This movie has issues

So losing your luck automatically makes you stupid? When Lindsay Lohan loses all her good luck she starts doing some really dumb stuff. For example, not cleaning a contact lens after dropping it in kitty litter. She did some other things equally as bad or worse but I can't remember them because the whole pathetic movie was making me so angry.

She seemed calm, collected and intelligent at the start of the movie but once she gets unlucky it's like her IQ drops 20 points and causes her to act like a ditz.


Well the movie is for humour
Its a comedy afterall
In a movie there has to be ditzy moments, but i agree her IQ didn't have to drop like 20 points.
She did have some good moments in the movie she didn't always act stupid.
Anyways i think it was fine, Lindsay Lohan did a gr8 job.



I guess so. Who was the intended audience anyway?


Well i am guessing it was a PG rated film
It has kissing, touching scenes
So i would guess between the ages of 9-18
It could be higher coz i was 20 in 2006 and i loved it
It depends i don't think in film there is ever an intended age group



There's always a target market.


It was meant for teens maybe? I dunno, it was pretty light, and kinda cute. I forgave most of the flaws in the movie cuz of Chris Pine...

If you are afraid of losing, then you daren't win. - Bjorn Borg


I wouldn't say losing her luck automatically made her stupid. Maybe she did stupid stuff all the time, but because of her constant good luck there was never any repercussions. More maybe she's had good luck in her life for so long that she never learned what's stupid and what's not.



Sounds about right...its like the Laws of of the messages in the film was positivity....that and the fantasy element of a Luck Gene!

Face it was fun!!!!

I'm smiling, that alone should worry you....


Actually if you are clumsy people assume you are stupid. If everything falls apart around you, especially when you are used to it being perfect would you not be surprised and thrown by it?
It isn't that her IQ drops it's that she becomes uncomfortable in her own skin and everything starts going wrong. However she still manages to think.
Charachter wise that part works very well. Think again, from her persepective.

"Me? I know I'm a freak"


Yeah, I don't think she became stupid upon losing her luck, it's just that she had some reckless moments because she had gotten so used to succeeding all the time that she took it for granted that nothing she does ever has negative consequences and had become quite smug, without realizing it. By the end of the film she wisens up, accepts her vulnerabilities and sees the value of hard work and she does end up giving up her luck anyway, and will go back to her old job living a regular life.


She also dropped the hair dryer in the bathtub and then turned the water on, that was a really dumb move.


It was meant to be funny, I'd say if your watching a comedy and your growing angrier by the minute, either your watching the wrong type of movie or you've got real anger management issues.... As for this particular movie, I thought it was a pretty decent comedy and I've watched it more than once... But... I'm also a Lindsay Lohan fan too so, I like them all, I can't wait for her new release this year... : )


i agree she acted stupid when she lost her luck and at first she was so intelligent, but i suppose that its implied that she was only getting where she wanted because she had luck which is the biggest load of BS ever but it is comedy and cant be taken that seriously, for all we know the unlucky side of her is the real side.
i dont know.


Lohan would likely do all that for real. She does not have the sense to pull her head in when she closes a window!

Think you can outrun the world? (Barbossa)


Just what I thought when I caught the movie the other day.

------Jesus loves you, but only as a friend.------


you guys really have issues and no sense of humor

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


I agree somewhat like working as a janitor in heels or going to a coffee shop when she's dirty and with no money instead of going to her friends apartment. And btw missing a day's meal isn't enough to steal bacon from another person's plate in front of everyone.
