MovieChat Forums > A Scanner Darkly (2006) Discussion > Please release a version without the ani...

Please release a version without the animation.

I love Philip K. Dick, I also happen to really enjoy this book, however the film is unwatchable.
A version without the animation would be great, as far as the suits go it can be handled composting, the animation was not needed for such a effect.


i agree. or hire better animators.


I've taken mushrooms a few times and the rotoscoping in this movie is the closest I have come to feeling like I am on a drug while watching something and that made it really powerful for me. loved the hell out of the style, want to try to do something similar myself one day but for the man hours involved. seeing the style was also the reason I first watched this movie (and keanu reeves cause he is cool) otherwise I never would have seen this.


I love Philip K. Dick, I also happen to really enjoy this book, however the film is unwatchable.
A version without the animation would be great, as far as the suits go it can be handled composting, the animation was not needed for such a effect.

Basically what you're saying is, "CONFORM!"

Horror Rock Book


Basically what he is saying is make a movie that doesn't require you to be or have been stoned to enjoy.


I have to agree with the OP. I found the animation so distracting that I stopped watching after about 20 minutes. Even as I did so I thought it was a shame because plotwise it was developing really nicely and seemed quite intriguing.

Just personal taste, I guess. The animation seems to have really worked for some people but it was a real turn-off for me.


if the animation was "distracting" you, then it must have intrigued your right hemisphere...maybe you should listen to her every now and then instead of letting Lefty dominate...


I feel as if this is the equivalent of wishing The Artist would be color and have people talking.

Distracting as it is, I don't think this was just an add-on to the movie, it was ingrained into the story itself. Also, those scramble suits would have looked ridiculous if it weren't for rotoscoping.


I agree with you and the OP. I can appreciate good animated movies, but the way the rotoscoping was done was a major distraction to me. Other movies such as "Fight Club", "Jacob's Ladder" and "Memento" have dealt with similar mind altering themes without resorting to such a distracting gimmick. If the creators were intent on making it an animated movie, then they should have chosen a better animation technique such as that done by Studio Ghibli.


I'm also in with "the animation was distracting crowd". I'm not one for cartoons, regardless if the effect was supposed to make it feel detached from reality.


no, the animation added to the drug addled feeling of the film


Yeah, the movie looks cheap.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.


No, the movie looks expensive.


The acting would be too difficult, a real movie would either be ridiculously expensive or a flop, and likely both.


completely agree! when I saw the film I said to myself who is the "genius" behind this?!! The animation (and the style the director choose) broke the movie, this is my opinion (I couldn't see the entire film).
