The movie is deplorable

Not only is it poorly directed but in real life her parents but their severely disabled daughters life at risk by having her go to University. A girl paralyzed from the chin down on a ventilator is not fit for university. She could have died even with her Mom as care taker a person like this realistically needs 24/7 nursing care with multiple staff.

There is about a million complications with this type of paralysis and ventilators malfunction constantly resulting in death. This movie is deplorable for giving a false and dangerous expectation for the severely disabled.


Everyone is entitled to take risks, if they think that it makes life worth living.

And yes, if I were severely disabled, I'd think that getting out of the fucking house for once would be worth risking my life, and getting out of the house to do something actually interesting was worth dying for.


Her disability is bad enough!

Brooke was entitled to experience a normal life the best way she can. If going to regular school/university with regular friends is what she wanted, why take it away from her?

If there were any complications that caused her to die, at least she'd have the satisfaction of accomplishing things! That's what made her story well known and why this movie was even made.
