was masturbating in the director's chair.


I don't know. On paper I can understand how the idea behind the movie could have been very interesting. Trying to capture the very intense sensory experience of being in a different country and in a relationship--the sex and the concerts and everything else. To me the movie seemed to be reaching for that very specific dreaminess of being in a loud concert or experiencing close physical intimacy. I like the idea that this movie could represent how one of the people in the movie would remember it: flashes of sweaty concert dance pits and quickie sex and strip clubs.

Ultimately the movie didn't work for me. The sex scenes were stranded between detachment and eroticism, as if the movie couldn't decide if the viewer was supposed to be clinically observing it or being turned on by it. I didn't really connect with either of the characters on an emotional level, so it was difficult for me to be invested in the course of their relationship.

Despite all of the sex I didn't get a perv vibe from the movie. I feel that there was an intention behind the movie, even if it didn't pan out.

In at least two of his other works (Butterfly Kiss, Code 46) Winterbottom seems very interested by the idea of how sexual chemistry/intimacy clash against the emotional health of a romantic relationship.


The sex scenes were stranded between detachment and eroticism, as if the movie couldn't decide if the viewer was supposed to be clinically observing it or being turned on by it.

The actors are both "acting" and actually having intercourse, but it kind of seems like they're not actually having sex.

I wonder if there's some side effect of a film like this, where despite the actors willing engagement in the sex I wonder if the acting aspect and the artificiality of making a film doesn't result in some level of detachment by the actors. They really are engaging in intercourse but they're somehow not fully engaged in the sex.

Both have the full experience of the physical sensations but they're not actually fully experiencing it.


I agree, I diminishing the real sex this film wouldn't even be known. In fact it's kind of obscure even with the sex. The movie is boring too.
