MovieChat Forums > War of the Worlds (2005) Discussion > Dakota Fanning is so annoying

Dakota Fanning is so annoying

Every single thing she says or does makes me want to rip her head off.

Every time she screams I cringe.

Even her face is annoying.

"I want mom. I want mom. Take me to mom! I WANT MOMMMMMMM!!!"


God damn shut up!!!!!!

I give her the vote for most annoying character ever.

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads...


I was just re-wathing this and came here to write the same thing. That little prick of a son was also annoying, but nothing like Dakota Fanning. Thank goodness we don't have to watch her grating little girl self in movies any more.


Umm ... Have you ever stopped long enough to consider the fact that she was merely speaking the lines that were in the script, or the fact that she was doing what the director told her to do? Try blaming the person who wrote the script, as well as the director. They're to blame for those annoying moments. Aren't they?

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."


Robbie was the most annoying to me
I loved DF in Man on Fire, but this film..
Not so much. I blame the director because
she's obviously talented.


A slapping comes to mind . Call me capt. Slapper !


I agree. Her character was annoying.

First of all, she screams with that high pitched scream too much.

Secondly, she is nothing but a burden on the family trying to survive and escape.

The last straw for me was when she ran out of the crazy man's house --- Why !!! Her father was risking his life to save her and all she can do is be annoying? Her father was successful in hiding her from the one eyed probe and the aliens. Her father just killed the crazy guy. He then decapitates the one eyed probe. All to save her. And so what does she do? SHE RUNS OUTSIDE !!!

Why !!! It was complete mayhem outside. The aliens were conducting a literal scorched earth policy. The trees had no leaves. There was no grass. Everything was burned. There were dead bodies everywhere. There was blood everywhere. The military was losing to the aliens.

At least there was a semblance of security in the crazy guy's house. And her father was in there. Why did she run outside? Thanks to her, she was captured and her father was captured. Stupid retard !!! Her character is the kind of character that deserves to be captured and killed by the aliens. She was nothing but an annoying burden. I wanted her to die. I might have killed her myself if I was in their minivan.


Her father had just killed the probe after the probe spotted her. Of course the aliens will be coming to the house to search for them, that's why she ran out. She should have ran out with her father but when you're freaked out you often do unexpected things.

And no Dakota was not annoying. The only character I found annoying was that mechanic who refused to get into the car, it was like he was completely oblivious to what was happening around him.


A burden????? She’s f*****g 8 or 10!
When we get attacked at war then and your trying to escape god help your kids cos u will think of yourself cos ur kids will be see as a burden. What a pathetic asshole




She was braver than most people. She’s a child!!!!


The original WotW movie didn't have kids, and that's why it's BETTER.


Yes it may be better but why would you slag off a kid doing what’s she’s meant to do. What if she read this and sees everybody calling her dreadful and wishing she had died. Geeeez


I hope she does.


"I was just re-wathing this and came here to write the same thing. That little prick of a son was also annoying"

It was intentional. That scene where they are in the van trying to escape from NYC was great. "Rachel would you just shut up!"..."Fold your arms. This is your safe space." Great scene.


Yes great bit of parental advice to ur little 8 yr old baby girl who is petrified. You tell her to SHUT UP!!! Shaking my head in disbelief


Take it easy, chick. They are commenting on the character, not the actual kid. You do realize this is a movie. It's make believe.


I actually kinda liked how salty she was in her come backs. " I'm allergic to peanut butter" " Since when?!"... " Birth".

I didn't much like the teen son though. It would have been nice to have kept him with the group so we could see mature.


You are pathetic!!!!! She’s reading lines for gods sake, what part of that don’t you get bloody hell. She’s also a kid doing an amazing job, not some idiot picking holes in a child rather amazing performance. I give you the vote for the most pathetic comment ever!!!!


(slaps Kellymariekitty1 very hard across the face) SHUT UP! YOU'RE HYSTERICAL!!


Punches your lights out for insulting a child!! Your an idiot!!!


(shoots Kellymariekitty1 stone dead) End of argument. I win.


Come back as a ghost and haunts your ass until I drive you to suicide. wooooooooooharharhar I win!


That was fun!

I still don't like this film, not just because of her, but for other weird moments, too. I can't quite remember them all, I haven't seen it for many, many years.


I love the film, I’ll let the slap go then since you said this was fun 😊 I’m discussing predator with Arnie now if you want to slap me some more on there hahahahaha
